Why does vim have such an autistic interface?

Why does vim have such an autistic interface?

At least it is not fucking emacs

>autistic interface

what did the autist mean by this?

Why, because it's built on top of the ideas and concepts of Unix, where things are files, data moves in streams, programs are chained together and so on and on.
To someone using vim, using simpler text editors feels like typing with a game controller rather than a keyboard.

Typing commands to do basic visual movements seems more akin to typing with a ps4 controller than using text editor

You've never actually used vim have you?

You've never actually used vim have you?

t. failed the vimtutor

I use it whenever I ssh into my lab computer

Its clunky and shitty dude, idk what to tell you. It doesn't give you any more freedom than a simple text editor - I'd say less.

Then start learning more than hkjl and assuming that's all there is to movement. You don't like vim because you don't grok vi

I used to think that user, until I had to edit 400+ lines and recorded a macro to solve that issue in approximately 40 seconds, then I found a profound respect for vim

:help usr_toc

just because you are retarded and slow doesn't mean everyone else has to be. it is not about freedom, is about having control and doing the fuck you want to do fast.

the only thing that is dumb is the default usage of the esc key
>hurr use hjkl to move around (i remappd this to wasd) more easily
>but you need to leave the homerow every 2 seconds for pressing esc anyway LOLOLOL

>Why, because it's built on top of the ideas and concepts of Unix, where things are files, data moves in streams, programs are chained together and so on and on.
Can you link a short summary of said ideas and concepts?

>i remappd this to wasd
The absolute state of gaymers

Although I do agree about escape. I personally remap my caps lock key to that.

:q! is for closing without saving

then you open the file again and the changes are still there

then you open it with nano and it says that the file is already being edited, although it's not

Vim is the most autistic text editor



is ctrl+alt+8 on my layout (german)

sieg heil

im a black muslim



Hitler was kind of a cuck on blacks and muslims, he was actually significantly more tolerant of them than Winston Churchill

It's all about speed.

The idea is to let you edit source code and configuration files very fast.
Much faster than navigating with your mouse and also faster than using home/page-up/end/etc

It's a conspiracy

>press esc
>write : w ! to save
>press insert to be able to write again
>"it's all about speed!"

This, its really about autism, not speed

>forget to press insert and start typing
>delete a lot of things
>:q! for leaving without saving
>comes back to the file AND THE CHANGES ARE STILL THERE

you mean like ctrl-right to move an inconsistent position of a word to the right?

Good job that vim makes that one key press

you don't use hjkl with your left hand though

and you can remap it, which means it's already better than dozens of other editors

Here's an example

it's been like two days that I didn't even went to this file


Maybe if you had a basic grap on the English language you could work out what a swap file is

Swap files don't go away instantly, its takes days using vim's own processes

its about autism and speed

Maybe if vim was a good text editor, it wouldn't even create those useless files

Then delete it if you don't want it.

This is not difficult. PEBKAC.

Lennart needs to get a hold of Vim and turn it into something Millennials love.

It's faster because you don't have to move your hands between navigating and typing.

And also because you can do complex operations with just a few keystrokes rather than navigating through some UI.
For example navigating to a specific line or removing x number of lines.

>backups are useless

The absolute state of neo-Sup Forums.

I've used a swap file in the past week to recover work.

Two-keypress macros alone are a killer feature

Nano can do those things too

this would not happen if you knew how to use vim
id help you but why the fuck would i want to
use nano or something you cuck lmao

you'd help him but you don't know how to use it either


that's a fucking lie

its not really hard to figure out what happened there, any vim user in this thread will agree
when i started using vim i did it because i loved the concept of it
why would that retard try to use an editor he obviously doesnt want to use

Can you select a range of lines and do search and replace without touching the mouse? Can you do arbitrary recursive macros that call other macros without touching the mouse? Can you pipe in any text from another program? Can you use visual blocks?

It's happened to me before

Just press 'u'. Are you seriously that stupid that you don't even know the undo button?

Learn how to switch editors. If you can't figure that out, good luck with vim.

You think it happened because you skipped reading the error text and chose to blame the software rather than your own misunderstanding of what happened.

That doesn't mean it actually happened.

