Anyone else on Sup Forums never built a PC in their lives?

Anyone else on Sup Forums never built a PC in their lives?

Me, but mostly because I have no reason to.
I'd love to come up with an excuse to blow money on a ryzen 8 core desktop machine, but I don't even play PC games, and my $60 thinkpad does everything I need.

I bought two laptops though. just werks.

Me. I'm getting a $2000 PC in a couple of months and I'll pay 20 bucks extra to have it assembled by some guy whose job this is. I can't risk fucking my shit up

>don't play games
>have only owned laptops since the 90s

So, no.

If I won the lottery I'd probably do it to mess around with VR stuff.


I've never built PC from scratch, but I do disassemble and re-assemble my PC (to clean it) regularly.

I haven't build a PC but I've bought one custom built online with the specifications I wanted.


Well when I think about it, most Sup Forumsermin don't play any games, and a majority of /o/ is busriders, so I'm not surprised by this one either.

Last time I used a desktop pc was in 2004. Needless to say, I didn't build that one. Only ever used laptops since then.

I do this with my laptops. Back when I had Thinkpads it was necessary as they'd collect dust, with Macbooks it's just autism.

I recently took apart my iPhone, cleaned all the contacts, and it brought the vibrator (which hasn't worked in a year) back to life, and cleared up some backlight banding I figured was a manufacturing error.

More like poverty. I can't afford air compressor even more so disposable canned compressed air dusters, so I have to take it apart to clean it.

The only time I took apart my phone was when I changed the lcd of my samsung phone myself. Unfortunately I did something wrong the menu button no longer works. But I can't be too arsed to fix it again, phone components are too small for me.

I had the iPhone apart to change the battery. I figured while it was open I'd take the whole thing apart.

Are you calling cleaning components, filters and replacing thermal paste autism? It's basic maintenance

Define the term, please. I really want to manually create a simple 8-bit computer from scratch one day.

I would guess a MUCH higher percent of folks on Sup Forums have built their own computers vs. Sup Forums.

Unless you're into games or media creation why bother.

I assembled some PCs from parts but that's hardly "building". It's more like playing with Lego.

Finally build a computer at the age of 21. Before that, I've only been disassembling laptops and old pentium desktops.

>why bother
To get exactly what you want, no?

Me because im poor as fuck. Thought of building one for gaymes but getting a sandy-ivy bridge Optiplex or Thinkcentre is considerably cheaper and better value for the money, so I'll go that route for now.

except puting thermal paste on cpu there is actually no way to do something wrong even if you wanted to. unless of course you will try to force sata cable into usb port with a hammer or something along those lines

I mostly just program and watch anime.
What do I need a better computer for?

>I can't risk fucking my shit up
You're no fun.


I built my first computer when I was 9 but no one wrote an article about it

kill yourself, I'm only 15 so no money for pc. need a job.

I dunno, I felt like I was on the verge of cracking my mobo when I was screwing it in. I'm obviously not going to test it, but I think it's possible.

You're about to be banned, even if you're joking.

i am a poor student who hasn't any money for spending it on hardware

If you haven't built computers out of salvaged parts for various projects, you don't belong on Sup Forums, sorry.

I've never built one but I've had to repair mine multiple times

>I don't play games
>always owned laptops

I will one day, but later.