Private property is a good thing, lad

Private property is a good thing, lad.

Other urls found in this thread:

Laws are always reasonable and never become unreasonable through change

I'll always be in the majority, because I presently am!

Yes, it is, but intellectual property is a contradiction in terms. Something that can be copied infinitely for zero cost isn't property in any meaningful sense of the word.

>t. communist

>buy someone else's property
>still not free to do what ever you want with it

you didnt buy it though, read the ToS

>being cucked is a good thing

i dont give a fuck about some scribbled words. ill shove a thick wooden pike up your ass until your property becomes mine.

but its the law

>realists are commies
u wot m8

the law exists to cuck
i obey it merely for my safety

You only get a license to run it. You don't own it legally.

yeah it's awesome, voluntarly contracts are neat too, government enforced private property isn't though

what if it became illegal to own a product that you had spent all your money investing in

You say "communist" as if it was a bad thing.

so is greed, to a certain extent

it's not a matter of proprietary vs free. it's a matter of shipping a high quality product. both sides have done it.

intellectual property*
shit disregard that I suck cocks

imagine if car salesmen pulled this trick
>oh you didn't BUY that car you brought a license to use it which we can revoke at anytime with 30 days notice to be posted at
the only reason software has gotten away with this garbage is because it is such a relatively new type product with unique attributes (high investment of skilled labor time that can be copied almost infinitely for practically no material cost)

>>imagine if car salesmen pulled this trick
that literally already happens with John Deere farm tractors. There are actually farmers in the United States of America using pirated eastern-European firmware for their tractors because John Deere requires you to have a support contract or your tractor stops working.

Tesla is gonna try it next. Just you watch. The infrastructure is already in all of their vehicles to do it, they just haven't yet.

i fail to see your point. just another example of law cuckery.

Is that supposed to be an insult?

>the only reason software has gotten away with this garbage is because...
Nah, wrong. Software has gotten away with it because it's developed in America. Very little software is developed outside the USA. Only in America corporations are allowed that kind of behaviour (see ). Elsewhere, we regulate them. But in America you think regulations are literally communism. Enjoy your "free" market then.

>50millions dead and still no shame
literally worse than nazis

Fuck off.

blaming the weather lmao how pathetic can you be just kill yourself you colossal cockmongler

Nice arguments. I'd love to see what you on the other hand blames for capitalism's toll of 25 million dead every year.


How about I take a strand of your hair, sequence your DNA, and patent it. Now I own you.

Except your patent would be denied because that's not how patents work.

yeah a more accurate version would be
>take strand of hair, skin sample and semen sample then sequence your DNA
>work out all possible variations of your children and patent THOSE sequences
>you must now pay me for a license to reproduce or face fees for infringing on my intellectual property

Private property makes sense. I don't want someone else living in my house for an extended period of time. But if someone built a copy of my house, who cares?

So i know stallmeme make a big deal about the difference between "free" speech, and "free" beer, but how could some realistically make a profit off of open source software?

You just figured out why proprietary software is always more feature-complete than open source.

crowdfund it before development
donations for maintenance, bugfixes and future development

Nope, try again. You're on your second attempt. You might wanna read up on it before trying again:

It is part of a working system, yes.
Capitalism is the only system that works, but it only works when there is competition.
Monopolies of ANY sort are a cancer.

And socialism is just a monopoly of everything that is also government, thus not a fix for the issues of capitalism.

So with proprietary software, users get better software and developers get better money, but with open sores users get subpar software and developers have to beg for quarters. Sounds like proprietary software is a win-win.

Open Source is your property too if you're not using cuck degenerate license like BSD or MIT.

not if they want donations

I wonder how...
>workers' ownership of the means of production
transformed into
>a monopoly of everything that is also government
in your mind.

Go back to tumblr, fucking soyboy mongrel.

We've already established GPL is the true cuck license, famiglia. It cucks American business in favor of Chinese business.

>what is Red Hat
>what is Canonical

In theory the workers own the means of production, in practice the government owns the means of production.

Chinese gov't paid shill pls go.

Go buy production and it will be yours.

No but pushing for industrilization when clearly the economy wasn't stable in order to at least look a bit communist (since people were pissing on him after the NEP) aswell as retarded collectivization laws killed some million Ukrainians
Your shit ideology has been disproven 10 times over, on practical and theoretical levels alike
You need a market price system to identify what goods the public actually wants or you waste resources

>no u
Commie bsdcuck on suicide watch. Go share your code with some (((corporation))).
I don't give a shit about your country, amerimutt. Asia > (((USA))). Go pay your fair share to Israel, goyim.

Cuban sugarwork-master who was expelled under Castro detected.

Stay mad, you'll never get your plantation and your slaves back, bourgeois scum.

Spoke like a true gook now.

