Why is this shit so complicated to use? I just want to upload some shit into gitgud.io

Why is this shit so complicated to use? I just want to upload some shit into gitgud.io

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because you're retarded

your mom is retarded


git gets a lot easier once you get the basic idea that branches are just homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a hilbert space

You just need to git gud.
It's extremely powerful and useful once you know what you're doing.

> I just want to upload some shit into gitgud.io

Use fucking cloud shit for dat, dumbfuck.

Git are not a file hosting

All the jargon made it a bit rough to stick up my butt


This. It wasn't until I took a class on category theory that I truly understood git.

it's not difficult to use, you just need to git gud

I don't understand how people are confused by git or only live with add, commit and push.

឴឴឴>you are mom is retarded

so how to use git on atom editor

suck ur boyfriends dick

*sucks your dick*
heh... nothing persona, child

having to do a bunch of checkouts to merge branches can be confusing

>git pull
>git commit -a
>git push origin master
It's super simple.
It only gets complicated when you try to do weird or very advanced things with it.

Have you thought about reading the documentation? git-scm.com/docs

This. All you need to know is git checkout, clone, commit, push and pull. Once you know these, you will cover 99% of your workflow.

>absolute state of Sup Forums

What other commands are useful in every day use then?

branch, rebase, merge, status, cherry-pick, stash, diff.

>branch, merge, status, stash, diff
Okay, fair enough.
>rebase, cherry-pick
Can't say I've needed those before.

git gud