post your DASKTOP
Post your DASKTOP
kys pedo
she's not a pedo
cool and gud
you make this thread nearly everyday. Your background is shit, and Windows 10 metro looks like asshole, you fucking shitter.
You have extremely poor design taste. That looks like garbage. And it's not bullying, it's called criticizing your dumbass.
And you fags wonder why these threads are banned.
Yes ((she)) is.
haha epic meme your really fitting in now
my what?
Why the fuck do people constantly do this thread over and over again? To give them an excuse to be tempted to a distro thats more aethetic?
1.Find what works for you
2.Make it look the way you want
3.Get on with what you were doing before you saw the tempting Arch/i3 desktop and fucking be productive. Fuck man, people who rice there cars make me less disapointed because at least they show there shit off IN PERSON.
Thanks :D
Do you use a "retro" WM?
post desktop
Please im VERY new to linux could you tell me why some distributions like arch are more a e s t h e t i c than others if u can install a wm/DE on any of them
is this your desktop? it looks pretty bad...
Boring stock Win10 but the photos are my own from this summer.
>destiny 2
I like video games
>i like boring video games
fixed that for you.
Jordan are you watching Konohana Kitan? I think you will enjoy it
Nah, don't feel like getting banned
do it you wuss