Our dumbass government is about to ruin our reputation in yet another country, this time Hungary

>Our dumbass government is about to ruin our reputation in yet another country, this time Hungary

Oh wow it will be like Israel where we can't even go on vacation and tell our nationality without getting verbally attacked and given angry looks wherever we go all over again. Maybe these fucktards should understand that their idealism is affecting all of us.

>Oh wow it will be like Israel where we can't even go on vacation and tell our nationality without getting verbally attacked and given angry looks wherever we go all over again

Just tell them you're norwegian or dane if that bothers you, you crybaby swede feminine cuckoldry connoisseur. Do you think some kike or magyar cigany will be able to tell the difference?

>ruin our reputation


I thought swedes spoke perfect accentless English, just pretend to be merrican Jews love us

They're sperging out on Hungary about refugees again, this time bringing them in front of the EU court.

>to ruin our reputation
Don't worry, your reputation is already so low that it has no space to fall further

Don't swedes have one of the highest gun ownerships in the world?

Why don't you overthrow the government?

Do you meme or do people in Russia also mock us? Fucking hell fuck this country.

Nobody wants to do that except me.

You should blow up a substation in winter and just freeze out all the refugees.

>overthrow the government

only happens in shitholes

>inb4 sweden is a shithole

>implying Sweden isn't ripe for civil war
the government, legal system and police is losing a lot of trust among the regular citizens

I implied it, and now I will say it explicitly: Sweden is not ripe for civil war.

and i thought nordics don't care what people think of them.

Honestly speaking, why is Sweden like this?

Swedish arrogance is entirely based on the fact that they believe that the rest of the world believes that they have achieved a utopian country.

Take that away and what separates them from the other rabble besides geography?

Stop bullying our magyar-cousins, you racist swedes

>Inb4 le evil USA XDD

>shit that never happened

Don't worry senpai we know that politicians don't represent their countries' populations perfectly.
Most people here simply feel sorry for you that the menace of white guilt got your leaders.

The fact that they are better than 95% of other countries

Better than 95% of countries /= the stereotype of the Swedish utopia that people believe in many countries (including here)

From what I understood this is cause Hungary refuses to accept asylum seekers from Sweden.

Swedes were the ones who invited them over though, so I feel that Hungarians are under no obligation to take them

Oh shit I forgot that I'm not in Hungary :-DDD

>Sweden separated from rabble by geography
I don't know how to break the news to you...

If there was distrust it would have been elected out

Don't worry Sven, we will probably not give a shit about what your politicians say and thus we will not judge your people.

Nobody likes you anyway.
And I mean NOBODY.
The only thing you can do is not give a shit.
Why would you go to Israel anyway? Their dates are god-tier but is that reason enough?