When an Israeli tries to convince me Palestinians should be treated like second class citizens...

>When an Israeli tries to convince me Palestinians should be treated like second class citizens, should not have freedom of movement and and that it's totally fine for Israel to defy international law and hundreds of U.N. resolutions

Maybe I'm missing a few pieces of the puzzle that justify this behaviour

Other urls found in this thread:


In all honesty Palestinians would probably do the same for Israelis

The holocaust, man. How can you forget the six million?

they should give them 1967 Palestine and close the border if necessary. And let Egypt annex gaza.

>what about the other 10s of millions of civillians killed duri-
>shut up you dumb goy they're not the chosen race
o-oh ok

I actively look forward to people starting arguments about israel and palestine because I can pick whichever side I want whenever I want cause I hate them all the same

Why is it that jews have been kicked out and genocided so many times around the world yet they still manage to do so well?

it's actually a very good idea because israel has all the chances to end as the southern africa otherwise

why were they kicked out and genocided at all?

I always laugh at butthurt pallys trying to claim that they didn't bring everything on themselves. they could have had a real country if they didn't go full retard and now most of Israels Immediate neighbors are friendly, and don't give a shit.

>yet they still manage to do so well
Only in the last century or so. It wasn't exactly smooth sailing for the Jews up to this point

Imagine growing up in Israel.
You get thought from the very young age about Holocaust and that other countries are out to genocide you.
You get a very strong "we against the rest of the world" feeling, and you don't consider palestinians really human

they became bankers early on

>Israels Immediate neighbors are friendly, and don't give a shit.
only the governments pretend to do so to survive, the people are still very hostile

This. Earning interest on loans was prohibited in both Christianity and Islam but not Judaism so they made a fucking mint lending money and earning exorbitant amounts of interest.

This is retarded.

1967 borders have been arbitrarily made after the 1948 war. They have no legitimacy. Israel needs to control the whole Judea-Samaria.

Arab Palestine is JORDAN.

In 1967 Judea-Samaria was illegally controlled by Transjordan and Gaza by Egypt. A Palestinian state or people never existed in the history.

Palis are more brainwashed about the jews than the opposite.


might be, but Israel claims to be a modern democracy, so one would normally expect them to be better than that

>when an Israeli """"""""""""person"""""""'"""""" tells me they're entitled to Palestine because God said so 3000 years ago

There are Arabs MP in the Knesset, and they have the same rights as other citizens.

Arabs in Israel:
1948 - 156000
2016 - 1,8 million

Jews in Arab countries:
1948 - 1 million
2016 - less than 10000

they wuz shoah'd n shiet

I literally don't care. It does bother me that the Israeli lobby is the largest in the UK and they bribe our retard MP's with expensive dinners into helping their country though. I guess I'd do the same if I was them though.

>this one French kike coming out the woodworks in every Israel thread


>only the governments pretend to do so to survive, the people are still very hostile

even better. Do they ever wonder what it would be like if they hadn't tried to genocide a large group of armed genocide survivors?

yeah but the problem is that israel treats palestinians as a second class citizens and keeps their country occupied for decades

Or more likely because both League of Nations and UN authorized the Jews to get their own state.

There are dozens of islamic shitholes. Mudslimes are complaining for a little territory they have no legitimacy to reclaim.

The entire Palestinian cause is based on the lie that Arabs are indigenous to Palestine and Jews aren’t.

Though they were no Arabs living here before 20th century.

>Muslims are people
Time for this meme to end


Can't be, all french are either arabs or blacks you should know that

What are you even talking about?

Palestine isn’t a country, first.
Arabs are attacking Israeli soldiers and citizens everyday; they consider Israelis as a target to kill. Jews have NO RIGHTS in Palestinian territories, while a lot of Palestinians can work in Israeli’s industries.

Arabs constantly attacked Israel, though the Jewish state did a lot of territorial concessions.

>when a Levantine Mudshit calls himself """palestinian""" and his """country""" palestine without even knowing the term is derived from greek sea invaders who have been dead for more than 2 millenias

>Palestine isn’t a country, first.
So what is Palestine?
Israel should either annex them and give them full citizens rights or grand them independance and move out their troops.
This limbo state of occupation is not acceptable for such a long time

Haha, this.

>The name "Palestine", which says "Filastin" in Arabic comes from the people of the Philistines, a people of Indo-European traders and not Semitic, probably of Greek or Cretan origin, called "people of the sea "by the Egyptians and installed on the coast between Ashdod and Gaza and have always been sworn enemies of the Israelites. And the Philistines take their biblical name in Hebrew "Peleshet" meaning "invaders". Fighting against an "occupation" all claiming a name that means "Invader", how ironic!

