Ctrl+f : no screenfetch/neofetch?

ctrl+f : no screenfetch/neofetch?


>bonus for i3gaps comfiness

Other urls found in this thread:


new cross-compile box


disgusting, use debain with dwm newfaggot. Switch to fucking nano or vim

>actually has nano open _right_there_

fuck i3 gaps. the entire point of tiling is to maximize screen real estate.


I want to see illyagirl's face.........

Any theme recommendations?

I wanna see your face !!!!!!!!!

my man, get some consistency going, that looks like AIDS

You would know what AIDS looks like wouldn't you, faggot.

Memepadfag reporting in

>fuck manjaro

>packages 1630
You don't need bloat in your life bby



People actually use those? I thought it was a configurable setting so you could go back to having a normal WM after posting in your "screenfetch" thread.

I need a way to spoof my Mac Adress and change my host name before I use the network. If you can tell me how to do that with the minimal setup, I’ll reinstall it, bby.

>network manager
too dumb to get wpa_supplicant working? Don't use a shitty distro with a shitty documentation then.


bby, you a retard. use tails

Bby, you don’t understand.


I only use wpa_supplicant during install. Using networkmanager is significantly less typing when you want to connect to a new network.

Do you think an emacs user is going to give an honest shit about minimalism or something?

i thought the same but for floating windows

I use them

baby. whats wrong? Why do you spoof your Mac Adress and change your host name before you use the network?

check out macchanger
(macchanger -br)
also changing your hostname is too easy. type hostname in your shell. figure that part out from there.

Fucking disgusting, i bet you didn't even flash openwrt on your router


How do you even get borders like that? Are you using i3?

yeah buddy

what kind of drugs do you do?

Am I skid or Mr. Chadbot pentester, Sup Forums?

Whichever are coolest at that moment.

List the drugs you have done

Font? please


coughee choklut parcetamole ibuproofven cigeruts wyne


yes this is the new desktop thread

I hope so

now I can blog my shit graphics option without hard-coding it into the config


fuck that gnome all the way

This Thinkpad will be a gift to the network admin (aka my father), therefore it has to be “invisible” or unrecognizeable on the network. I use the host name and Mac adress of my iPad currently, babe.

I know how to change the Mac adress and host name. What I need to know is, how I change it, before having set up the “Ubuntu-minimal”-install.

Nothing fancy

there is no fucking way you run HP-UX at home

from 7 days ago...



kys for telling that guy to kys. manjaro is a gateway distro

Yeah I haven't changed the aspect of my desktop since then...


Ubuntu is comfy

Okay true. Manjaro was my first distro as well. I'm sorry but please move to debian

>read filename
oh yeah?

>naming your servers after cuck wars' planets

>naming your servers like "server-01-local-lan"
get over yourself you fucking autist


time for an upgrade user?

t-thank, i guess ?

its still a pretty beefy cpu, especially for workstation stuff. plus the newer thinkpads are garbage

well that's where you're wrong kiddo
it's pretty doable with a remote linux/winshit system to pick up the slack where it's needed

Setup the monitor again.


That’s really awesome

fucking love this wallpaper


Here's a (YOU) for that awesome wallpaper

post pape please
is a beautiful

Not him, but here you go, user


Shut the fuck up bitch. Use debian NOW


Fucking vomiting rn




why not have your network god matrix surfing father do it himself then

>insane padding/margins/gaps
the point of i3 was to CONSERVE screen space, not waste it with padding and gaps but wtf ever

>image board
>not posting images
wtf what ever

Post a .webm of this shit at work

mind posting your i3 config file?



oh bad ass, no watermark. Thanks.


My pleasure. :) Here's some more

3 gb ram in idle

classy gaps and nice taste in music

pass the config file pleiba


For the color scheme i used pywal on pic related



let's all love lain


GNU/Desktop, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Desktop

post your windows features on and off

I fucking love this, what distro are you using?


arch with dwm/dmenu/st


Very nice taste, which browser do you use?