Why do some mongoloids are blondes even without racemixing...

Why do some mongoloids are blondes even without racemixing? There are alot of kazakhs who were blonde in their early childhood then become bright brown haired green eyed, also permanent dirty blondes. There are some blonde chink miaos also.
I will post pic of pure ameridian she is whiter than greeks and spanish

Here it is

because masterrace

chinese records from 100bc talk of blonde and blue eyed kyrgyz
its probably because they mixed in with indo-europeans

Pure ameridians
Tell me that they are not whiter than hairy swarthy spanish and greeks

Miaos are not mixed
Its chink minority

Ancient Finnish empire was real but they lost and were raped by the Hwan

Puro raza atzlann, mejican aryano desde sinaloa

Either some mixing with Finno Ugrics or there was some other mongoloid group that developed lighter hair. Most likely from further north.

Those arent pure

Yes, your opinion is very important mr. Armchair anthropologist

Why would anyone be so obsessed with muh whiteness? It is just autistic.

el peruANO is real


Never understood why they listed is location as being from Texas.

Texas is very anti-communist

>without racemixing

muh homeland

that fella in your pic has brown hair though

Srsly tho what happened to Scythians? They were blonde right? I expected central asia to be majority blondes. Did the Mongols kill them all or did the Gypsies?

its a new world thing, a form of identity for people like Americans who are of mixed backgrounds

They're partial ancestors of slavs and central Asian people. Fyi, "ashkenaz" is the land of the scythians and later slavs in hebrew.