why the fuck do all these fuckers hype linux up so much? All it did was give me trouble and retarded errors!! Windows is king and is actually a stable os...fuckoff linux
Ubuntu sucked I now got windows 10 instead
Come on brainlet, if you're going to use Windows atleast use Windows 7.
I did faggot but windows 7 sucks cock and installed like shit onto my pc the windows 10 installed perfectly
>Windows is king and is actually a stable os
Brainlet wincucks get the fuck out.
ah look a low iq moron doesn't know how to use windows 10....hahaha
who are you replying to.
Also no shit, you need to slipstream the USB drivers into the ISO. Typically your motherboard manufacturer has a tool to do this.
And some motherboards like MSI ones have a setting in the bios called "Windows 7 Installation" or something.
You're clearly too retarded to be on Sup Forums
i was replying to brainled wincucks fucker....also i got the windows 10 off a lithuanian torrent site dumbfuck i had windows 7 it is gay and for niggers and low iq scum
We'd like to imagine it's bait, but it actually gives off the vibes of a retarded 12 year old.
>not using linux mint when new to linux
You sounds pretty smart dude I wish I had your knowledge.
I am over 12 I assure you fucking dumbfuckers!!!! Linux is gay admit it pussies!!! Windows is windows
Windows 10 sucked I now have Ubuntu instead. Why the fuck do all these fuckers hype Windows 10 so much? All it did was give me trouble and retarded errors!! Linux is king and actually a stable OS... fuckoff Windows 10.
windows 10 is superior linux is the nigger of os
I had Linux on a laptop but gaming just is not convenient on the thing. Tried installing openrct on the thing but fuck me every little thing requires doing all sorts of terminal shit and I'm a brainlet
Report and move on. Please.
Lmao my clean Win8.1 fucking bricked after two days on a clean install and I hadn't any viruses
Just because you had a shit experience with an operating system does not mean it's shit.
Ubuntu is a more stable OS than Windows 10
Linux is king.
Wincucks fuck off.
This is now a Linux thread.
(Original Pajeet)
Things didn't happen, but I'm shilling my hardest while pretending they did.
Windows tracks your every keystroke, sells your data to literally ANYONE, its fuckin botnet. They mastered making there OS very normal fag friendly so they can botnet alot of fuckers computers. Switch to debian. Its the best.
Cool underage posting, kiddo.