An experienced Unix programmer, hearing of Master Foo's wisdom, came to him for guidance. Approaching the Master...

>An experienced Unix programmer, hearing of Master Foo's wisdom, came to him for guidance. Approaching the Master, he bowed three times and said:
>“Master Foo, I am gravely troubled. In my youth, those who followed the Great Way of Unix used software that was simple and unaffected, like ed and mailx. Today, they use vim and mutt. Tomorrow I fear they will use KMail and Evolution, and Unix will have become like Windows — bloated and covered over with GUIs.”
>Master Foo said: “But what software do you use when you want to draw a poster?”
>The programmer replied: “I...have never done that. But I am sure that I could use LaTeX or pic to accomplish it without GUIs, in the proper Unix way.”
>Master Foo then said: “Which one will reach the other side of the river: The one who dreams of a raft, or the one that hitchhikes to the next bridge?”
>Upon hearing this, the programmer was enlightened.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Master Foo and the Hardware Designer

On one occasion, as Master Foo was traveling to a conference with a few of his senior disciples, he was accosted by a hardware designer.

The hardware designer said: “It is rumored that you are a great programmer. How many lines of code do you write per year?”

Master Foo replied with a question: “How many square inches of silicon do you lay out per year?”

“Why...we hardware designers never measure our work in that way,” the man said.

“And why not?” Master Foo inquired.

“If we did so,” the hardware designer replied, “we would be tempted to design chips so large that they cannot be fabricated - and, if they were fabricated, their overwhelming complexity would make it be impossible to generate proper test vectors for them.”

Master Foo smiled, and bowed to the hardware designer.

In that moment, the hardware designer achieved enlightenment.

Gimme more master Foo stories.

>Master Foo and the MCSE
Once, a famous Windows system administrator came to Master Foo and asked him for instruction: “I have heard that you are a powerful Unix wizard. Let us trade secrets, that we may both gain thereby.”

Master Foo said: “It is good that you seek wisdom. But in the Way of Unix, there are no secrets.”

The administrator looked puzzled at this. “But it is said that you are a great Unix guru who knows all the innermost mysteries. As do I in Windows; I am an MCSE, and I have many other certifications of knowledge not common in the world. I know even the most obscure registry entries by heart. I can tell you everything about the Windows API, yes, even secrets those of Redmond have half-forgotten. What is the arcane lore that gives you your power?”

Master Foo said: “I have none. Nothing is hidden, nothing is revealed.”

Growing angry, the administrator said “Very well, if you hold no secrets, then tell me: what do I have to know to become as powerful in the Unix way as you?”

Master Foo said: “A man who mistakes secrets for knowledge is like a man who, seeking light, hugs a candle so closely that he smothers it and burns his hand.”

Upon hearing this, the administrator was enlightened.

>hearty shuckle

Making a poster in beamerposter is not that bad.
If you already made a paper in latex, turning it into a poster and then a presentation is fine, there is nothing wrong with that.
If you are arguing over to use tikz or a graphical tool to make the graphics, then it is different.

>Master Foo and the Ten Thousand Lines
Master Foo once said to a visiting programmer: “There is more Unix-nature in one line of shell script than there is in ten thousand lines of C.”

The programmer, who was very proud of his mastery of C, said: “How can this be? C is the language in which the very kernel of Unix is implemented!”

Master Foo replied: “That is so. Nevertheless, there is more Unix-nature in one line of shell script than there is in ten thousand lines of C.”

The programmer grew distressed. “But through the C language we experience the enlightenment of the Patriarch Ritchie! We become as one with the operating system and the machine, reaping matchless performance!”

Master Foo replied: “All that you say is true. But there is still more Unix-nature in one line of shell script than there is in ten thousand lines of C.”

The programmer scoffed at Master Foo and rose to depart. But Master Foo nodded to his student Nubi, who wrote a line of shell script on a nearby whiteboard, and said: “Master programmer, consider this pipeline. Implemented in pure C, would it not span ten thousand lines?”

The programmer muttered through his beard, contemplating what Nubi had written. Finally he agreed that it was so.

“And how many hours would you require to implement and debug that C program?” asked Nubi.

“Many,” admitted the visiting programmer. “But only a fool would spend the time to do that when so many more worthy tasks await him.”

