Is Firefox Quantum better than Google Chrome? I'm testing it out and idk which one I prefer. What do you use and why?

Is Firefox Quantum better than Google Chrome? I'm testing it out and idk which one I prefer. What do you use and why?

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unlike chrome firefox is only slightly botnet so yes, it's better

I switched from Chrome to Firefox Quantum and I prefer it:

I use Gnome3 and I feel Firefox integrates better with the look and feel of the system (for once, it uses the same font rendering than the rest of the system).

Servo is written in Rust, so it's gotta be better than whatever pile of dogshit CSS engine Chrome uses.

It supports all my Chrome extensions, so I didn't lose anything.

I've been using firefox since they release Quantum and so far, everything works fine and is as fast as Chrome.

The only thing missing in Firefox now is good gesture support for touchscreen and to find a way to get into the cellphone market.

Chrome is proprietary.

Quantum is way better than chrome. I miss a few extensions over 56, but their loss is worth the upgrade

it's so much better it's not even funny. I was even a chrome fanboy making fun of faggot who use chromium even. There's just legitimately not a single reason to not be using quantum right now

What extension should I use for scripts such as Sup Forums X?

I use Vivaldi for 2 reasons
- true portability. Firefox portable still writes outside the install folder
- mouse gestures on new tab (no longer available in quantum)
Yes, it's that simple to make someone drop your product. I've even used Nightly back when I did't have a job.

the logo perfectly symbolizes just how fucked moSJWilla is. fucking oversatured shit logo, they lack any sort of taste or the ability to make a good browser. it's 2017 and more people are using IE/edge than firecucks.

No reason to utilize a browser that desperately attempts to be chromium.

> judging a browser by it's icon/logo
> Sup Forums in a nutshell

Firefox quantum is still slower for webgl 3D rendrering (trust me I create webgl apps for a living), and sometimes, when you load an heavy website it still can fuck you firefox up, taking 30% of the CPU even if you close the tab.
But it's rather as good as chrome for casual browsing.

I use Oprea. Smooth, similar to Chrome without the botnet, smaller, less ram rape, etc

>let's trade the google botnet for a chink botnet

>3D rendering in the browser
>"I create webgl apps"
Go die in a fire

>(trust me I create webgl apps for a living)
>for a living
utterly delusional

But like... Native adblock and free unlimited VPN.

Is Opera really that bad? Why is everyone afraid of chink stuff?

Depends. Both companies are run by SJW retards. Mozilla doesn't make money on selling your info like Google does as far as I can tell. But they do spend donation money on leftist terrorist organizations like Antifa.

As far as the browser itself, Firefox does give you a lot more fine grained control than Chrome. And it is still open source, unlike Chrome which does have proprietary parts. Firefox also doesn't have standalone web apps like chrome does, and certain sites run a lot better under chrome. Most likely because they use a lot of Google API calls. Truthfully, both will work just fine for most normies. Don't listen to the autists here.

Like...I use telegram/WhatsApp etc, they even have a built in side bar for them

>free unlimited VPN

Who cares? The language is open source. Not like they can prevent you from coding NiggerBeater9000.exe in it anyway. They just won't let you speak at conferences.

Stop that. You know perfectly well common sense is prohibited on Sup Forums.

your language is dead in the water antifa fag

C++ 4 lyfe

I get called 3D engineer for that.
Still frustrating to get less than a quarter of the functionalities and performances you can have on Opengl, DirectX or Vulkan programs (but it's getting better).
BabylonJS is the shit right now to do 3D in a browser. Microsoft is pushing it.

It's 0% botnet if you uncheck literally two boxes in the settings.

At least the default version. Don't use Nightly ever

All of this.

I actually used Edge before as speed is most important to me, plus Chrome looks like a fucking Google web app which annoyed me to no end when I tried it out.

Firefox 57 got me to switch after 1 minute of use. I am not exaggerating.
The respect for privacy compared to all other major browsers is just the icing on the cake.

