Can anybody recommend me a good source to learn python? I've been using code academy but it's incredibly vague...

Can anybody recommend me a good source to learn python? I've been using code academy but it's incredibly vague, and all of the python videos on youtube are even worse.

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To "learn" something is vague. What are you learning? Every single command and possibility? How the language was created? How it works? The general theory behind computer languages? How to apply it?

You don't just pick up something and "learn" it.

Have you tried the official Python docs?
That's all everything and more you need to learn the language.

Pick a simple project like a calculator application and use python to implement it.

Use your fucking brain and work it out.

clona a small project

figure out how it works

You missed the point.

You don't "learn" python/guitar/math. You practice it.

>tfw I've been doing this with every language except C++
I just don't get that bullshit syntax

what was wrong with code academy? I programmed a text RPG as a fun project after finishing the code academy class and with some stackexchange searching. if you can't understand code academy I don't expect you to be using python for anything more complex than that.

dont just watch the video copy the link and open it in a new tab, there's a whole playlist of lectures and recitations.
it's a good introduction to programmation in general and python in particular.

If you don't know any language you'd have to learn what is programmation, how to code and how to code in python. all at the same time.

There's more in coding than just learning the syntax and applying some examples...


sorry programming, french autocorrect

i learned through edx, from a intro to computer science class from MIT (6.00.1 or something like that). It was really well put together (not a shitty camera in the back of a classroom, or a shitty youtuber) and a great intro to comp sci. everything is is python but so far after this class learning new languages is pretty easy because it covers the basis of everything so well. highly recommend it.

Probably the best place is the free intro to programming course from Udacity.

You can't practice it before you "learn" the syntax


Seriously, better than udacity, codecademy is learning in a vacuum and they never teach you how to set up your environment or anything which is why its useless. codecademy is basically syntax training only.

I learned it on youtube from thenewboston

in which case codecademy fits the bill perfectly. If you're too dense to understand that all it does is teach basic syntax you're too dense to learn to program

have fun koding with karlie faggot
all the guys trying to act tough over python are pathetic

which course on udemy? i tried codeacademy and data camp but didnt like how the material was conveyed.