>I'm defending American business
>I'm a commie
Also, your code gets used by corporations too, except only the Chinese ones because they don't follow our copyright laws.

>i dont give a fuck about some scribbled words. ill shove a thick wooden pike up your ass until your property becomes mine.
but if you pike people for their stuff, and that becomes common, no one has any incentive to build stuff and everyone becomes poor.

I'm actually a russian and my grandgrandpa was "kulak", and degenerate village yokols stole all his goods.

So communism = armed robbery? Seems legit to me.

>defending (((america)))
Spoken like a true amerimutt. How your taxes are going? Do you payed 40% of your income to (((state))) goyim?

Your great-grandpa probably deserved it for exploiting surplus value. Cry me a river, faggot.

No, I live in Texas.

Goyim, why don't you paid your fair share to Israel?
>jealous poorfag degenerate
Typical commie cuck. Glad that my parents got some cash in 90's.

There is nothing wrong with helping based Chinese/Japanese/Korean corps if it's helping to destroy american (((products))) and (((companies))) like Jewgle and Apjew

Wow, chink IDF out if full force tonight!

>Japanese and Korea
Those follow our copyrights. It's the Chinese that are rogue.

>if it's helping to destroy american
It's helping destroy much more than that. Everything I said earlier is valid for all other Western countries as well. On the GPL, not only American business is locked out of your code, but also European, Canadian, Australian and East Asian (except for communist China).

Property is literally theft, tho.

This is the entire idea behind the GPL.

>shilling for (((west)) and friends of papa Soros
This is 100% special breed amerimutt

>killed some million Ukrainians
If anything, this makes Communism one of the best ideologies in the world.

>degenerate nu male soyim are jealous of other people stuff
Why millennials are degenerate?

>shilling for communist china
It's time to get back to the factory floor, Zhong.

>shilling for communist (((west)))
Its time to go back to tumblr, pink haired offended by biggots soyboy.

you need to do some history reading son. Pic related.


so is capitalism
commies just admit to it

>what your earned is yours
>armed robbery

>not armed robbery

The face of (((USA)))

>calls user a commie
>tells user to support a corporation

the absolute state of Sup Forums retardation.

Everybody who went to the Gulags deserved it. The millions who die under capitalism worldwide every year do NOT deserve it.

>thinks one of the most definitive historical records of life in Soviet Russia is purely about the Gulags
how about you actually learn to read and do research instead of shitposting about your hurt fee-fees, brainlet

Who are dying under capitalism? Niggers and other subhumans? Who was dying in gulag? Whites. Go back to tumble, soyboy fag.

Fuck off, Sup Forums is a socialist board.

This post is a false flag!

You should go back.

>divide and conquest
I wonder who may be behind this (((post)))

>picture unrelated

OK, Shlomo

The jewspiracies meme is kinda old and not funny anymore, you might wanna renew your meme portfolio kid.

The Communist based the value of products by observing capitalist countries.

Someone who knows that "conquest" is not a verb.

LMAO. All the tech Sup Forums fetishises so much wouldn't even exist if it weren't for capitalists. Capitalism and the military drove nearly all early technological innovation, and competition has been keeping it progressing ever since. If you're really a fan of socialist innovation, move to North Korea.

Fuck communism, but open software is right

Yeah, yeah, Rabbi, as you say. How your sheckels is going?

Oh shit.. Its like Microsoft Office. You have to rent it for the rest of your life to use it. If this progresses, and it will because money. It'll end up being illegal to even own property. Everything will be owned by manufacturers and builders

Real world property is subject to the no cloning theorem.
Binary information can be cloned and modified perfectly across any number of iterations.

Different rules apply to different types of information.
Property of information is retarded as you're trying to prevent the copying of binary just as infringing on the right to own a physical object which cannot be copied is retarded.

Ok, Shekelberg

I know, thus that one NZ joke
You simply cannot value products correctly in a communist state

>exploiting surplus value
I'm pretty sure something like that would allow him to invest more into his farm for more land or greater yields next year.

I think that's suppose to be the end goal, communism. Socialism is the transition. Were government has to take charge and force everyone to adopt their ideas and lifestyle. Only after so much shits been put in place can communism be implemented. its not really a meme to say communism has never been implemented before.

open source software is totally fine, it's copyleft shit that threatens to hold code hostage.

>Where government has to take charge and force everyone to adopt their ideas and lifestyle. Only after so much shits been put in place can communism be implemente
The problem is that there's no concrete mechanism or timeline in place to ensure that the government gives over it's control. And even if there were, there's nothing that would guarantee that the people would then continue to maintain the communist system as intended. It's a very fragile system, and that's really the core issue with it.


True. That said I think its practically impossible to implement the with the idea of automisation and universal basic income it could just come about organically.

This whole fucking thread

Now you're getting it. Free software is communism. The free market succeeds with private property.