“And who better understands the Unix-nature?” Master Foo asked. “Is it he who writes the ten thousand lines, or he who, perceiving the emptiness of the task, gains merit by not coding?”

Upon hearing this, the programmer was enlightened.

I love this thread.

>Master Foo and the Hardware Designer

On one occasion, as Master Foo was traveling to a conference with a few of his senior disciples, he was accosted by a hardware designer.

The hardware designer said: “It is rumored that you are a great programmer. How many lines of code do you write per year?”

Master Foo replied with a question: “How many square inches of silicon do you lay out per year?”

“Why...we hardware designers never measure our work in that way,” the man said.

“And why not?” Master Foo inquired.

“If we did so,” the hardware designer replied, “we would be tempted to design chips so large that they cannot be fabricated - and, if they were fabricated, their overwhelming complexity would make it be impossible to generate proper test vectors for them.”

Master Foo smiled, and bowed to the hardware designer.

In that moment, the hardware designer achieved enlightenment.

>Master Foo said: “A man who mistakes secrets for knowledge is like a man who, seeking light, hugs a candle so closely that he smothers it and burns his hand.”
I don't get it
can someone translate this to food analogy?

Sensei Sushi once say if secret ingredient found out then everyone just make at home. No more wok for you! What you make should be betta without secret.



then the solution is to not let the secret get out
then I will still have my work
imagine if coca-cola had their ingredients public
I don't agree with master foo on this one

bump for moar senpaitachi (ㆁωㆁ*)

Who is more secure, the man whose livelihood depends only on the quality of his work, or the man whose livelihood would be destroyed if his secret was discovered?

>upon hearing this, user was enlightened

everyones live would be destroyed if all our secrets (for example our we browsing history) would get found out
we just have to make sure no secrets get found out
>upon hearing this, user was unlightened


Well, whoever wrote that story had a good point, but used a poor analogy at the end. The point of the story was that there is nothing unlearnable or hidden in the Unix way, everything is open, you just have to be willing to spend time with it and learn it.

>just have to be willing to spend time with it and learn it
just like windows

Fuck I love these koans.

Closed-source, and therefore there are components you will never understand, and therefore you can never have complete control.

>upon hearing this, user realized he had no need for complete control, and that the pursuit of wisdom is foolish if you are not happy, and returned to his video game threads

It's like the guys getting paid to contribute open source code even though literally everyone else can work on it too.

There was a time when rumors began to reach Master Foo and his students of a prodigiously gifted programmer, a young man who wandered the length and breadth of the land performing mighty feats of coding and humiliating all who dared set their skill against his.

Eventually this prodigy came to visit Master Foo, who received him politely and offered him tea.

“I have come to you,” he said “seeking a code and design review of my latest project. For it is of surpassing complexity, and I do not have peers capable of understanding it. Only an acknowledged master such as yourself (and here the Prodigy bowed deeply) can have the discernment required.”

Master Foo bowed politely in return and began examining the Prodigy's code. After some time he raised his eyes from the screen. “This code is at first sight very impressive,” he said. “It is elegant in design, utilizing original algorithms of great ingenuity, and appears to be implemented in a craftsmanlike way which minimizes the possibility of errors.”

The Prodigy looked very pleased at this praise, but Master Foo continued: “However, I detect one significant flaw.”

“Flaw?” the Prodigy said. “What flaw?”

“This code is difficult to read,” said Master Foo. “It is only thinly commented, its invariants are not specified, and I see no narrative description of its architecture or internal data structures anywhere. These problems will seriously impede your cooperation with other programmers.”

The Prodigy drew himself up haughtily. “I do not seek the cooperation of other programmers,” he said. “Every time I thought I had found one who might match me in skill I have been disappointed. Thus, I work alone.”

“But even the hacker who works alone,” said Master Foo, “collaborates with others, and must constantly communicate clearly to them, lest his work become confused and lost.”

“Of what others do you speak?” the Prodigy demanded.

Master Foo said: “All your future selves.”

Upon hearing this, the Prodigy was enlightened.

Also this, anyone can contribute because nothing is kept secret, but when nothing is kept secret, then what matters most is who can do it best. "Secrets" are just a way to hold a monopoly because you know competition would kill you when someone better takes your process that you hold secret and does it better.

