So I gave in and bought a G6, how shit was my purchase at $350?

So I gave in and bought a G6, how shit was my purchase at $350?
Also what's a good client for this shithole

Other urls found in this thread: g6 bootloop&gws_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=9MIRWoTUF4Sna8mktpgO

>what's a good client

Sup Forums client
I can't stand the mobile website



IDK American prices but it still shits me that the G6 is using the Snapdragon 821.

821 performs just fine you twat

Don't forget this: g6 bootloop&gws_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=9MIRWoTUF4Sna8mktpgO

this desu

>tfw the G6 is a lot cheaper than oneplus with SD and water resistance

Shame about the stupid EU/US-open only bootloader unlocking. It stifles ROM development quite a bit, too. The only reason I would get a OnePlus is for that delicious AICP.

Look up Clover by Floens.

Don't listen to anyone shilling horribly built clients like Mimi browser

$350 is okay but I would honestly saved up some more money to get a S8

>save up twice as much to get a marginally better phone that breaks 3x easier than the G6

Any way to avoid those? I only have a return period of 30 days before the shitty LG warranty kicks in

People here are even bigger samsung cucks than applel drones, an S8 would have cost me $1000+ easily with taxes and shit

Did good OP, I don't get the Sup Forums hate for this phone but its quite decent. I got one myself and love it. Download clover and your good to go.

is there any possibility on bootrom unlocking for other models? I have an 872 which isn't open to the online thing IIRC


You're dumb as fuck for buying anything from LG. Return it.

I don't get it, is this thread about the phone or about Sup Forums android apps?

pls delete this

using clover on the g6, very comfy and a good phone

>You can't make a thread to talk about 2 topics!

I don't know where you live but an S8 is like $400-500 here in the US thanks to black friday sales

I doubt it. The lawsuit against LG was forced into arbitration and the only eligible customers were those from the US.

Depends on LG right now. The previous models got unlocking only for select places as well. I wouldn't count on it too much.

>tfw LG G2 and G3 could get BUMPed and you basically had a locked bootloader but with TWRP and root support

This is normalfag smalltalk shit,
Go to Sup Forums instead if you want le random, awful threads, like this one

If your 30 day return policy is still valid, I would highly suggest returning your phone if possible. Imagine what would happen if you weren't from the US. You have a change to salvage a bad purchase. Also, some devices from LG have gone into bootloop after the warranty expired. I'm .

You have a chance*

the device will conveniently bootloop on you just as the warrant expires. also LG has shit screen quality.

When did the bootlooping issues start? I have an LG G2 that's been running 4+ years strong and I've had zero issues with it (no screen yellowing even). Custom ROMs really keep it alive as well...

who knows...

anyways, it doesn't affect 100% of all devices. but if you're unlucky then it can happen to you. I know people that had LG G4 and G5's that bootlooped on them just as the warranty expired and it cost just as much as the phone to replace it.

They started with the G4.


Here I go using my phone until it craps then.

I have a G4 and it works fine.

I never said anything about performance...

>have g6
>never have any issues with it
>sd card support, headphone jack, wireless charging and waterproof
>also doesnt shatter the minute you look at it like my coworkers samsungs and iphone xs

But for how long?

Had a G3, upgraded to the G6 because sprint was offering it 50% off.
It's aiight. I like the form factor a lot more, way easier for me to hold. Cracked the glass back on month 2 though, which is fucking annoying.

Had a G4 until it started bootlooping this week after 1 year and 10 months.
It will be repaired under warranty.

On one hand I want to buy a G6, but something tells me I shouldn't due to these issues.