Birds are cool

birds are cool

Other urls found in this thread:

Are they eating shit?

What are berb eating?


I got a bunch of these to eat my foot fungus, so I don't have to.

Sup Forumstards.

I saw a bluejay kill a mouse once.
And he didn't eat it or anything. Just killed it and flew away. What an asshole.



rms agrees.

rms disagrees.

>A parrot once had sex with me. I did not recognize the act as sex until it was explained to me afterward, but being stroked on the hand by his soft belly feathers was so pleasurable that I yearn for another chance. I have a photo of that act; should I go to prison for it?

While I agree with him that extreme pornography shouldn't be censored purely from draconic ideas of filth and disgust, Stallman has some really weird ways of thinking:
>The concept of "sexual interference with a human corpse" is curious. All a corpse can do on its own is decay, so the only possible "interference" is to prevent its decay. Thus, "sexual interference" rationally would mean some sexual activity while injecting embalming fluid, or while putting the corpse into a refrigerator. However, I doubt that the censors interpret this term rationally. They will have cooked up an excuse for some twisted interpretation that enables them to punish more people.

but having sex with corpses is a victim less crime in and of itself

Damaging or desecration of a corpse can very much hurt a family emotionally.


Only if they know about it.
However that can be said for all crime. It's only a crime if discovered.

Sup Forums is berd board

I watched a bluejay fly across my backyard and duplicate the scream of a hawk exactly (except less volume). All the other birds exploded into alarm calls. The jay continues flying making a noise I swear was laughing.

bird are jerks



i want to fug berd

BAVI desu