The venerable master Qc Na was walking with his student, Anton. Hoping to
prompt the master into a discussion, Anton said "Master, I have heard that
objects are a very good thing - is this true?" Qc Na looked pityingly at
his student and replied, "Foolish pupil - objects are merely a poor man's

Chastised, Anton took his leave from his master and returned to his cell,
intent on studying closures. He carefully read the entire "Lambda: The
Ultimate..." series of papers and its cousins, and implemented a small
Scheme interpreter with a closure-based object system. He learned much, and
looked forward to informing his master of his progress.

On his next walk with Qc Na, Anton attempted to impress his master by
saying "Master, I have diligently studied the matter, and now understand
that objects are truly a poor man's closures." Qc Na responded by hitting
Anton with his stick, saying "When will you learn? Closures are a poor man's
object." At that moment, Anton became enlightened.

>All your future selves.

I think this is related: i'm searching for a story of i think a student-group hacking on a pascal compiler and replacing the scope data structure from a list to an avl tree for it to be slower in the end.

Sorry, but you didn't get it.

Then what was the point?

Master Foo is already telling you the point.
If you become wiser you may understand it one day.
You are young now, so don't fret.


Nah, that was pretty spot-on. What did it mean, according to you?

Now this is what a I call a quality thread.

>the 'can't get a job because no work experience' argument
rm -rf yourself


>>upon hearing this, user was enlightened
Only works when user isn't a retard

>everyones live would be destroyed if all our secrets
He's not asking for all secrets to be revealed.

His point is that if you're a trained monkey who just does what some manual that's under an NDA tells you to do, all it takes for someone else to take your job is for that manual to get leaked.

Contrast with, say, programming, where everything you need to know is in the open. Your skill is what makes you valuable, not how many programming textbooks you have memorised, and if normie was to suddenly stumble on TAOCP volumes 1-4A it's not going to make him a programmer overnight and threaten your job.

Think to the last time you used a DE.

these are older than you are in all likelihood

so Master Foo is trying to do an analogy for the CLI by doing random things that makes no sense like pointing at the moon and buddha
and then the programmer realises that the GUI is the only logical thing to use
did I get it right?

He's addressing the opposite kind of retard to , the kind who insist that the command line is out of date and should never be used.

Some things are easier with a GUI and some things are easier on the command line. It's retarded to insist on always doing one or the other.

>Be developer
>Want to do simple thing
>Simple thing is hidden in an organized clusterfuck of buttons, menus, and submenus
>Hunt and click
>Simple thing would have been done quicker by typing a command
If that doesn't sound familiar, then that story doesn't apply to you. It's like the guy in OP's story, who thinks you need CLI for everything even when it's impractical.

When you are hungry, eat. When you are thirsty, drink. When you are tired, sleep.

Just because you're used to navigating a graphical environment doesn't mean it is inherently more intuitive, it's just what you're used to.
$ curl anons-temp-file
$ rm anons-temp-file

Navigating to the Pale Moon icon on your DE
Double clicking it
Scroll over your background to focus your browser window
Navigate to the file you want
Navigate the download dialog
Dragging the file to the trashcan
Right clicking the trashcan and selecting empty trashcan to finally clear it.

On the opposite side of the spectrum:
>Be web designer
>Want to make pretty websites
>Fuck around with CLI tools you don't understand
>Pretty website would have been made faster with a point-and-click GUI

It's about using the right tools for the job. Remember, the guy in the story you're talking about is a programmer. In many cases, using CLI tools for programming is more efficient. What's the quicker way to compile a simple program: Clicking on Visual Studio, letting it load up all the bloat, finding your program, clicking the "Start" button, and then waiting for it to load? Or typing "gcc programName"? In some cases, Visual Studio is more practical for developers working on large projects. In the same way, a text editor and a command line are sometimes more practical.

Imagine this: you have a text file with a list of names. They're not in any order, but suddenly and out of the blue the need arises for them to be in alphabetical order. So you just open up notepad and put them in alphabetical. Simple, right? Now imagine there are 10,000 names. Now it's impractical to do it this way. There's a simple CLI command that will do this instantly.

Go to bed Karly.

explain please


First you tell me what you know.
Are you more familiar with closures or more familiar with objects? Tell me about the one you know best.

I like objects!

Master Foo, please enlighten us more.

experience makes mastery, not esoteric knowledge

>Master Foo and the modernity

One day master Foo sat in his garden and implemented a function into his newest C project.

