Tech cringe

what do they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>I'm done building your computer, bro

What in the name of satans asscrack is this?

pretty obvious whoever did this is so rich they couldn't give a fuck

You know what. Audio cables


Holy shit I thought it was poop from the thumbnail.

audiophiles are awesome, I don't know anything more meme worthy than them in the electronic industry.

>your average audiophile
can't make this shit up

I can't help but see them as normal sized wires, so everything else feels tiny.


>being a wirelet

What is inside those cables that makes them so xbox hueg?


andy sixx logs

wtf are you poor?

It's an audio thing. It's stuffed so the cords aren't near the ground. In theory this cuts down on static

is static really that noticeable

do they really go through all this trouble just to listen to a vinyl or cd?

>huge ass submarine cables to protect the signal from any parasite.

> tube preamp that distorts the sound.

i'm missing something

Why do cable holders like this cost $27 a piece?


they'd better soundproof the room for a few thousand bucks that buying these ridiculous cables but i don't listen to music, i only produce music so that's none of my business (or is it?)


Reading this reminds me of this guy

Static and other kinds of interference is noticeable if the signal is analog.
When I record music I have to make sure there's no shit going at the analog paths.
Examples, don't leave your cellphone or computer near speakers, analog cables, stuff like that.
That said, paying over the top for audiophile solutions is stupid, you just need the cable to not be near an rf source or high electromagnetic stuff.

then again they'd rather use a mains that runs directly from their circuit breaker to their audio equipment than buying huge ass audio cable amps and shits and plugging all of that in their wall outlet like retards.


3 4

Oh, you also need a clean source. It has happened that some houses have a certain hum and you can't record there. I think it comes from the transformer responsible for the area or some ground issue.
There are power stations that give non noisy power but you can just go somewhere else to record anyway.

I found this ig page couple minutes ago but this fits what OP wants, it's just some kid showing off acting like he has some sort of super power while coding. It's literally a cringe fest

Why do you care? Jesus get a girlfriend, go on a picnic or something ffs

Looks like some over 1000 volts cables to me.

High voltage cables don't need to be that thick.
Low volt high ampere cables do

They preventing some magic waves from going into cable from the floor and ruining your raw uncompressed quality.


>error w/paint

Tech CRINGE not tech rage.

> not using 24k gold-plated oxygen-free monster® cables™

I thought there was a giant anaconda in the thumbnail, what the fuck is this shit. Surely no one is this autistic to believe that this makes an actual difference in music quality.

is snek

> Well, hearing is believing as we always say.
Read: After buying this stupid shit you'll convince yourself it was worth it.

you will know when you hear



Is this a parody account?


Oh shit! Now you've ruined my brain.

wtf is this even?

brain cancer roulette

Probably it is a toaster.


And I thought the previous generation of pizza arcade crap was cringey enough, with phone app games on 40" TV screens. The one I remember seeing in particular was Fruit Ninja.