Alright Sup Forums what are some of your embarrassing experiences with being exposed to coworkers, friends...

Alright Sup Forums what are some of your embarrassing experiences with being exposed to coworkers, friends, family like pic related

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I keep work stuff and porn stuff on entirely separate computers. Thus it never happens.


i got fucked by google chrome's "Cast to chrome" button that appears on every fucking online video in existance

the fact that no authentication is required to broadcast to a chromecast is shit


Only thing I got

>Be visiting family on leave
>Hooking up my Xbox to TV, no sound
>Mom trying to help
>Xbox dashboard shows gamertag
>bastard mutt (I actually am)
>Moms jimmies are obviously rustled
>Found out there was an aux cord plugged into the TV and it overrides HDMI audio

I was taking a art appreciation class in college back in 2011 and there was a Mexican guy on the other end of the auditorium who accidently unplugged his headphones and we could faintly hear his porno video he was watching. Another time my geology professor "accidently" Skyped his naked boyfriend in the middle of class (as in still connectd to the projector), I was actually quite jealous...

So, what'd you cast?


I had to give a presentation at uni and accidentally revealed my anime wallpaper

It actually made me a new friend funnily enough lol

which one?

How embarrassing


>which one?
His name was John

I'm talking bout the pape


(Me) or (You)

>a few years ago
>browsing some gore threads before going to bed
>save last pic
>shut down computer
>next day
>at school
>have to make a power point presentation about some old monk from the 19th century
>turn on computer
>create new ppt file
>open firefox
>had it set to open just a new tab page
>google some information to copypaste from wikipedia and shit
>so far so good
>go search some images
>want this one
>right click
>save image as
>.jpg file
>firefox decides to remember where i saved the last jpg file
>gore folder pops up
>thumbnails enabled
>i quickly click the cancel button
>too late
>classmate sees
>i pokerface and proceed to stare at the empty screen for the rest of the class
>she never said anything about it

This is why i cleanup before presenting, etc

>stupid shit for school
kek'd hard

sorry i have no ideia what you meant, was your nickname "bastard mutt" ? what did audio have to do with anything, ive never seen an xbox that might be the problem

>presentation on my laptop
>switch from anime grill wallpaper to something normal
>let's do this
>hook it up to projector
>laptop switches to extended desktop
>still has the anime wallpaper on the projector

>Not using an encrypted partition for your porn

>teacher said he made videos with step-by-step solution for some calculus problems
>he has a wacom so it was quite easy
>since it was videos he couldnt upload it to dropbox, so asked for pendrives instead
>handle my device along with all students
>suddenly remember I had scans of my h-drawings stored there
>literally sweating bullets
>afternoon, teacher handles pendrive back to me
>find a new folder called 'calculus' everything else normal
>even the h-drawings
I have never been so quite in a class before

hey debate!!!

any Sup Forums debaters?

No such thing as debate exists in my country.

wow, so much progressive

Nah, we're mostly baters of the mastur variety.

Spain. Dialog? No way. Debate? Only if it's made up to humiliate any opinion against the government.

But seriously, in other countries you do debate in school don't you? Not here.


I let my cousin and his gf spend the night at my house and im 95% certain in steamed previews of my tranny folder hence why it was plugged the morning after. Happened again when I invited friends over and left for a minute to go pick up beer. Oh well.

>white:jew? hope not

A true Aryan can spot even rhinoplastied Jews from a thousand paces. This poor fellow is likely a mongrel.

we don't do that either in France, well at least not where I was in school

I don't feel the need to encrypt or hide my porn because i'm just not that ashamed of it to be honest with you. It just sits in a folder called Porn on my second partition. Go ahead and help yourself, sharing is caring.

Normie. Re.