As the sun rose to its highest stance, the master heard a brash and impolite greeting by a young programmer.

"I came here to teach you the ways of the new world Mr. Foo. An old master should welcome the knowledge of the new generation"

Master Foo responded by hitting the young disturbance lightly with a stick on his head.

"What was that for ? I have simply adorned myself to teach you the way of the python. It allows all possible programming paradigms. A man of your kind should be able to appreciate that kind of power."

Master Foo stood up and replied in a formal and well organized manner: "The squirrel and the elefant are both to walk on four legs, yet reason dictates that only one climbs trees, while the other devours them"

In this moment, the programmer was enlightened.

>Now it's impractical to do it this way. There's a simple CLI command that will do this instantly.
there is a simple GUI program that will do this instantly.

Oh really? What is it?

women are not objects, user

this long analogy instead of just a simple 'use the right tools for the right job' sentence

Literally all of these could be summed up in one sentence without introducing Master Foo or any other characters. The point is that the stories are fun to read.

he's probably googling it right now kek

What the fuck is that font user

He accuses master of using crude tools
Master demonstrates use of crude tools

Foo acted as if he was in a GUI and didn't use words or letters, upon learning the programmer didn't understand what he wanted to say graphically, foo double clicked him in the nose and threw him in the recycle bin. Showing that command line tools (words) are better for understanding than flashy graphical interfaces.

Wait, I'm confused. Master Foo is saying he's a programmer but he doesn't program?

He is saying that if its not broke
He should use a bash file to fix it

There is more FSF philosophy in a pair of programming socks than in ten thousand lines of code.

really makes me think

There is no crude tool. Only tools and their use.

at the other hand you can use right tool for the job. CLI for stuff comfy in cli like automation etc. and GUI for stuff comfy in gui

>t. brainlet
This one is pretty straightforward. Read it again
>we would be tempted to design chips so large that they cannot be fabricated - and, if they were fabricated, their overwhelming complexity would make it be impossible to generate proper test vectors for them.
Now apply that same concept, but to programming.

post the real one

>>Today, they use vim and mutt. Tomorrow I fear they will use KMail and Evolution, and Unix will have become like Windows — bloated and covered over with GUIs.”
do you know the fact that dennis richie himself was using windows 95/98 on his computer ?


>Upon hearing this, the user was enlightened


>upon seeing this image, user went away in shame as he restarted his own computer after getting a BSOD

More like
>which men will get farther, those who dream of rafts and bridges, or those who just stay on one side of the river, because getting to the other side would take some actual effort

10/10 bread

>Master Pol and migrants

One day Master Pol was in his cabin while a soyboy knocked on his door.

Upon opening the soyboy spoke to the master and asked for water and a bit of rest, apparently he was traveling to chueca by foot.

"I would never have expected a man such as you helping me" said the soyboy.

"Is that so?" replied the master.

"Yes, it is known that you aren't keen on having guests"

The master chuckled sensibly.

"Why would that be? Who told you that?"

"It is known around the people in the city that you are against our country taking refugees" mentioned the soyboy

The master gave the soyboy an stern and inquisitive look.

"This country is not mine, but from its people." said the master

"We both agree on that, indeed." replied the soyboy while messaging his wife's black son to tell her wife's bull that he would arrive a few hours late to chueca.

"I have taken you as a guest in my home. But there are people out there I wouldn't want them as my guests. If this country is from its people, shouldn't everyone agree to which guests do come here since they'll live among us?" told the master

"I'm not sure I'm following" the soyboy blabbered.

"Would you like that a politician told you which guests you should accept into your home and which guests you should share your food with?" told the master.

"This doesn't make any sense, your premises are fallacious and racist, do you mean we should let bigoted racists decide who can and cannot share their country with? What's next? Do you want to deport migrants that are already here after we used them as cheap labor for years?" said the soyboy, while shaking slightly feeling soy derived product withdrawals.

"A man should choose his guests carefully and also take the trash out of his home, no matter how smelly it has gotten due to it's long stay in the bin." taught the master.

The soyboy was aleady on the verge of tears, he could not stand this "display of toxic masculinity, racial hatred and egoism", as he deemed it. He didn't fully comprehend the master's teachings yet.

"You're wrong and racist!" shouted the soyboy with a slightly pitched tone, as if he just took his daily HRT dose, while he started to slap the master with pathetic strength.

