/slav/ - /cлaв/

Jugoslavensko izdanje

Other urls found in this thread:


1. za laku noć

Drugi za Boga, za crkvu

Бля, чyвaк, кoтopый coздaл в чaт в тeлeгe, ты пoхoдy нe paзpeшил ocтaльным пocтить



Hello, Pekka Chang

first for, help serbia live a better life


Why did you ask? Nah, I am not.

Can you explain more? I tried to not sound high and then also listened to it but I did not hear anything that sounded high, please explain

Zasto je bijelorusija uopce dala srbiji nezavisnost?

Dunno, you just sounded a little bit like neet. Don't mind

ovaj put sam koristio email ivana horvata

Jebao je Sofiju Loren,a njezin muz je morao da ceka u cekaonici.


follow the link

Bazirani /his/toricar

Dobar mem! Mogu li ga posuditi na par trenutaka?Zauzvrat cu ti dati ovu perzijsku kurcozderku.

I dunno. A friend sounds kinda like that when I call him and he is high.

Btw this is an interesting experiment to discover our languages phonologies. Especially the Russian's sounded very East Slavic (nerdy text ends)

>13 Vladimir Putin [Pycијa] St. Petersburg
>17 Vladimir Putin [Pycијa] Moskva
Vyględa tako, da někto už ne može čekati

Drugovi, vrijeme je!


oa mi hrvati smo prakticki perzijanci tak da moze

FSB, please, stop that telegram

aj baš hahahah
kakve gljive ti jedeš doma

Na slican nacin je kopulirao i sa Elizabeth Taylor.

svrsio sam
sad mogu ic spavat

Is it wrong to like FSB?

I am disabled and spend a lot of my time at home desu, also shy to talk a bit, but I do help my parents with office work and will start to study IT this september so not a total leech.


Nemoj sad e tek pocinje trebas nam inace postoje sanse da ovi organiziraju nekakav coup

Alo, alo, e??!?!?!!! Nema vise engleskog ovdje, ova karta je na snazi

jebi se,podsjetio si me da sam gladan

Hah! Dobar potez, ali ga ipak moram kontrirati sa ovom kartom!

is there really only one slovak in here

Ej druže žao mi je što to čujem, zbog čega si invalid ako smijem prositi?

dobar tek tebi i tvojima

sjebo ga život
pozdravi doma :3


Ja ti tų kartų u dupu zaphnų, jestli ješče raz dostaš

čim se probude trčim haha

I wish you the best it in your future endeavors.

aj nemoj previse animepederisati, moramo se drzati standarda na nasem /ex-yu/

nije smjesno zao mi ga je, covjek je mozda stvarno invalid a tu je bas dobar prema nama

što si se usro brate ruse vi ste uvijek dobrodošli u našim ex-yu tredovima, vi ste valjda jedini stranci koje mi volimo

Is that your real name? Svetovid

ej alo da se anime gledao jugoslavija bi dan danas postojala

Is my Polishbro who would host me in Krakow here?

Hi to you all.

Not even bosnians are that stupid to put their real name on Sup Forums

malo znana cinjenica je da je prije slobodana milosevica anime bio stvaran, ali on ga je pretvorio u nesto fiktivno

momki sta je sa engleskim pa ovo je sad ex-yu

ni nisam se šalio već je pričo šta mu je al ne mogu se sjetit imena bolesti,kosti ruku su mu prekratke

jao, a dobro mogle je biti i gore valjda, moze barem hodati to je najvaznije


I remember explaining it to 1 Croat guy on Sup Forums, basically my hands are twisted but here is the scientific name en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthrogryposis . I can type with 1 finger on PC and even handwrite with a pen, but many daily tasks are impossible to do without help.

In russian it slang for weak, fool man

what about you?

da,al se ne može oblačit sam
>I remember explaining it to 1 Croat guy on Sup Forums
yup that was me

that's sad, bruh
can you fap at least?

A dobro, možeš hodati barem, to je dobro
Ima li kakva operacija za to?
I što ucis iz IT?

Probably. The other one is the one who stalks threads I post into and thinks he is funny.


I am pretty sure Dodik could eat Putin for breakfast

Why yes, life does seem better in Belarus.