>saving gore pictures
what for

>inna junior year high school chemistry
>class debate on which unit system is better, metric or imperial
>get assigned to argue in favor of imperial system
>>implying that the metric system isn't better
>can't think of a single reason to use the imperial system over the metric system
>try to sabotage my own group for laffs
>don't present any actual arguments, just find different ways of saying "imperial system is better because America"
>start yelling at the other team when they try to present their own point of view
>accuse them of being unpatriotic
>call them communists
>basically just act like a leftist
>mfw the teacher says that the imperial system team won
>mfw she said I did a good job
>mfw I got a 100% because my team won


It's the cool thing to do, if you're a newfag.

American education, everyone.

>Big Booty Hoes
>Date Modified
>half hour before class

Thats basically the point of debate, defend your position holding yourself on anything you can
The other team did a horrible job spotting your fallacies

You're right. However on the society I want (of course not what we have) I'll like for everybody to listen to logic instead of how you say it or how you look.

the enlightened one reveals himself

>in chemistry
what the hell?

That's discourse, you brainlet.



I would stand up and give this guy a handshake for having such a good fetish

>Gettin turnt with handfaggot

It's the teacher.

I gave a presentation yesterday, and I almost forgot I had an anime girl wallpaper. I changed it to a photo of my university right before that class lol. It garnered me some bonus points with the professor, because he liked that my wallpaper was a photo of the university
(the girl was Sinon from SAO)

Time to be teacher's pet
Just in class tho

i would say the fact he is clicking the file then using the open button in the top is more embarrassing than that folder

wow man you're like an enlightended highschooler you're so fucking unique everyone is marveling at your sheer cunning

>Skyped his naked boyfriend in the middle of class (as in still connectd to the projector), I was actually quite jealous...
describe his bf in details pls
no homo

No I was just saying that that is what we should aim for. And not giving a 100 score to team that imposes their opinion by means other than logic would be a start.

>lelnovo builds thinkpad with amd apu
>this could be great! Ryzen mobile thinkpads!
>but no
Instead we got a chinkpad with an obsolete bristol ridge apu with built-in superbotnet

Of course.

He was vaguely eastern european, like Hungarian or something. He had a beard and some good muscles on his shoulders and chest. He was in bed and asking if my professor was done for the day. My teacher was like dude I'm in the middle of class and blushing like a stop light.

not using different profiles for pron

my normal porn and hentei just in the ope.
only tranny shit and jailbait goes encrypted, because those would be hard to explain to girlfriends and parents


I almost cast mommy porn while my mom was downstairs watching netflix on the chromecast.

>art appreciation class

This is why we laugh at your pathetic country.

Must be soo embarassing

>using chrome
Try going here:

You can totally upload videos to dropbox wtf.

How I learned to always use shift-delete on windows.
>Opening the recycle bin while my little sister was looking to see what was in it before emptying.
>full of hentai
>"what was that?"
I'll never know if she managed to realise what it was.

Wow. Did he ever post what happened next?

His nigger father fucked his slut white mother on a one night stand.

When I was in high school, I offered a girl I talked to semi regularly some pirated software. She gave me a flashdrive of hers to put it on, and told me not to look through it, and of course I did. I found a bunch of animu esc drawings I assume she made (she was an artist) of characters I can only assume were me and her, together hugging and stuff. I didn't really process it correctly at the time, so I just stayed quiet about it and gave her the flashdrive back the next day..

>assume was me

How so?

The characters really fit me and her's appearance, but you know, anime stylized

I am fairly tall and thin, have long brown hair, and she was shorter, had purple died hair etc etc

In hindsight I should have saved them, but I had already felt like shit snooping through her files

should've made a move anyways

So are you guys married now?

>user is a wizard who missed a grand opportunity.
I hope you at least made recompence for yuor sins by introducing her to this board for tits or gtfo?

Shit's gonna corrupt itself fampai.

At least use veracrypt with backed up headers.

>college class
>powersnore presentations
>guy whose race I won't mention gives his presentation
>he's having trouble pronuncing certain words on his PowerPoint
>for some reason every single word on his presentation is a hyperlink-- as in: bright blue and underlined
>thinking to myself that he just copy and pasted some shit from online and didn't even bother to press backspace once to delete the hyperlink
>he accidentally clicks the link mid presentation
>PowerPoint shrinks
>webbrowser opens
>wikipedia opens
>I'm cringing and trying not to laugh at the same time
>classroom is dead silent. We all know what just happened.
>guy is just dumbfounded
>teacher asks him to stay after class

That's not nearly as bad as a presentation I once sat though in a feminist studies (required) class.

