Clover 2.3.1



Dashchan is superior.

yay hooray for the fucking phoneposters, I'm so glad you're """"enriching"""" Sup Forums

It’s not on iPhone so who cares lol

Does it fix all the failed loading images?

I hope The Chan gets fleshed out. In particular I want syncing with desktop browser watched threads (can clover do this?) and Gold support (for the coming captchapocalypse)

when will it be updated in F-Droid?

About three weeks


what the fuck are you even talking about?
It's been out for months

Version 2.3.1 is already there

oh.. you're right
wtf OP?

OP is a faggot of the lowest breed

Naice bait OP

2.3.1 has been out forever

Had it for months before OP's shitty thread

Wtf, what is that asscunt dev doing with his life. Update this shit. I can t even lgbt post on pol

i hate teh lack of a visiable refresh

so i stick with the default site settings

Maybe you should evaluate your life choices you fag

Don't get my hopes up.

Good, it's a shitty board

Drumpfie detected, how's it feel that he's going to be impeached within 2 months?

2.3.1 has been out for a while dumdum

Get an Android.

I'm left leaning, but fags should die

Still can't save to sd card

Making me happy with a dead fish

How does it feel to know I'm gonna deeply in-peach ur sons boipucci

stupid phoneposters.


I feel that iPhone is honestly much more in need of a good app than Android

Dashchan UI sucks compared to Clover's
That's what mainly holds me back from it but the concept is good

But then I'd have to use Android. I'm not that poor so I'd rather not deal with it.

Still running 1.2.11

>He's too poor to develop his own app

Same tbqh

2.3.1 has been out for months...

if you want an app just gimme a fucking navigation layout.
where are the ((ux-designers)) when you need em.

You use the site, you should know what's needed to fluidly browse.

good one, op. actually made me check the github page. here's your eggplant reward for a successful prank.

The Russian who posts on Sup Forums and makes The Chan must be doing pretty well for himself. Hopefully he makes it actually good / someone else sees the opportunity.


It's been on there for literally months

this. i looked and i have had 2.3.1 installed for months. its still shit

So make one you entitled cunt. There used to be a halfway decent one years ago until Apple took it down.

Has it fixed google reverse image search yet?


What do you mean? I know that non-chromium based browsers have trouble but anything based off of Chrome has worked well in my experience.

I meant for clover. Everytime I reverse image search using google the image result was blank. Yandex and the rest do work, though.

Doing this for proof

I hope this is what you mean

Why can't I mute Webms in Clover? That's basic functionality missing right there, guys.

Any way to load a dead thread from archives into the app yet?

Turn your volume down brainlet

Weird. Is it because I'm using firefox?

Every time I don't want hear the sound of a particular webm? Just add a damn mute button next to play and pause.

Right. Just tried using naked browser and it worked. Firefox is the problem. Thanks.


It's been out for a few months now, are you brain damaged?

3 months ago.

>See thread
>Don't even click on it
>Close Clover
>Go on F-Droid
>See it says 2.3.1 is already installed
>Updated 3 months ago
>Come back to Clover
>See version

Fuck you mayne.

Lul rapey fa/g/s

That version is out 5 months now boi

>he uses clover
>he is a phoneposter
>he probably uses 4chanx

>still no (You) counter
give me back my money floens

been on fdroid a long time

also wtf happened to fdroid it looks so terrible now

What's wrong with 4chanx


It has been out for about a month, what's wrong with you?

Why do I need this when Overchan is so comfy?

>Has no notifications
No, thank you. Overchan(fork) is superior.

Will we ever be able to save pictures directly on an SD card? That shit still doesn't work

Oh yeah. That's why it looks weird. I got a new phone recently, installed Clover and it looked different.

The bookmarks aren't working for threads in which I post. I have to manually bookmark.

anti-phoneposting is an even more retarded bogeyman than



to be honest

Sent from my Apple Watch Faggot With AIDS Edition


Does anyone else have the problem where the keyboard doesn't pop up when you get the captcha (v1)?? Been doing it since previous version for me, using SwiftKey. Really annoying, have to submit blank captcha get another and THEN keyboard pops up. Still doing it with 2.3.1.

>tfw bought the pass
theres no going back now is there?

Do you have the setting on?
Settings > Posting > Pin thread on post

I feel you user.

Which font is that? It's definitely not Roboto

Wtf is this thread?

Does it FINALLY have meme flag ability on Sup Forums?

Delete this thread, it's just Floens trying to make us think he's actually doing something instead of being a lazy shit


Lol fuck off kid

Posted from my iPhone™


Anyone else still on v1.2.11
I wouldn't mind upgrading but I don't want to lose all my watched threads

Thanks user, I love the app.

why canr i scroll the thread list with volume keys? it works only in threads

My pc is broken fuck you

They've been there for months.