>Firefox 57 got me to switch after 1 minute of use. I am not exaggerating
fucking same

however I keep getting weird crashing and glitches with Sup Forums x. Anybody else?

>It's 0% botnet if you uncheck literally two boxes in the settings.

compile it from source yourself you faggot piece of shit

Use the webextention and just import a CSS directly instead of stylechan.
Or violentmonkey

Firefox is FOSS, do you seriously think they'd risk putting some shit into the binaries when anyone can compile it and compare?

why not greasemonkey? how do I use the chrome version on quantum?


well done son

>lists a million reasons why FF is incomparably better
>Truthfully, both will work just fine for most normies.

BTW if you think there's a single non-SJW tech company in the entire United States, you're a fool.

>do you seriously think they'd risk putting some shit into the binaries when anyone can compile it and compare?
explain pocket then
Were you saying something there?

They deleted almost all the addons that used to work so I deleted Firefox. Chrome has full customization with multiple functioning addons.
And some addons on Firefox that say they work really don't work.

Ever since i updated to Firefox 57, it lags after a few hours of using it.
It's annoying. I don't care about the stupid layout as long as it just fucking works.
It doesn't even restore tabs properly anymore wtf how can they fuck up so badly.

>What do you use and why?
Which ever one you prefer dumb fuck. Why would you ask Sup Forums to decide for you?

>find shit
>dig through shit
>smear it on the walls
>eats shit
the mind of a firecuck

Chrome pisses me off. It shows only 6 items as suggestions when I start typing, and most of them are web search suggestions.
Bitch, if I wanted to do a google search, I'd begin typing with 'g' followed by what I want to search for, then press enter. It's called a quicksearch shortcut. It's a hell of a lot faster than using that "search" bar to the side of the URL bar.
95% of the time I start typing in the address bar, I want it to search my history, and Firefox is great at that. I can type part of the page title from a page I saw two years ago and it'll come up. It never forgets.

I switched from Opera to Firefox Quantum very recently. Quantum feels a lot smoother and more polished. The only things I miss are built in VPN and speed dial.

Are you genuinely autistic? He was asking which one do YOU use, not which one he should use.

>I switched from Opera to Firefox Quantum very recently
literally me
>built in VPN and speed dial.
pay for a VPN like a grown up and firefox does have a speed dial, but it has a limited number of 12 slots

>and firefox does have a speed dial, but it has a limited number of 12 slots

It's not speed dial if it doesn't allow any customization beyond pinning your most frequently visited web pages.

>limited number of 12 slots
Ever heard of about:config?

I prefer Chrome based browsers because of Chrome's background tab throttling which drastically reduces CPU usage compared to Firefox.

They did everything right in this case.
Mozilla wanted to integrate this into FF for good reason, but everyone correctly raised a stink about it being non-FOSS. So they fucking bought it, and now the community has a new FOSS component coming soon.

What are you complaining about?

Firefox supports Chrome addons and more.

You're a fucking retard.

>'s not speed dial if it doesn't allow any customization
you can add any website you want and pin them anywhere

Quantum is god tier. Change that about:config, add a good vpn, and add some privacy extensions and you are as botnet free as you can get with a good browser.

>Change that about:config

Like what for example? will tell you everything

>At least the default version. Don't use Nightly ever
Why? The settings are there just like in stable and Beta.

It shouldn't have been integrated at all. So quite literally they did not do everything right. It was utterly unnecessary, open sourcing cancer is useless when it shouldn't exist at all.

>Glenn quotes
Sincerely hope none of you take that site seriously lmao

Except they're not?

At least one of the boxes is grayed out and permanently enabled, or at least in about:config.

Quantum runs shit in my computer, so I prefer using chromium.

Enjoying the chrome botnet? The site was recommended for about configs and extensions. Not quotes faggot. Also wanna tell me whats wrong with either of those recommendations?

