Manjaro or Antergos

What do?

And what DE fits best? I lean towards Xfce.

manjaro if you want out of the box justwerks, no customization necessary.

Antergos justwerks too, what are you talking about?

Also, I switched from XFCE to KDE on my T430, much comfier and, shockingly, runs smoother.

XFCE would run smooth too if you used Compton instead of XFWM4

Manjaro. On antergos XFCE, for example, if you want to remove parole you have to force the removal from terminal because parole is a dependency of antergo-xfce-meta. Manjaro is free from this shit.

Just install gentoo for the real customizability

in the same boat as OP, going to give deepin a spin because i figure i might as well just give my info straight to the chinese

>i figure i might as well just give my info straight to the chinese

this, either do manjaro, or arch.

i just dont have time to deal with arch, I want some things just included from day 1

Try artix, just werks

>even considering cuckjaro

use arch faggot

manjaro is sjw bullshit and antergos is developed by pajeets and their repositories break regularly

Manjaro didn't just werk for a certain open-source project I was contributing to. So I uninstalled it and got Fedora instead

This... This has to be an April Fools joke right?

I found Antergos to be way buggier, unfortunately.
I'd pick KDE, because Qt > GTK. Also: Xfce is end of life and won't support Wayland, ever.

>Manjaro or Antergos
Arch GNU

>And what DE fits best?


-installation is a breeze
-after a while it breaks and you have no idea what to do because you didn't make your hands dirty before


-installation is OK
-more stabe than antergos
-after a while it still breaks and you have no idea what to do because you didn't make your hands dirty before

>vanilla arch

-installation is hard
-shortly after it breaks and you'll spand hours to fix it
-then it breaks again
-then you remove it, install debian an never look back

Sorry, second one is "majaro" of course..

i really liked antergos, give that a try

>arch community won't hate you as much
>installation is easier than ubuntu
>pretty stable for an arch-based system
>hard to fuck something up in it

So you type all to just say Arch and anything Arch based "will break after a while", aka pacman -Syu?

What's wrong with Archfags? Even ubuntubabies are more reliable.

>-shortly after it breaks and you'll spand hours to fix it
>-then it breaks again
I love this meme

>install debian an never look back
Enjoy using version 1.0 of every software ever, I guess.

Stfu I usw arch testing since two years everyrhing werks only and when something is wrong to the archlinux website and there is your fix.
Don't listen to him just get arch.
Was my second distro isn't even that hard

>>Enjoy using version 1.0 of every software ever, I guess.
if you're being honest with yourself there are between zero and five packages where you really care about being on the very latest version. For 98% of Arch users on this website, I could secretly replace their kernel with 4.4 LTS and they'd never notice unless they checked the version manually.

Most software I use are in very active development. Sue me for wanting to use all the hot new features ass soon as they're out of the oven.