Hahahahaha kakav manlet
Sad ce putin odma angazirat nekakav KGB da me sre-

btw there are a lot of slovaks in my town and around it,actually their center in croatia is in my town and they are all really short like 170 for the men,...anyways im gonna go to sleep now good night,stay safe


Well, I will be starting on STU (Slovak Technical University) and the first year will be math heavy as I do not have Maturita from Maths.

I start on 12th september.

Thanks man.
And heh, I am 172 cm.


>I start on 12th september.
Srećno :3

oh ok this is surname of your leader

prepare your anus

Come to Serbia

There's about 60 000 slovaks in Vojvodina

annex us belarus please ;(

Ako dovoljno ljudi potpise to oce stvarno otic u medije?

I have to look up surgery options desu, but I already had them on legs when I was 1yo (otherwise I would not even walk, now I can walk several km), but I know it was not possible recently as hands are a lot more delicate than legs and there is a risk I might end up even worse off

You can beat south slavs at height Ivan

Vucic and Dodik aren't even considered particularly tall for these parts and yet the dwarf putin and that guy.

Pojdem ja spati. Do zautra, brate.


Poslacu email svim medijima sa linkom do peticije

Jedva ce cekati da objave nesto protiv nove vlade.

Jebem mu mater gle kolika gramada ovaj Dodikj

Žao mi je, ali želi ti svu sreću ako budeš išao na operaciju))

koliko vucic ima? bice nekih 2m, ne vise? znaci da putin ima, sto, 175cm i to previse receno? ahahahahahahahah

>You can
>You can't


mogu stati tri putina u njega :D

koliko planiras imat glasova prije nego sto posaljes?

ja imam dinamicku ip adresu mogu ti svaki dan kad potpisivat

hey slavs

hey Bobby

Vucic je 199cm

Pa ono planiram bar nekih 10 000

There still lives ?

the ghost of our grandpas ...?

Hey, help Serbia

дeвyшкa кpacaвицa ты мнe oчeнь нpaвишьcя
У мeня ecть тpи жeны a чeтвёpтoй бyдeшь ты :3

The word of our grandfathers


Thanks family

koliko ste retardirani
autizam poraste subotom
vodimo ljubav a ne rat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Díky chorvátsky bratu.

I would like to visit Serbia sometime. I saw a little video on Youtube about the Slovak community there and a Serbian penfriend sent me some photos of your nature.

Btw people, post your countries words for these, I think it will make understanding easier:

What? - Čo?
Who? - Kto?
Whom? - Komu?
Whose? - Čí?
Where? - Kde?
When? - Kedy?

>What? - Čo?
>Who? - Kto?
>Whom? - Komu?
Komu / Kome
>Whose? - Čí?
>Where? - Kde?
>When? - Kedy?

Here you go))

What? - Kako?
Who? - Koliko?
Whom? - Kaka?
Whose? - Konj?
Where? - Kanta?
When? - Keks?


Nisam bacio dobru memu vec 20min

čo is so sweet desu :3
I used to date Russian girl, she was saying it often kek

nije istina baš ti je dobra ova al sad ce jadan slovak mislit da se hrvatski i srpski razlikuju a on bas voli jezike, zao mi ga je malo sto si ga sjebo

she is dumb hilly billy))

>What? - чтo
>Who? - ктo
>Whom? - кoмy
>Whose? - чьё
>Where? - гдe
>When? - кoгдa

Kaj ?
Ko ?
Komu/Kome ?

she is from podmoskovie, not sure if that counts as hilly billy kek

What? - Kaj?
Who? - Kdo?
Whom? - Komu?
Whose? - Čígavo?
Where? - Kje?
When? - Kdaj?


Btw How in Serbocroatian is Kako or Kao?

Skok Slovenca u Zvorniku s mosta u Drinu i nije izronio!

>using "cho" is somehow hilly billy
What century do you live in? XIX?

you can be uneducated bydlo even lived in center of Moscow


Kao is something like, like

Kako, also this in in kajkavian dialect of serbocroatian

>What? - Čo?
>Who? - Kto?
Tko / Ko
>Whom? - Komu?
>Whose? - Čí?
>Where? - Kde?
>When? - Kedy?


The "Keks" kinda gave it away as a joke.