Why cant a phone like this exist modern day. I want an x86 Intel atom 8750 phone damnit

why cant a phone like this exist modern day. I want an x86 Intel atom 8750 phone damnit.

>he unironically wants x86

brainlet here. Can you explain to me why x86 architecture is shit?

>i is so cool and edgy because i am against age old standard cpu architecture because its got microsoft heavily associated with it. Le ARM M@sterace amiright.
kys, there is no point besides power consumption and efficiency, of which is getting near arm level for atom series, to switch to arm since it would mean alot of shit would need to be reworked for arm architecture.


also inb4 intel shill wants AMT on their fone

is x64 better?

literally NOT a fucking argument
go back to /r/eddit faggot

It's gonna be a hell of a lot more likely now that Microsoft is getting Windows x86 emulation on the Snapdragon 835.
Leaked benches places it between a Z8750 and a 1st gen Core M.
This is the score it gets under emulation.

yes fully aware that shit is on the horizon, it pisses me off too. It is just an excuse to stop working on rnd of x86 phones.

That particular phone in the OP had to be underclocked to 600 mhz just to get two hours of battery life under Windows.

that's not really good. You would have to tape a battery bank to the back end just to use it throughout the day

not disagreeing older tech like the f07c was bad, but my gpd win runs full base clock, often turbo, and get many hours out of it in full win environment. its a quad-core atom 3750

Also what pisses me the fuck off is that all the news articles call it a disappointment then proceed to compare it to a desktop i3-8100.
If this isn't paid intel damage control, I don't know what is.

I want a Ryzen APU phone

any x86 is fine. I really want it to dual boot with a dedicated button for switching os' on the fly like the phone in op.

It's really a marvel in minaturization. I mean look at the Vaio UX, they manage to make a Core 2 Duo laptop into a handheld with decent battery life at the time of 4 hours.

have it and yes it was damn future shit at the time. also its a core solo.

It's burdened with 30 years of legacy design decisions and many designs where done by the unholy Microsoft/Intel alliance to push the burden of work onto the OEMs.

I work at a place that designs and manufacturers a variety of cards. The BIOS group is the largest software group in the company with dozens of employees. All of our boot loader/firmware needs for ARM and powerpc are handled by a single full time person. This factors into the cost of the cards as well.

If your building anything from scratch in the computer world you do not want to use x86 unless you require the highest possible performance and money is a minimal issue.

best answer ITT

I'll have to take your word for it
Thank you for the response.

This. Work on x86 for years, working on arm exclusively now, and I wouldn't go back for twice the pay. My job is orders of magnitude less stressful and more productive now.

Umm, you do know Intel fucking abandoned all mobile CPU development? They were never going to be cheaper and more power efficient than ARM.