Can someone please explain what the fuck is going on

>KDE uses only +100 - 200mb more than Xfce

Is this Qt being fucking amazing or something else?

MATE is bloated too. Why did they had to port MATE to GTK3? REEEEEEEE

Basically QT devs aren't retards and GTK devs are.

Its a super good time to be a KDE fag.

holy shit i thought xfce was supposed to be lightweight

lightweight is a relative term.

It's funny how much Linux has degraded in 10 years.

It used to be that you'd install Linux on an old Windows XP/Vista machine to make it run smoother. Now you install Windows 7 on an old Linux machine.

nice bait


I'm starting to think "bait" is code for "that's true, but I wish it wasn't."

install an aging, unsecure, out of date OS on an even more aging laptop


Switched to Fedora KDE when I noticed how good it has become

try LXQt

Nah, XFCE just got GTK3'd.

yoh can test lxqt which is a lightweight qt de if lazy is lighter than xfce gtk is finished

>fuck phone posting

> ITT: Look at KDE. It needs barely more resources than the very lightweight Xfce
> Linux is degrading, use Win7

yeah it got relatively light in terms of memory, mainly because everything that gets rewritten in gtk3 gets heavy as fuck. Hovewer i think kde is still too buggy. Tried it 2 months ago on most popular distros - kubuntu, debian, suse and fedora, and only suse was able to not break something kde related before the first reboot. Kubuntu was working pretty well (as in no crashes) but hanged on shutdown so, yeah no.

KDE doesn't work very well on my ATI RV350

It's true though. With the sole exception of Blender most FOSS has gone slower and slower. More important, it shows mostly in stuff like office software.

kubuntu works almost good but apparently one has to settle for KDE Neo, because KDE recognized that bistro vendors are too retarded to configure their desktop

Yeah but it isn't true, that Foss software has become slower than Win 7 or that the slowdown is even comparable to nonfoss software

you probably have to fiddle with some opengl settings, I had similar visual artifacts on my LXQt but with some compton / intel drivers fuckery everything is smoother now

Judging from FOSS like LO, Inkscape or new slow FOSS like Atom it is.
I admit that quality KDE software like Kolourpaint or QtCreator is generally faster than their nonfoss counterparts, but KDE isn't exactly always responsive. For example, there is no good reason for the pause when changing the menu.

>to make the elementary things to work you have to became basically IT expert
The absolute state of Linux.

are you saying i'm an IT expert?

are you willing to write a letter of recommendation?

If you're mentally handicapped, why are you here? I think you'll fit better over at Sup Forums

>selecting basic options
>it expert
As a linux noob, this post made me feel good. Thank you.

Atom's slow because it's a fucking Electron application. Just use Vim, or Notepad++.

As if Emacs didn't start out slow.

Inkscape's requirements have increased because it's meant to be a vector drawing application for serous artists, and has to improve its rendering and image processing featureset with regards to improving technological capabilities. LibreOffice, though is needlessly slow. Just compare it with MS Word and you'll see what I mean.

>Installing a desktop environment is is hard.

RAM aside, how responsive is it?

Alright guys. We have to make a final decision here, and agree once and for all:

Which is the best KDE distro, Suse or Fedora?

Its an AGP graphics card you mong. I didn't expect it to work. Works great on anything made this decade. Read the screenfetch. Its literally a PPC system from 05

I'd go for openSUSE

The Fedora dev team rushes to introduce new "features" before they're stable.

>first major distro to use systemd

openSUSE Tumbleweed is very stable and the only reason why I don't really use openSUSE is because I really like Budgie desktop!

>YaST is fucking amazing

Definitely SUSE, KDE users get treated like second class citizens on Fedora

My vote is also for suse.
Then by a unanimous vote, OpenSUSE is the best distro for a KDE user.

I wish opensuse didn't have systemD. I know it's petty.

systemd is only getting better

and the nsa is a meme, systemd is fine nowadays

SystemD actually makes my job easier, so I like it

(OP here)
I still like Mate the best out of all DE's

just werks for me ;^)
