I'm 24. Been browsing the chan since I was 12. Is there any hope left that I'll ever learn how to actually program?

I'm 24. Been browsing the chan since I was 12. Is there any hope left that I'll ever learn how to actually program?

Black list sites on you wasted a lot time.

sure, why not

some people start university in their 30s, there's always stuff to learn

I learnt how to program at age 20, and I thought that was already late. Most people start in their teens. Linus developed Linux when he was in his last year of university at age 14, and you can't even program at all at age 24. Give up

If you didn't stop in 12 years, you either are emotionally 15 yearn old or brain dead, as proven by your retarded ass question.
Here comes the fucking obvious answer: Yes. Not from Sup Forums trough. Stop wasting your time on some website for edgy weeboos and actually get your shit together.

Have you tried taking a community college class or one of those "coding bootcamps" that Sup Forums loves to hate on? External motivation helps.

I started learning programming around age 25 and found out I'm pretty good at it. This was after years of thinking about doing it but never having enough discipline to do it on my own. Now I work in the industry.
What made the difference was taking a class.

if this website hasn't turned you into a programming wizard then all hope is lost, just kill yourself

It's even easier to learn programming nowadays since there's ton of free tools and resources available.

yea, crazy to think that linus initially just wrote straight machine code, then his own assembler, because he didn't have access to any software or resources to help
nowadays you have tons of free software, and tons of free text/image/video resources to guide you through anything
accessibility and cost problems are long gone

It's not going to be as easy as if you were 13 (you'd also probably be a little shit with no interest in it negating benefits of neuroplasticity) but of course it's possible. A willingness to learn is far more important than age.

When I was 12 or so I had multiple Spanish classes and learned jack shit because I didn't really care. At 23 or so I decided to learn German and got way farther with it than I ever did with Spanish (German also being considerably more difficult to learn for an English speaker)

I might be drunk and rambling but you shouldn't really worry

Got way farther with German because I actually gave a fuck about it*

Have you actually tried?

I was wondering about those bootcamps myself as someone who already has a useful bachelor's. Do they actually teach you anything useful or is better to just get a CS degree

>German also being considerably more difficult to learn for an English speaker
I took 6 years of German, all AP.. Jesus fuck are you retarded?
German is significantly easier to learn as a native English speaker. You realize that English is a Germanic language with loan words from romance languages, right?

German was piss easy. You might be legally retarded.

Are there any tutorials anybody can introduce me to? I really want to get a chance at coding/programming and I really don't know where to start since there's way too many things.

It all seems overwhelming, but I'd appreciate any sort of ropes you can lend me towards learning. I'd go on Google, but there's a lot of sites that want to bank on teaching coding for fees when I think the information could all be torrented.

Are YOU retarded? German has FAR more complicated grammar than Spanish, what the fuck about Spanish do you think is more difficult?

Udemy has decent video courses for $15 each. The one I'm currently using has over six hours of video

Why are you learning a language made for subhumans, you soy boy? Real men speak German, Russian, or Chinese. These languages are so brutal, the men speaking them went crazy and killed tens of millions of people combined. Spanish is for soy boys who want to speak the language of illegal immigrants stealing their jobs lmao

Serious question, do you have some sort of learning disability? To recap I had Spanish shoved into my face in school when I was young and didn't learn anything because I didn't care and a decade later I self taught German to a far more proficient level than I ever got with Spanish

I think you're responding to the wrong guy.

Nope, just responding to the bullshit claim Spanish is harder than German

ahaha look at this bitch ass nigga coding api in js



this is the first step then you will be ready to learn

I would honestly pick the green one, by far the cutest.

but light blue is the partricians chooce

You've been here for 12 year and still don't know shit about programming? You should kill yourself.