Dont you think the notion of a white nordic khazar jew claiming to have middle east ern roots retarded? It isnt even about how the land its called. The problem is that people lost their homes the place where they live for dumb religious reasons. And palestinians are pretty much the original jews who converted to another religion.

>Maybe I'm missing a few pieces of the puzzle that justify this behaviour

Those pieces are what are known as the first and second Intifadas

There is no Arab state that treats Arabs as good as Arabs that are Citizens of Israel.

Call for claims of better treatment by jews, the day Arabs leaders and Arab neighbours met the standards achieved in Israel.

How can you expect others to treat you better than you treat your very neighbours, family members or subordinates?

Arabs are propably the most corrupt culture in the world. There is no Arab that ever withstood the corruption of power, not a single one. Also while most culture are able to utilize spirituality to counter ones own corruption, Arabs also happen to become corrrupted through spirituality.

Yet Arabs allways see them selfs as victims. No matter what side. If you are an Arab you feel as the victim. And you go around the web and play the victim role.

That's why a lot Israelies are so much cooler than you. Sure many of them also feel like they have been gassed them selfes....&c. But most define them selfs positively by their strengths and their friends and their allies.

Arabs are so negative I wonder why they don't suicide them selfs...wait...Oh you do.

Also even your suicides bombs are all the faults of the west, israel, your neighbours, familymembers and leaders... right?

*is retarded

you have enough sperm to last ten life times
this too i think the idea of european jews coming there and saying my land is retarded too
both sides are retarded desu return the whole land to egypt

See pic.

Today there are two solutions:

Take the UN borders and get another Arab state controlled by islamists terrorists and constantly threatening Israel - though all the Jewish population of Judea-Samaria have to leave because of Arab’s intolerance.

Or you give Gaza to Egypt and Israel controls the whole Judea-Samaria, or at least some parts, which would be the most realistic and safest solution.

A divided territory will only create wars, especially with mudslimes.

>Be muslim, squat in land owned by other Empires, don't do shit, refuse when UN want to make you a real country
>good guys
>Be Jew, live through a World War and Genocide, accept UN proposition, kick muslim ass, make shitty land arable, develop industry, hunt Nazis in your spare time
>bad guys

so they should go on with one of the two solutions, instead of keeping palestinians in a state of permanent occupation

>Trippo cocoa stirrer
>Valid opinions

Lel it isnt even mostly a religious conflict. Christian palestinians also hate israelis

You know that Arabs came here massively just to counter massive zionist immigration, right?

Eretz Israel has never been populated by Arabs.

Also learn more about «Palestinians»:

what the fuck does that even mean

>>Be ""Palestinian"", squat in land owned by other Empires, don't do shit, refuse when UN want to make you a real country
>>good guys
>>Be Jew, live through a World War and Genocide, accept UN proposition, kick muslim ass, make shitty land arable, develop industry, hunt Nazis in your spare time
>>bad guys

Nope, Christians are persecuted in Palestinian territories as they’re in all the mudslimes shitholes on this planet.

Ask Lebanese Christians as well.

By the way Palestinians literally created Lebanon civil war. They are just parasites.

They are mostly bad guys for keeping palestinia occupied and treating them like subhumans

actually you can check online Christians in Arab countries hate Israel more than Muslims do

Israel gave Arabs numerous chances to try behaving like civilized people and the Arabs refused it and responded with violence. They are being threated as a security threat to Israel, which is exactly what they are. Europe should be doing the same with Muslim immigrants. """Palestinians"""" (not a real nation) should be thankful that Israel allows them to live anywhere near Israel.

You know the Oslo agreements? Israel created the first Palestinian-ruled zones in the history, and the IDF is helping the Palestinian police to control Judea-Samaria, because the Arabs can’t do it by themselves.

The main problem is that Palestine is still ruled by terrorists, and you can’t even try to negotiate with this subhumans. They have to be annihilated.

you and I both know that's bullshit

Israel is not a racist state, so it doesn't care about these racial considerations.

it unironically isn't

I have no idea what You're talking about

No it’s not. Everyone hates you, mudslimes trash.