Buffers can't magically get written to files, it has to explicitly be done, if that actually happend it's some kind of 1 in a trillion freak accident

(D)elite this
you retard

:set noautowrite

this isn't on by default, so if it is, un-fuck your .vimrc

Use gvim.

literally no reason for this

Lennart needs to stop being a massive cunt or kill himself.

what the hell? this is the third Vim thread in less than 3 days? what happened with Sup Forums? are you turning from consumerism to autistic technology?

>third in 3 days
there's usually one every day.
I check, because I want to talk about emacs, which is used by a surprisingly small amount of people

I think I can explain some of these things.
The reason why Vim is lower than some of the others up there is because if you go to the Sysadmin section, I believe it's at the top. It's used not only as a tool for software development, but for just general text editing capabilities overall.

As for Emacs, I think that might be due to people not using it as a programming environment or a text editor, but instead as a "literally everything else and the kitchen sink".


Vi and VIM is love and ED, emacs, nano can goto /dev/null

Because it's suited for an autistic job

Because it's good.

>vim is unix
lol, use acme if you care about that.
THIS is UNIX philosophy inside an text-editor.

Nano is Unix philosophy. Vim is... vim is just a nightmare of "features".


Visual Studio is UNIX philosophy.

Vim has a strange learning curve..

Imagine John and Jack only know how to drive a car and then have to learn how to fly a helicopter.

At first it seems strage and clunky for both:
The engine needs ages to start, you don't just use one pedal for power, but you have to learn a complete new mechanics which includes differnt systems..

Jack quits after one lesson and says "Oh my god, that's overly complicated. Why not just one steering wheel and thee pedals? It makes no sense!"

But John inveests some more time. He soon gets the hang of how you change altitude and attitude. And suddenly he realizes the enourmous control. Playing on the differnt steering systems start to feels natural very soon and he's glad he put the effort in. Every now and then he still uses his car for every day tasks. But when he needs to go really quick he relies on the power of his helicopter.

Vim is an improvement on vi which is a graphical interface for ed.
Try and edit a file with ed, everything in vim makes sense.
As for why the interface is like it is, editors quickly came to the point where you have more features than buttons on your keyboard.

It is important to know the history because vim has been one of the only editors that were good enough for a long time.
You can easily script the behavior to extend it to fit your needs.

A lot of graphical first editors were simple compared to vim and emacs.
The graphical editors got better, but there were still a large divide between graphical editors and text based editors.

I think the change happened with sublime.
Out of nowhere came an editor, proprietary for some reason that kicked the competitions ass.
Vim users became vocal about "we had that feature for years", other graphical editors started to implement more stuff.

The editor world is not the same as it was 5 years ago.
Today, you are basically choosing between which base you want and which scripting language you want to use.
A lot of people don't manage servers and thus text based editor is not a necessity. You can use whatever you want, for some people.

can you guys share some haxxor commands in vim?
change inside something, delete until something and repeat absolutely blew my mind. What else is there that makes editing much faster than on a regular wordprocessor.

>vim is just a nightmare of "features"

You got it all wrong.
Vim is not a text editor with bunch of features.
Vim is more like a meta language to edit text.

Spellchecking is a feature, the programm works without it, but it is convenient to have.
But "copy 3 lines and insert it 5 times" with the command "3yy5p" is not a feature, it is the essence of Vim itself. It is the language that makes Vim what it is. And it's not hard to remeber:
3 * [yank complete line]
5 * [paste]

One of the most powerfull features is that you can always directly run shell commands from vim.

Wanna know how many words you have?
:! wc %

:! means "execute shell command"
% means the current document

But the rest is simply what you would write on your shell.

Who needs features that are already implemented in other programms? If you want to check your PHP syntax just run
:! php5 -l %

That's also usefull if you want to write a qiuck script and fire it up.

Here I create some (shell) output and replace line 5 until the end of my document with it:

:5,$! echo "This file lies currently in the directory: " && pwd

: = "execute"
5,$ = "for lines 5 until end of document"
! = "the following bash command"

Emacs doesn't follow the Unix philosophy. I mean, you even have games on it.

>using a helicopter to buy groceries

yep, perfect vim analogy and I am not being sarcastic.

it was mostly the CUA becoming the de facto standard for interacting with a computer. Microsoft and Apple embrace it and then it was used by everyone.

The new standard is for touchscreen devices and in the future, we are going to program on tablets, pctablets or on our phones.

>idk what to tell you
of course you don't, brainlet

Imagine when you learn what ctrl+[ is

long live nano

german keyboard doesnt have '[' key?