It says here your email is, care to explain why?

>it says here your email is, care to explain why?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because I signed up for it, dummy.

using a private email for work

actually my email is

>your email provider is

No. my email is from


> it say here my email is, please check carefully.

who else here unironically trusts their address more than google or hotmail?

That's a normal email address. If you need justification for that I'm at the wrong company. Bye.

after years of NEEThood and hippie madness I went for an interview and my email was something like [email protected] I was fired after 4 months

It's the Lithuanian name for mail you America-centric shitlord.

For me? It's hushmail. 6 years and counting!


> is an invite-only E-mail server focused toward professionals and E-mail enthusiasts. To report abuse please E-mail [email protected].

Man i havent used my hello kitty email in forever. I think they disabled sign up didnt they?

>tfw forgot my password for cuck @

Sadly... I have more faith in Vince than anybody.

damn I need a hellokitty mail

I trust birdswitharms man more than those (((corporations)))

[email protected]
Guaranteed job interviews.


Trust is a big word. I can't say I trust Vince but I can say I can trust google or Microsoft to sell me out to the feds or any third parties.

> is owned by (((them)))

wew, they surely know how to make people hate them.

It's clearly a mistake. My email is for important stuff and for everything else.

I like cocks

So you STILL got the job but then you fucked it up somehow


No one. I use for trash tier signups like discord/gaming forums/etc

Am Lithuanian, what are you on about? Our shit ends in .lt and mail is "paštas" is the patrician choice

So what? He won't know.

I don't have a email. I use Tutanota.

This You can still get a email

Not that user but it wants my age. Am I going to need my parents' permission as well?

Cause my parents are dead

I don't get it, how do you register?

I guess it doesn't actually let you get one anymore. is the largest email provider in Vietnam, similar to gmail in the US.

Any employer who asks me this would automatically go into the trash

I-it says airmail!

>"What's there to explain?"

I asked Martin Shkreli for a but he didn't reply

it's because of my pinus. get it? cock-li? like cock as if it were not a bird but a pinus? i'm really proud of my pinus, and every significant art piece has allusions to pinus. so i chose an artsy email domain because i'm a progressive thinker

>because cock means 'professional af' in romenian, sir, and that's where the company is located because I like to support services provided by minorities and underdogs.
Immediately hired as president.

they commented out submit button
you can restore it by editing html


oh my gosh that's so cute

Freedom cuck.

Actually, sir, that's a email address.


Last time I tried, discord didn't let me signup with a mail.

Same, it used to work roughly a year ago, but not anymore.

no, is the true sane choice

GTFO you airmail shills

Any chance this supports pop or imap?

Sadly if it was roastie and soys in HR would see no problem with it and would applaud your email choice

Surely you mean

Thanks, that worked and got me an account but now it's not letting me sign into the email.
I've spent an hour of my time now trying to get this dumb fucking email address.

>that's not correct, it's actually

if you don't log in for 30 days they delete it anyway


No it isn't, it's owned by someone going through a privacy company because they don't want to be known as the owner of

try to log in somehow through a clien

>I'm pretty sure it's

Hmm funny.

hacked :D


also me

wow, airmail sure seems popular among the cool kids these days ! I'll make sure I check this out ASAP ! LOLMAO !

>It says here that your email is

[email protected]

+1 for sonichu.

>it says here your email is [email protected], care to explain why?


>Not using protonmail or your own domain

Don't worry, McDonald's will still hire you

>it says here your email is [email protected], care to explain why?

Sure. Every email address I share is unique to the party with whom I share it. Given that I cannot trust that you will not sell my email address to a third party, I take it on myself to simply close any address that starts receiving spam and blacklist those who know the address.

You should know this. this is a tech firm, right?

Let us know if you figured it out. I'm stuck at the same spot

Login through k9 doesnt work if you get the error message. Pop3 and imap both tried. Ill try messaging their webmaster

Also im pretty sure the service was dropped in 2011, their twitter stopped posting and the copyright years havent updated

thanks for the vouch man I made it my twitter banner hope that's cool

No trip, goon confirmed.

Willie thta you?

isn't vince a cuck?

I don't want to work for a homophobe sir
>get hired as interim CEO while corporation digests 6 months for "sensitivity training"