A aggressive citizen of Finland attacked random women at a bus stop in Warsaw

>A aggressive citizen of Finland attacked random women at a bus stop in Warsaw
>He attacked 3 women with his fists and a BROOMSTICK
>He now faces charges that might cost him 3 years in prison



Why so mad slanty-eyed friends?

Other urls found in this thread:


looks Russian to me

>looks russian
Watch this:


Don't they all?

Finns have always been scum


he simply never saw so many women befpore

>that square potato head

>pleather jacket
>non-wedding ring
>fucking earrings
>running shoes
>pants I don't even know what they are
>undoubtedly an impressive collection of trackmarks
Yeah you can keep that one polan

It's just a prank bro. Don't you have any humour?

give back broomstick

>uploaded by Ilja Janitskin

lmao the comments are so funny, the normie finns cant see why people call them mongolians even tho that fat red jacket guy has ebin mongolian eyes

This man is a fucking god.
Poles are our true enemy.

every fucking finn say this but i dont know what is so funny about that name

Is that boland? why are there so many blacks?

lel wtf

hunting-gathering outside your Fenni containment zone again huh?

that's Finland

the guy attacking the black guy is a fin

That's just how Finns are. Take Matti Nykänen for example.

>On Christmas Day 2009 Nykänen allegedly injured his wife with a knife and tried to throttle her with a bathrobe belt.
>On 24 August 2004, Matti Nykänen was arrested on suspicion of attempted manslaughter of a family friend after losing a finger pulling competition
>losing a finger pulling competition
>finger pulling competition
>finger pulling

Finns really can't stand Polacks. Last year a Polish immigrant was killed outside a bar by Finnish ultranationalists.

that Finn would winn if he had broomstick

Ayyy lmao :D:DD

are you deaf? you cant hear the language they are speaking in the video? does finnish sound slavic to you? :DDDD
Vitun Lõuna-Ameeriklane


Estonians in charge of naming cardinal directions

You guys are just two side of the same autistic coin
How can there even be hostility between you two

Finns are high quality people. Poles are low grade Slaves.

Poles are respectable Wends and honourable East-Germanics. Finns are alcoholic hunter-gatherers.

If Fins are high quality people then why Nokia has been so shit for the past decade?

>Poles in charge of handling grade A+ Finnish banter

poland isn't any better than finland when it comes to alcohol consumption

t. autistic biochemist of Polish heritage

Because American stockholders forced Nokia to put Elop as CEO and he was a Microsoft plant

t. someone who doesnt even call his mother the same way his ancestors did

Whats the story behind this?

t. fenni ape

fat finns were having good time eating chicken and then that nigger ate them. end

Meme Sup Forums """"""reporter"""""""""""""

fin was mugging the black kids


I remember when I was in Italian class and I couldn't think of a word I'd just take a guess at the English equivalent with a vowel on the end and 80% of the time it's right.

A normal day in itis. Though there's usually more gypsys

wow finns can't fight for shit

russians should invade again now while they have the chance

>cucked by Germanics AGAINS

Most Polish women are criminals and they're aggressive as men. They probably tried to scam him before they attacked him knowing the law would be on their side.


>Germans in charge of understanding cucking

Gothic mothers teaching their half Finnish children the word was you getting cucked.

they probably use part of it for eau-de-cologne production

>t. autistic biochemist

>of Polish heritage
unfortunately not, I am a mere sympathisant

indeed, i always carry a broomstick around polish women to fight them off if they try to tell fortunes on my arm or some crap like that while picking my pockets at the same time

>germany calling anyone cucks when they they are literally cucking their own language

>global boker face.jpg

>from Karl

when will german delusions end

Hmmm. Who do I believe.

Really makes me think...

reindeerfuckers on point with this one

trust the Finn, get stabbed in spleen

trust a finn, get stabbed in the chin

oispa kaljaa

Why all the polish-finnish aggression

I used to dislike Swedes but compared to Poles Swedes are fucking great people.



Mongolians gonna mongo

Hold up, you're saying Rurik wasn't Nordic?

catholic russians are wheeling

your point? are you saying that denmark is the only nordic country?

How can we be catholic russians if we're older than them? That doesn't make any sense.
Vikings are Finns now? Rurik was from Denmark/Sweden

Toilet cleaners are just a bit hasty today

I would probably be buttblasted also if I lived in a shithole like them


>Rurik was from Denmark/Sweden
Rurik was a pure Finnic man, who the stupid slavshits called to rule over them

Dont worry we stll use emo for animals m8

finnic lapdog is here

>Vikings are Finns now?

Your words not mine. He was from Central Sweden and had this particular haplogroup though because of Finnic admixture. Actually, It's over 15% in Svealand still today.


>had this particular haplogroup though because of Finnic admixture. Actually, It's over 15% in Svealand still toda
Muh haplogroups.

>Rurikids do not possess the DYS390=24 mutation associated with the Finnic languages, theirs remaining the ancestral DYS390=23, with the Rurikid haplotype itself (all values considered) more closely associated with North Germanic speakers (Varangians).

we say "emane" and "isane" for animals
t. slavshit pole

>from Vulgar Latin
lmao'ing @ Albania

then what are we? it has been confirmed already that we aren't mongols either

t. aids homo fenni boy
f-fucking s-slavshits amirite

good job beating Russia in their own game

he mad

It doesn't change the fact that Central Swedes are and were mixed with Finnic people even if it happened thousands of years ago.

Poland, you got work to do.

They were, I'm not claiming they weren't. Real Swedes were living in south anyway.
Fair hair doesn't make you Nordic by any means. Norwegians tend to have darker hair.

is that map supposed to make me mad? Ofc not, it actually makes me glad to see that the subhuman slavshits are killing themselves for free by sharing their fentanyl syrenges with eachother
pic related 88,9% of the HIV infected are slavshits
you are literally Finnic, is that not good enough for you? :DDD

It's actually the Ruskies in Estonia who have AIDS :D No one beats Ruskies in AIDS game.

>you will never broomstick poles in your lifetime

tfw I will NEVER be pole cleansing road warrior

meant this pic

>Real Swedes were living in south anyway.

Geats and Scanian Danes live in the south. Central Sweden is Svealand the home of the Svea who Sweden is named after and who dominated the other Germanic people.

Blue eyes and fair hair doesn't chage that you look like mongloids, here How is that Nordic or white by any standard? It belongs in Asia.



Oh and we have emäntä and isäntä, archaic titles for matriarchal/patriarchal head of some property. Its funny how most of the time loanwords have finnic counterparts that are really archaic.

you actually think that those rare meme looking people, who get posted everyday is how Estonians and Finns look like? :DDD
Pic related is how the average finnic looks like

So Poland is Finland's biggest enemy I see.

yes, we have "emand" and "isand" as well :DDD
means exactly the same as in ur language

It's an athlete by default he is not average.

"Nordic" is defined as being a permanent meber of the Nordic council you dumb retard

You literally left the EU because of Poles.

I'm pretty sure everyone have had fantasies about beating poles with broomstick.

That guy is a hero.

do you REALLY believe that most finns have mongol eyes? all memes aside.
because you're gonna be disappointed if you ever visit finland

No, it's not.

Nordic is based on XIX century Teutonic Race, that later evolved into "Nordic race". Finns weren't part of it. - You were considered Asian back then.

I have dreams about Putin dropping a few nukes there

Their butthurt knows no bounds

fishing for attention

here, catch one (you) autist, don't kill yourself please

So according to you, this guy is a mongol? :DDD