User, my laptop runs so slow lately. I heard you know your stuff. So, please tell your aunt what's going on, would you?

user, my laptop runs so slow lately. I heard you know your stuff. So, please tell your aunt what's going on, would you?

stop rostieposting

First of all what OS are you running?

stop browsing porn on my pc aunt!!

What do you mean user?

What OS stands for?

Operating System.

Windows, MacOSX, GNU/Linux, etc etc...

Oh, I understand. I don't know for sure, my Operating System has 4 rectangles on left bottom corner of the screen. What is this?

can you take a picture and post it here?

fuck off 3dpd roastie, it'll be $50

It's virus user!

Delete system32 to remove this.

It's gonna cost you sweet cheeks

I don't have camera at the moment. Is there any other option to make picture of the screen and upload it here?

Please, watch your language, user...

Oh no, are you sure it's some kind of virus?

Your aunt for sure will reward you, I just need your help with computer :-)

I actually had a woman where I worked do this to me once. She set her homepage to porn and asked me if I saw it, then invited me back to her place. She was blonde but still a confirmed in shape milf. It was fun.

user this isn't even that bad. I used to work a support job at a small-medium business and we had remote workers. I cannot even exaggerate when I say that things like

>"can you click the start button?"
>"what's that?"
>"the button in the bottom left that says start"
>"oh right, sure"

happened constantly. Never take a shred of competence for granted in this industry.

Of course, I'll just check it out.

Just sit right next to me and pay attention

>Take classes somewhere
>Meet MILF that seems to have a little trouble with her cheap tablet
>Help her out with it, why not
>Oh user maybe you would know what's going on with my slow netbook? Just back up them files I put in there and work some magic
>Bring it and I'll check it out
>Folder on desktop with said files
> know what fuck it let's check it out
>Right the fuck there 11 pictures of her bare naked showing everything at the beach

>Be completely retarded and not save them

an anna still holding on like a champ i see

Wanna flex, user?

>lanky aunt
>not hot stud uncle

What the hell? Why? What went through your head?

I'm extremely dumb

By the way, this happened years ago but I still see her frequently. Free drinks.


>>Be completely retarded and not save them
You are completely retarded, but not for the reason you gave.

>Well a computer place would charge like $80, but I'll do it for $30

I need to plug this male stick in your female part to reboot your mainframe

When laptops slow down you need to buy a new macbook. Lets fuck