YOu don't know how hard it is to find some good ol' vanilla consensual quadruple amputee porn. Even the drawn stuff is sparse and even worse for the drawn stuff I like.

yeaa, although she seemed a bit weird about the idea when her friends would bring it up around us. Part of me thought she was bi or a lesbian or w/e. Oh well

Nope, I have not heard from her since graduation, although I bumped into an OK-cupid account she had made, that disappeared a day after I visited it

Nah, she was more of a tumblr user, this being before all those tumblr raids and shit

>That's not nearly as bad as a presentation I once sat though in a feminist studies (required) class.
this is the punch line... right?

>this being before all those tumblr raids and shit
How did she react to the raids? Was she one of the fools who thought they could beat this godless place?

I don't think she cared too much about it, although her friend (maybe lover dunno) I remember flipping out about it "Sup Forums is a hacker gore porn site, etc etc"

I just want to know what getting turnt with handfaggot is

>>Opening the recycle bin
>>full of hentai

>be me, practical worker at a job in LA fixing computers for a large non profit.
>everyone is special, black,gay,trans, tattoo over enthusiast, and even a few ex-prisoners going through a rehab of sorts.
>I was the practical joker and I always try to start shit up.
>one day in one of the offices, there was a big argument between two of the programs members. The two women argue over something like eating someone else's food.
>I have to fix the computer near the arguing. Its two black females from the prison program.
>sit down at one of the arguing femaie's computer.
>she looks at me, starts yelling at me to get out her fucking chair, cause "I gots to eat ma food."
>she calls her supervisor, and she's getting all mad. Mind you we have a lunchroom.
>so they tell her to take her food to the lunch room.
>I reply that I can do the repair later, so I get up, and the female in the prisoner programs, sits down and starts to eat her food.
>I leave and close the ticket as "unavailable-workspace in use"
>I return several hours later to fix the problem. >The office is empty. I decide to pick up a trouble ticket and close the other ticket as "office locked".
>I sneak in to the office, turn on the light, and head over to the female prisoner program's desk- everyone in the program has a desk and a computer, but no phone.
>So, I'm at the bitch's desk, getting ready to do something illegal, when I hear a noise behind me.
>I get up, and turn aruond, and walk toward the sound. Behind a cubicle panel, my boss, and one of the male prisoner programs where naked. My boss was on his knees, and the program member was standing with his penis erect, two feet from his face.
>Boss looks at me shear panic. The ex-con was just standing there.
>I mutter something about sorry "for the intrusion", and walk out, abandoning my plans and go to the next ticket.
>I walking away, my boss calls out to me.


>things that never happened

You deserved this

Professor probably made that excuse to avoid the botnet


For example the word polite is linked to the Wikipedia page of the definition of polite?

Please for the love of all holy tell me you're just samefagging

If I say yes would you get mad?

Nothing, happened after that. I was hired by another company as a Network Administrator soon after. Never had the opportunity to get a ticket for that office.

After that, I got laid off. Now ten years later, I work for the government as a desktop guy. Matter of fact, I'm at work right now. I'm really lazy, and I"m not saying that to boast, or even out of shame. It there is work to be done, someone else can do it. All you need is to have dirt on your bosses.

No. The entire presentation was linked to one Wikipedia article where he plagerized the whole article, word for word.

No he did the right thing and an heroed

>chatting with Amazon customer support about a return
>”Okay, user. I’ll just need your order number and I can get this processed”
>highlight the order number in another tab, but don’t copy it
>accidentally paste a porn link into chat
>immediately close connection

>showing a coworker a pic on my phone
>piece of shit phone somehow exits the pic and goes to the gallery
>gallery filled with gun pics
>pretend like nothing happened and quickly open the pic i was showing him again