Stop using non free software

Stop using non free software

I don't

Stop making your fucking stupid threads

Stop using non free software.

I use Windows you autistic fuck

I don't use Windows*

I really fucking want too but my wireless card requires its stupid ass non-free software. Currently running Debian stable, all free excpet that. Anyone know a good wifi card thats fast and works with Debian out of the box???? No non-free firmware??

>do you want to install non-free packages?

[x] Yes
[ ] No

I exclusively use windows, there is no point. I'm caught in the matrix.

Make me.

stop eating no free food
stop using no free electricity
stop using no free water.

I want to make it my goal in life to completely stop using free software of any kind.

I use free software as much as possible but sometimes I will pay for the good shit my man

Whoops! Time to stop using the internet.

I'll have to make that sacrifice until a non-free option becomes viable.

get off of Sup Forums this website is made with proprietary services

Don't worry OP I pirate all my programs didn't even pay for Windows 100% free here :)



what point are you trying to make

Install Trisquel

Right, I’ll stop using a proprietary image board on my proprietary network hardware linked to my proprietary patented router linked to a private companies internet line which runs proprietary network management and routing through a series of other proprietary network equipment running various levels of closed source software and firmware, delivering my packets to a proprietary host (cloudfare), filling in a proprietary anti-spam system (captcha) in order to make a post against proprietary software.

Get fucked kiddo.

If Gimp is as good as my pirated copy of photoshop i will
