ITT: Sup Forums in 1912

ITT: Sup Forums in 1912

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Did attractive women with attractive bodies exist prior to 1950?


Hello, Russian Empire resident. You probably should emigrate to America, like, very shortly...

I can't believe that scoundrel Henry Ford announced he would pay his assembly line workers $5 an hour. He's going to put the rest of the automobile makers out of business.

Indeed... How about Southern Brooklyn?

Do you heard about new British transatlantic ship?

I don't know what you're talking about, the first two girls in the picture have very attractive bodies.

Good thing I'm in new Caledonia away from shitty Old world.

This was the first Olympics to feature women's swimming as an event. The US did not send a team on the grounds that it was indecent.

Man, why is Germany so god damn shifty. Oh well


jew spotted
bej zhidov, spasaj Rossiyu!

I say old sport, if these Mexican raids don't stop we may have to build some sort of wall.

Heck, you should probably emigrate too while you're at it.

It's been near four years since my Cubs won the World Series. I feel another glorious victory is coming this season, hopefully against those dratted Athletics.

Yeh those swim outfits were surprisingly...immodest for the standards of the day. You could see dang near everything when they were wet.

I'm sorry, Teddy old chap, but no third term for you.

Red Sox win the series! better luck next time New York.

>insinuating the Cubs will win anything in the next 100 years

I'm guffawing!

The Cubs will win three in this decade. Bet on it.

Worst decision this country ever made

Given that you won't live to see 1920, let alone 100 years from now...

>le Federal Reserve is evul maymay


A Negro made eye contact with my sister the other day. Strung the bastard up from the nearest lamppost. Feels good man.

What the president of the bank drives.

>tfw finished my two year military service and can finally study architecture again

What a load of bollocks. Like I'll ever use that training. When you're friends with Russia and England, there's strong evidence that says that others don't routinely fuck with you.

Anyways, have any of you dear fellows heard about this Black Hand group yet? Terrorists at it again, ugh.

Mighty me, that's a beauty.

I'm sorry to hear though that it might not be Roosevelt riding it next year.

Best time ever to be a male under the age of 35 in Europe, amirite?

that happened here last week. we burned down the colored neighborhood after.

*farming intensifies*


I agree. The days of large-scale warfare are behind us, it seems. We've evolved as a civilization to the point where nearly all international disputes can be neatly handled over the negotiating table.

Don't fret over it that much. That new chap on the Belgian throne, Albert was it now, he's been divulgcongo ing that his uncle Leopold II strung up more nigs in the Congo than you ever could in a lifetime.

Vengeance has already been done. Fucking belgians lol! But we'll reunify with them in more than five years I would wager.

Imagine being in 2016 and still not having them in our country! Just the thought has me chuckling.

not our problem in any case. Wilson says he'll keep us out of war.

Being me and having a soft spot for the Americans that I cannot seem to be able to quieten, I do pity that your last great war had to be against yourself.

Great countries are formed in great wars, and the world has become so static that I fear that you will never have a war in the future in which to prove yourselves.

Your country shall always shackled by that new static world order, while Europe rules all.

And after all, why would we even waste it all in a war? We have colonies in Africa, as the Brits do, and as the Germans do.

No, no the world has been split "fair and square" as is the saying in American, and never can any war come from that perfect sharing of the world.

Peace in our time. Beautiful concept for an architect like myslef! No building of mine will ever be destroyed by war!

Now if you'll excuse, I have to go build some new buildings in Verdun and Ypres!

>you in charge of being a man

It was a rigged election.

>president before Roosevelt was the first bought and owned president
>Roosevelt becomes president because of the assassination of McKinley
>destroys all the trusts and constantly fights the extremely rich
>Next president is bought and owned by the richest people on the planet

I mean it's pretty obvious if you follow the storyline bud

My damn fool cousin Wilford is now fish food. I had a bad feeling about him taking that trip on the Titanic...

feels so comfy ruling the world lads

We Japan Empire defeated Qinq in 1895, defeated Russia in 1905, stronk.
Ok, the next is America, come on. Japan Empire will never lose.

>trusting irish ship-builders

I will notify my local parish however, and the priest shall say some words of kindness towards your deceased cousin.

But in all seriousness, for all you do don't trust the irish. They're the sort of people to revolt against you while you're mid-war against someone else.

All thanks to Jules Brunet, french military advisor to Japan! Yay!

You ought to thank us by not allying with Germany with us or some other shady business like that!

don't mind me. not raising funds for the irish citizen army here in america. nope, nothing to see here.

How's Boston?

the Japanese?!? those sandal wearing goldfish tenders?

it's nice, they let Catholics into Harvard now

All's well so long as Jews are kept out!

This revolution sucks man.

Yeah, well you missed your chance for french assistance in 1868, so suck it up now and don't moan endlessly over it.

Does one of the "women" have a dick?


Haha fuggg g:DDDDddxd

War is a concept of the past my dear sir.

Erm, you alright holding on to those Balkans there?

Think i'll retire to Rhodesia lads. Buy a farm for my children to inherit. Sounds comfy eh?

ugh, why does the Titanic keep wiring the Californian? We're trying to sleep here!

Americans, all sharp to prove true their reputation: idealistic to the last.

I hope history proves you right, especiallty if you're an american of german descent, since we'd steamroll the germans all the way to Berlin and back should there ever be a war.

The war should be over even before Americans from over the Atlantic get to say "snap, who do we help!". Also, don't bothering helping.

We're the world's greatest country and would never need assistance from New World farmers.

w-western thrace and albania is rightful turkish clay!
...Please stop the balkan folk massacering us.

