Any krauts here?

Any krauts here?

Let's have a talk

Official German Sup Forums group:

Ins Gas mit dir, Hans!

Aber, aber

Be my Magda Goebbels ?

Reported. Can't allow German nationalism on this Christan forum.

What's the point of those national threads?

Hallo mein Name ist Mohammed abduhla. Bin neu in Deutschland. Ich liebe Deutschland! Ich bin gerne deutsch.

What's the point of the rest 99% American threads?

Solches Zeug gehört in Sup Forums, du Depp.
Und verpiss dich mit deinem Telegram-Scheiß.

مرحبا هناك إخوتي الألمانية

Was möchtest du denn hiermit erreichen? Was kannst du denn nur mit Deutschen besprechen?


Hello, Ich bin Muhammed. Any blond hot german girls in here in Munchen area?

nicht OP, aber der Markt für bspw. gebrauchte Laptops in GER ist doch ein ganz anderer als der drüben. Gibt da bestimmt noch andere Bereiche.

>Was kannst du denn nur mit Deutschen besprechen?
immigration policy? how to help dark skinned muslim immigrants? how to build a cuck shed. what to do if your GF doesnt want to such Muhammeds dick.. so many topics

انا ابيض

deutsche IT = retard IT. ihr kartoffeln kriegts nichma gebacken n gescheites e-ticket system fuer bus&bahn zu basteln. irgendwas in eurer autistischen DNA hindert euch daran gute prokker zu sein. fucking german scum. I hope the feral niggers and musls you're importing rape you to death and burn everything down. also pay war denbts.

Dann mach nen Thread auf Krautchan oder wo auch immer Deutsche im internet ihre "Kultur" ausleben.
Sup Forums ist Englisch. Find dich damit ab.

Für nationale threads ist Sup Forums da.



>wo auch immer Deutsche im internet ihre "Kultur" ausleben


german culture is importing Turks and arabs, and watch them pound their light skinned GF/sisters

Why so mad?

Wieso soll ich eien Sup Forums Gruppe auf int bewerben? Trottel

Verpiss dich, scheiss fluchtling!

Jesus Christ you fucking retard, that was the joke, why else would I put "culture" in quotes?

Home-schooled redneck.

you spelled that wrong, let me fix

*Piss and scheiss auf mich Fluechtling.


>Home-schooled redneck.
I speak german better than you fucking Schwuchtel. Go and lutsch the Schwanz of Muhammed.

Ich lernen Deutsch, hallo! Ich wohne in Berlin.

Because people from india or japan or russia spek enlish, but not german.
Isn't that obvious?

>Deutsche haben eine ganz andere Kultur als Amis und daher ist ein seperater Chat sinnvoll.


>implizierend eine bäckereifachveräuferin aus castrop-rauxel hat mehr mit mir gemein als ein programmierer aus new jersey..

1/8th german trailer park trash detected. 56% mongrel

That's the only thing you can think of, huh? You're fucking OBSESSED with Mohammeds fucking white women, huh?`
Do you ever think of anything else?
Jesus Christ.


I wonder who could be behind this post?



Dude, I bully you only because I feel sad for you. You will become a minority in your own country in 20 years tops.

This is out of love, not out of hate. It's like when you bully fat people, trying to motivate them to get rid of the extra weight.

ruining r*me excuses every bad thing they have ever done

Halt dein verficktes maul du degenerierter Halbneger.

Sup Forums isn't there to advertise your own community.
Your thread is spam.

Jajaja pendejos musulmanes

Ich bin Skandinav aber ich könne eine bisschen Deutsch gespräche.

Can't into grammar for shit.

>Halt dein verficktes maul du degenerierter Halbneger.
Channels his hate onto me, who literally has 0 responsibility for the darkening of Germany.

fucking albinos. the eternal parasite of europe

And by posting here you are bumping it up and up and up

No, I don't.

Dude, I'm on Sup Forums. Do you honestly think I'm not already a right winger? Whom do you think I voted for?
You're targeting the wrong people. All you're doing is create a rift between right wing Germans and the rest of the right wingers.
The cucks who genuinely believe they are being enriched and who defend the "true victims" of I̶s̶l̶a̶m̶i̶c̶ ̶T̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶i̶s̶m̶ / inexplicable acts of violence by a single perpetrator are not here, they are in their safe spaces and spam #Nuffin2doWithIslam and #NZS_BXN.

heute schon gefuggt?

>right wing Germans
which are mostly low iq working class plebs from eastern germany and most likely nazis. there's no proper right wing in germany because german autism doesn't allow for it. germans live in extremes. either they become supreme left wing cucks or they become nazis. there's nothing in between. germans need to be expelled from europe. let them have their lebensraum im osten and send them to siberia.

there are many people on Sup Forums who arent redpilled, specially on blue boards.

Also, how could anyone change your situation from outside. Those people who vote for open borders probably dont even speak english and listen to your ((( national news ))). You will have to redpill them yourself lol...

Sup Forums is for weeb losers like myself.
No one gives a shit about your political position, Sup Forums.

where can i get a cute german bf

yeah, but you are a looser because pajeet underbid you on the job market.

Same thing is happening to germans (to young germans to be more precise)

you know why you are a loser? because of the manipulated system that's designed to keep white males down and useless.

loser =/= brainlet

Oh, I forgot to add that Sup Forums is for self-aware losers. If you have to blame your problems on everything else you clearly don't belong here.

>battle of tours and poitiers
>Karl Martell literally saves western culture

>roman empire
>biggest global power that time
>get wrecked by germans

>catholicism calls to arms
>german and french soldiers rock the show
>catholic traitors burn them, because they are too powerfull

>pope tries to cuck europe
>one man stands up for his believes and fight for his freedom
>catholicism de facto dethroned

>Napolen tries to rule europe
>gets wrecked by prussians

>First world war
>germany fights two superpowers at the same time
>almost wins

>Second world war
>people got cuked with repayments from WW1
>people stand up
>fight three superpowers at the same time
>almost wins

>War in syria
>whole europe enjoys his wealth and doesn't give a shit
>Germany refuses to let people die
>Fuck the rest, we will help anyway
>millions of people saved
>our democray is trong enough to have left wing, right wing and even stupid muslims here
>we will tech them laicism instead of getting converted

Germany, fuck yeah!

I'm doing what I can. But mentality in Germany is pretty weird. Most people I talk to agree that the refugee situation is a complete disaster. But hardly anyone is willing to vote for the parties actually want to fix it.
The FDP doesn't go far enough and the entire party only exists for lobbyism and revolving doors.
The AFD is disunited and gets constantly bashed by the MSM.
>Oy vey goy, you wouldn't want to vote for nazis?! The 6 millions who perished in the shoah are looking down upon you, admonishingly!
So most people are like "Well, seems like the only safe, non-left party I can vote for is the CDU". That's a huge problem of Germany. If the AFD wasn't so fucking retarded and presented itself as more reasonable, they could surely fix things. The way it is now, plebs won't vote for them, even if they want Ahmed gone. And trust me, many do.

>we will tech them laicism instead of getting converted
Germany isn't very secular.


It's sad that germans can't just like their country without going full retard.