Do you consider Quebecois Canadian?

Do you consider Quebecois Canadian?

I don't.

Other urls found in this thread:

Well they're technically on Canadian soil so yeah, in name.

Yes. About as Canadian as Ontario really. Which is to say not very fucking Canadian at all.

they chose wrong

let them forever lay under your iron fist

Ontarians are infinitely more Canadian than these scum

Haha kys you fucking maritime or western shit

Upper and Lower Canada aka Ontario and Quebec are the only true Canadian places.

>anglos are so desperate to hate the quebecois that they post this video EVERY time
top kek

You can't deny a lot of quebecers think the same way, but don't actually do what this guy did. Don't lie, you hate the rest of canada, except for parts of ontario and nb.

>Yes hello my name is Rajesh I live in Hamilton and I am Canadian

>there are frenchmen on this continent

nearly as harrowing as the fact that there are quasi spaniards

Yes. Quebec are bros to Atlantic Canadians.

>for parts of ontario and nb.
not him but I hate Acadians more than I hate Anglos in the RoC

yes, i fucking hate you all

you guys are like the ultimate jews, always claiming we're trying to exterminate you whenever we try to do something so we don't end up like louisiana

there is nothing wrong with Louisiana

apart from its crooked parish system

NB isn't exclusively Acadian French.

also can someone post that video of that chick who lives in montreal and claims we're trying to genocide the anglos

would be greatly appreciated desu

yes I hear Bâton-Rouge (or as you like to call it, "battin rooj") is a fantastic city nowadays!

And who could forget good old Nouvelle-Orléans (or as you like to call it, "new orleenz"), definitely not one of the highest homicide rates in the country or anything like that!

also, relevant

i was more referring to the fact that there was an actual systemic attempt at eliminating french language and culture in louisiana (you know, the thing anglos accuse us of trying to do with them), but that works too

well can't be helped, it's not like we can uninvite the negro


There's East and West Canada.

East is the original Canada, the real shit. The places with culture. Then there's west Canada that's just America in denial.

Then Ontario is a divide.

>huuur duuur there r fr*nchies on this continent, just nuke it lul xd

You're welcome for your independence, faggots.

>in louisiana
Many other places as well

>guy literally wanders in parliament to kill french people
>no one talks about it
>french guy insults anglo on the streets

i bet most people in the US today have no clue where the statue of liberty came from

They can be Quebecois/Acadien first, but ultimately they are Canadian.

Secession isn't likely to work, and ultimately I think the rest of the country is ok with them having their own identity. We're just a bit jealous, because we're all America-lite, Nu-Ireland, or THC++ Oregon.

Yes, I thank Louis! His satellite war was very advantageous for my countrymen.

Shame about his head.

Neither do I, since I would never lower myself that much to consider me """canadian"""


reminder that being """canadian""" means REFUGEES WELCOME and A FUCKING LEAF

RIP, Louis, you did nothing wrong, you were a good boy

You have a leaf too, retardo

i wish i didn't

i think literally every embarassing/unfunny post made by someone with this flag on Sup Forums is an anglo at this point

your countrymen made their choice

>mfw even in /fr/ the leaf who shitposts constantly and ruins the thread is a fucking anglo

Stop with the anglophobia, we have feelings too you know

>anglos and immigrants made their choice
ftfy if you're referring to the referendums

who? bouchard? i don't know, he's pretty funny, i don't think he's being serious

tell your retarded diaspora in quebec to stop acting like victims and we'll talk

It's better than being a french canadian outside of Quebec. Those faggots are literally a disgrace to the french masterace. Literally genocide them

it was kind of sad, since he basically had abdicated his power long before they up and killed him

that, and your lack of action during our war for independence

the jacobites were basically the late 18th century version of bolsheviks/commies

Complete and utter scum.

lol u mad poutineboi? tabarnak tabarnak

see what i mean

only an anglo would write cringeworthy shit like this

No, but you seem a bit upset. Cool down with the Tim café.

nobody cares fag

Quebecois are literally the most eternally butthurt people on the planet. I'm just poking fun at his autism.

thanks for proving me right

i'll just sleep happily knowing that even if we can't separate, anglos will be eternally butthurt about us, and that's just as good as separation to me

You're the one who's butthurt in this thread, Nigel

Who's butthurt? It's pure shitposting. One thing I've noticed is that you Quebecois take this shit REALLY seriously to an autistic level.
Keep it up man, go on about your day angrily over how the Anglos keep you down. I hope you realize nobody outside of your corner of the globe gives the slightest shit.

>this level of butthurt
Yes, nice nice. The same old cassette still runing, it's getting boring

Do you consider Canadian humans?
I don't.

>le smug animu face

ahh yes, totally haven't tiggered you. I'm fine, man. I hope you are as well and I certainly hope you don't take dumb shit written on a mongolian cartoon forum seriously. So long, Pierre.

Nice work monkey

>i was just shitposting xD
see, anglo-canadians really are a joke

pic related
>English extermination

See ya, eternal butthurt