>why are black so unsuccessful?
>Sup Forumstard: "they are obviously genetically inferior"

>why are jews so successful?
>Sup Forumstard: "they are obviously genetically inferior, but thieving schemers"

wtf? you are calling palestinians subhumans who have to be anihilated?
You are pretty much a nazi


They arent even in the top 10. And what do lebanese have to do with this? We are talking about palis


... ?

Hamas, Islamic Djihad… all these islamists scums. Same goes with ISIS, Hezbollah, etc.

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.

me and I'm sure the Algerian flag are not even Muslim
seriously kill yourself

We all know that these mudslimes human trash are just jealous and unable to achieve anything but killing innocents.

Israel is the 2nd most educated country in the world.

>Muslim countries at 404

I think Christian Arabs hate Muslims, but hate Israel even more

that's one ugly girl wtf is that?

Their whole nation is justificated on "hurr durr my ancestors lived here 2000 years ago" and "god gave us this land". Both statements are false or atleast not a proper reason to start this shit and the secular non-racist west should have never supported this.

oh gee, I wonder why their development is so low

Probably due to the FARCs commies.

>Jews dindu nuffin yet persecuted for 2000 years
>Move into the middle east
>Become inhuman warmongering genocidal maniacs in under a decade

Glass it

All of it

Israel is an advanced economy.

>all Arab countries aren't

quality quints

>this entire thread ignoring the occupied territories
This is why all of you are seen as retarded by anybody with actual and objective neutral knowledge of the conflict.

Well I think it fits them very well...

You mean that they became a bastion of civilization and prosperity, in the sea of barbarism that is the middle-east.

well mate achievements or whatever you wanna call it aren't the subject here the subject is that israel is an asshole or not
because seriously if you wanna go by education or industry then nazi germany was good too

Where is Russia in this list?

Here’s an explanation.
>Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society


>le genocide meme

>Typical Swedish.
Mudslimes dindu nuffin as well? Nice joke.

>a rough estimate of 270 million killed by jihad.

What's the point you're trying to make here?

Fuck of Somali.

oy vey

>jews get their own country in the middle east
>middle east suddenly becomes extremely unstable

No. They killed a lot of people though.

Maybe perhaps you misread my post.

Israel has 12 Nobel prizes.

All the Muslim countries combined have less than 11.


>totally unbiased sites guise

Lel i bet you are one of these guys who cries about biased media.

or maybe its because israeli bomb them and prevent goods from entering the occupied zone?

you're retarded.

1400 years of Shari'ah permitted paedophilia, inbreeding and education/culture based in mindless tradition, rather than productivity or progress, has damaged Islamic intellectual capacity and hormonal balance to the point where they've become a violent moronic savages.
Predominantly Muslim countries such as Iran have an average IQ of around 84, which is about one standard deviation and 14 points below the USA who score at 98.
Cousin marriage, which is considered prestigious and pious in Islam, causes genetic damage that impairs mental function and concentrates genes that lead to schizophrenia.
You know schizophrenia, the illness that often causes people to become violent and isolated and suffer from religious delusions?
The kind where they might believe a racist, slave owning, war mongering paedophile was the last great messenger of some super magic sky man?
Aisha was 9 when 59 year old Mohammed had sex with her.
That's sick and he was a sick disgusting man.
People of other faiths want to grow and change and contribute to the world, Muslims only want to preserve their ways and do not care at all about improving technology, culture or quality of life.
Even most moderate Muslims advocate a shari'ah world caliphate.
The psychological damage of paedophilia and genetic damage of inbreeding mean their children can't live happy normal lives and don't have the necessary brain power to develop a realistic and reasonable worldview.
That's why Muslims need to believe in 'Almighty Allah' who has power over everything, because will power and self responsibility is too much effort and hard work for them.
They become Imams, welfare queens, gang members and religious figures because real work and innovation is too hard and they need to live off handouts and crime.
They are literally just the dumbest and most emotionally weak people on the planet and that's why you can't handle science, objective reality or attempting to seduce and not rape adult women.
They're all too scary.

russia isn't an advanced economy
that's why the rubel is so weak in comparison to the currencies of the listed countries

hmm, really makes you think

By destroying their schools and hospitals that we help build?
So classy you.

>actual and objective neutral knowledge of the conflict.


>They killed a lot of people though.
A country has the right to defend itself against aggressors.

is anyone gonna read that?

>genocidal maniacs

(citation needed)

> "hurr durr my ancestors lived here 2000 years ago"
Every single nation is defined by MUH ENSESTOORS.

Israel has 2 universities ranked in the top hundred of the world.

All Muslim+Arab countries have 0 universities ranked in the top hundred of the world.