Telegraph them this whole message on my behalf "Hope you sink you losers".

I'm sick and tired of having Brits gloat that they "own the world's largest ship". I bet that the Titanic will reach New-York, and return to Paris to shove it in our face that they own the world's largest ever ship.

>tfw you have to learn about the empire in school

literally who cares

as long as i can get high in an opium den and fuck underage prostitutes life is good

The Roosevelt/Taft split effectively handed Wilson the election and if any Republican other than those two had been running, it's probable that the GOP retained control of the White House since Wilson got significantly fewer votes than William Jennings Bryan did in 1908. He ended up carrying several solidly Republican states as well.

Can you ever not give us a headache? First Crimea then this?

Fuck you this time around. You can ally with the Germans for all we care, as it isn't like we're fighting them any time soon.

ITT: Nations who haven't lost a war to Japan

Not so fast RUSSIA

They have panties on here as opposed to the OP pic, still awfully...revealing.

>tfw all that red for Britain and blue for France sprawled on the world map's giving it a nice orderly shade

For once that we do something correctly together.

And why would you touch filthy opium? That stuff's for the Chinese, and as long as we don't the entirety of China, we have to keep on drugging those chinks with it.

Have the Brits really lost the taste for empire?

B-but we asked to join the entente first.A-and you declined our offer.

Good god we are all going to die.

Hahaha, we have the Lenin dude here. Ready to send him to Russia to keep thwm busy for a while.

Also ready to put every Russian 6ft under here.

We really do mean you well, and you being the only decent muslims is argument enough to preserve your nation, but we can't either leave you to run unchecked massacring Armenians.

How about we cut this deal: France gets Lebanon and Syria. Egland gets Iraq and Jordania, and then you're an Entente member?

We're going to get those provinces anyways. And if you do accept, we'll sign the treaty at Sèvres of course!

Real talk, IV.Mehmet was beaten so badly in his reign, that he would probably accepted this deal.
Thats way into 1920

Funny fact - 1912 was the first Olympics that had a Turkish team, consisting of two Armenian guys.

Also its nice of you to leave libya, hejaz and armenia (kek) in ottoman hands :P

Yeah as I said, the US refused to send a women's swim team because it was indecent.

My dear old roomie at Harvard is a Jewish fellow from Brooklyn. Goes under the assumed name of Robert Whitshire. Don't tell anyone though or he'll get expelled.

I bet everyone in the year 2016 is a fucking gay cunt

1, 4, 2, 3, 5

A glorious Olympic tourney that was. If only the damned prudes hadn't kept us from sending a ladies swim team. Oh well, hopefully we have one in the Berlin games in '16.

Nonsense. Allowing ladies to dress like is only enabling the suffragette and other plagues on this nation. Before long, they'll even allow white women to openly court Negroes. Do you want a nation with that? I certainly do not.

>Also its nice of you to leave libya

Wait, isn't this the year when you lost that to Italy?

Oy, that's probably my great-great grandson you'd be accusing of being a "gay cunt"!

Take that back!

He's Swedish.

>live in Alabama
>be dirt farmer
>only went to school long enough to know how to write my name
>go to the general store in town and buy some vials of heroin (which will be legal for another 12 years)
>wave to the old men sitting around out front smoking pipes and talking about how they got their dick shot off at Chickamauga
>step outside
>Negro smiles and waves his hat at a white girl

Gentlemen, we needs to shows these colored folk their place. *cracks knuckles*

Them big strang thighs.

Pfffft, if you lived in Russia you'd be vastly even more fucked.

Man, they have some tiny-ass nipples.

Their food wasn't full of hormones yet

Fuck you too buddy, thousands of Irishmen are joining the army RIGHT NOW to save your stupid frog ass. Finally Home Rule will be returned to Ireland

Libya was conquared by the italians in 1911, homewer the peace treaty signed to actually annex libya was signed in late 1912

The imperial guard has just collected all the cats and dogs and put them in a stranded island in istanbul.
Everyday we hear their sorrow, everyday the putrid smell of corpses is getting more intense

life is pretty fucking grim here

Real talk: I was joking.

The French have funded irish uprisings more than could be counted, so it really doesn't bother me that they should stage another one.

As to those having perished in France for us, I extend my thanks to them.

>no bras

So did we litteraly draw back on the degeneracy levels by a tiny bit since then by imposing them to mask nipples?

If you look at vintage erotica, most of the women did seem to have really small nipples.

you think the swimmers at the olympics are wearing bras?

Of course not, but they do hide their nipples by some means.

>after an earthquake struck Constantinople the following year, along with military defeats in the Balkans and Libya, the locals took it as evidence of Allah's anger at starving the stray dogs

If you look at the OP you can see the first woman trying to hide them by wrinkling up her swimsuit. I don't think they had many more options than that back then

The flag emblems partially cover their chests, but in OP pic they don't have those or panties on.

Also they seem to have shaved their pubes which again was perhaps done for modesty.

There is also the fire of constantinople (which actually started at edirne) that was so large, the fire spread all the way to istanbul, and was only stopped because all of the buildings at the gate were destroyed before the fires came, so they didnt caught on fire.

Imagine your house getting demolished by a bunch of soldiers one day, because a fire has started in another city.

Damn good catch actually!

hey germanfags we will retake alsace-lorraine LMAO

Turkey it was only like 10 years of JUST... while Russia it was damn near 40 years between the start of WWI and Stalin's death of the country being fucked in every way possible.

>the reconstruction of the Duchy of Poland not being one of your war terms too
Spotted the plebeian.