Upon hearing those words the master shook his head and said: "I took you into my home and fed you, and yet you insult me for my beliefs and shout at me, and try to physically harm me take this with you as my last lesson: both fish and guests smell at three days old."

Upon hearing this, the soyboy was enlightened.

fuck off retard

>Try to do OC
>Doesn't even reach letter cap
>End with random shouting

>Good and fun thread
>suddenly pol-tard post something
>isn't even related at all to technology

Alright ahmed, we get it, your hurt, stop samefagging now.


>look brudda, i can use da paint like whitey i told u, WE
Just shut the fuck up already, that post wasn't meant for you, remember to use a toilet whenever you can though.


>quote me in the post
>"it wasn't meant for you"
You aren't the brightest one are you?

Your made up the part in which you imply I gave food to some smelly migrant. I didn't.

I'm refering to the OC you're butthurt about you stupid faeceskinned monkey.

>"I took you into my home and fed you"

The guest was white you fucking mongrel lmao. They were talking about migrants while being both white.
>what is reading comprehension?

I thought the soyboy was a migrant

No, soyboys are usually white. Look it up.

A Unix novice came to Master Foo and said: “I am confused. Is it not the Unix way that every program should concentrate on one thing and do it well?”

Master Foo nodded.

The novice continued: “Isn't it also the Unix way that the wheel should not be reinvented?”

Master Foo nodded again.

“Why, then, are there several tools with similar capabilities in text processing: sed, awk and Perl? With which one can I best practice the Unix way?”

Master Foo asked the novice: “If you have a text file, what tool would you use to produce a copy with a few words in it replaced by strings of your choosing?”

The novice frowned and said: “Perl's regexps would be excessive for so simple a task. I do not know awk, and I have been writing sed scripts in the last few weeks. As I have some experience with sed, at the moment I would prefer it. But if the job only needed to be done once rather than repeatedly, a text editor would suffice.”

Master Foo nodded and replied: “When you are hungry, eat; when you are thirsty, drink; when you are tired, sleep.”

Upon hearing this, the novice was enlightened.

On one otherwise tranquil morning Master Foo's meditations were disturbed by cries of distress.

Finding that they came from one of the novices, he inquired "What is the difficulty here?"

The novice replied, "I am frustrated by my tools. Every day I must use many different editors because neither Emacs nor vi nor any of these other random editors has all the features I require."

Master Foo nodded. "How," he asked, "would a master of the Great Way resolve this difficulty?"

The student thought for a few moments, then replied. "Well, it's obvious. I will write the best editor ever. It will do everything I need. It will do everything everyone needs. And the world will be a better place because..."

The novice's speech halted as Master Foo rapped him sharply across the back of the head with his staff.

"Um. Master?" the student asked, rubbing the back of his head gingerly. "In what way have I erred?"

"Fool!" said Master Foo. "Do you think I want to learn yet another editor?"

Upon hearing this, the novice attained enlightenment.

Master Foo is delivering an analogy to the GUI by pointing at things with no context. The programmer achieves enlightenment through the understanding that it is easier to make unexpected things happen when you don't command the machine directly with a CLI.

>be anyone
>want to learn a skill like music production, digital graphic design, or 3d modelling
>all the tutorials in the world will not prepare you for the visual migranes that are 3DS Max, Blender, and Photoshop

>imagine if coca-cola had their ingredients public
it wouldn't matter. coca cola is still relevant, even though competitors (pepsi, etc) exist.
everybody and their grandmother knows how to produce cola. i come from a town with 8000 people and we brew our own cola.
Yet coca cola is still the most successful cola brand in the world, even though it isn't anything special.
Seriously, it's not. Youre just imagining that it tastes better-
there's a LOT more to successful businesses than just the ingredients/idea.

there is nothing better than small batch real sugar soda except maybe RC
coke is shit tier and they refuse to put out non-HFCS versions of their drinks

A program isn't good because it has many lines of code. A program is good because it does what works. "It's not about what you can add; it is about what you can remove"

>do you mean we should let bigoted racists decide who can and cannot share their country with?
No. We should let everyone decide. Everyone includes bigoted racists. You can't use the democracy argument and then say racists don't count. It doesn't work that way.
> Do you want to deport migrants that are already here after we used them as cheap labor for years
We should send them back BEFORE using them as cheap labor for years, i.e. right now