Protip: you cant

>Enjoying the chrome botnet?
>Also wanna tell me whats wrong with either of those recommendations?
I can, but you wouldn't care anyways you've already made up your mind as to how "trustworthy" this site and its recommendations are. See this is the problem with you faggots who think you know it all and start suggesting stupid shit, you don't actually know anything. You just assume authority.
Quite sad idiots like you are the majority around here, fucking shit up.

Quantum runs fine on my PC but for some reason refuses to allow itself to access any Google services, as in, I'll go to Google something and just load forever, but if I yahoo or Bing or duckduckgo the same thing I'll get results instantly

Which ones?

There are exactly three boxes under "Firefox Data Collection and Use" (57 here, you shouldn't be running an earlier version anyways). One of those is unchecked by default, but the others are not.


>Firefox Data Collection and Use
Thanks a lot mang. Can't believe I checked that tab earlier and didn't see it.

>t. firefox cuck

I didn't know this was a thing, but now i'm seriously considering it
Looking over the features list it seems a lot better that firefox used to be, and potentially even better than chrome, but can it finally run chrome plugins yet?
I can find firefox versions or similar extensions for most things, but there's one particular chrome extension im really fond of, and being able to still use that would make finally ditching chromium so much easier

greasemonkey is dead iirc

chink botnet

It's supposed to run Chrome plugins, yes. Though I'm not sure if that only applies to some of them.

Awesome, that's all I needed to hear to give it a shot
I hope it runs well and can use the extensions I care about, I'm getting real sick of this chromium fork that was supposed to remove the botnet crap

Did the last Nightly break the Theme support for anyone else?

Is your shit purple too?

I can't switch away from opera because of the rocker gestures and mouse gestures. I can't go back to browsing in any other way.

fucking chinks and their amazing shit

>click the minimize memory usage button in about:memory
>memory usage increases by 1GB

chrome is too generic

does anyone on this board know what "botnet" means?

I've been using firefox for several years now and I personally love Firefox, especially after the new update. I was jumping between chrome and torch (ik, im a tard for using torch) previously and i was much more pleased with firefox. Today, im running nightly and its been great despite the browser being bleeding edge

It's a hack and it's not guaranteed to work. So it doesn't "support" Chrome addons you lie.

a botnet is anything that doesn't align with their communistic tendencies
but they'll happily prop up a corporation like mozilla with their luxurious worldwide offices and huge salaries because they support antifa

Accidentally restarted my firefox. Now everything is purple. Thanks Mozarella

I use Quantum across all my computers. On my older ones I find it snappier, and on the newer ones where performance is nearly indistinguishable, I prefer the design. Squares where squares should be, and circles where circles should be.

The vast majority of privacy advocates (i.e. those screaming botnet on Sup Forums) are hard right politically.

Just FYI.

It's snappier on all PCs, you just have to browse a lot of heavier sites to really notice it sometimes.

(Looking at you here, nu-YouTube.)

Why do you people still use the nightlies if bugs, well, bug you so much? Nothing wrong with 57.


Vivaldi breaks on some websites, which is beyond me since it's based on the same engine as Chromium

All that rocker stuff was in Opera since 10-15 years ago back when Opera was a Swedish company

yeah that's why they support antifa

I switched to it because Quantum was acting retarded. like 30% of the time when I typed something into the address bar nothing happened. Switched to Nightly and everything worked fantastically with the same addons. I'd shoot myself before going back to that mess

It’s the only decent mobile browser that supports extensions, and you can queue tabs to your PC so that when you start Firefox on your PC they open.

>The vast majority of privacy advocates (i.e. those screaming botnet on Sup Forums) are hard right politically.
I take it you've never been to

haha holy shit

I don't get the connection.

Probably because you're a WM

Explain it then, you shitposter.

None of them are saying anything about botnet on that subleddit. Just what kind of a point are you trying to make here??