Does it make you look like a noob if you use Ubuntu with default GUI and code using vim with default settings?

Does it make you look like a noob if you use Ubuntu with default GUI and code using vim with default settings?


There are people out there coding in fucking Vi$ual $tudio.

No dude once you lose your virginity and take the redpills you'll realize people will think more of you if you don't spend hours ricing your shit up.

>Does it make you look like a noob if you use Ubuntu with default GUI and code using vim with default settings?
ubuntu 17.04 and before? no
ubuntu 17.10 and after? yes

no, not if you're writing good software.


only numales and brainlets care about that shit user

but what about the borderline-hentai desktop background image?

Yes. Only faggots use Ubuntu

>Does it make you look like a noob if you use Ubuntu with default GUI
You can spin this one as you having better things to do

>code using vim with default settings
This is masochistic. At LEAST a basic .vimrc.

Yes. It's like you're trying your first steps in GNU/Linux and literally shoved the first distro that popped up on Google search.

Default vim is fine, but you can probably raise productivity using a tiling wm.

Nothing says "I don't know what I'm doing" more than Ubuntu.

except for mint

> (OP)
>Nothing says "I don't know what I'm doing" more than Ubuntu.
Maybe mint

>beat me by 6 seconds

what's good .vimrc for basic web applications programming?

(python, javascript, the list could go on...)

If you're looking to impress NEETs on Sup Forums then yes.
Remember that the rest of the world are normies and they won't give a shit about riced out desktops. As long as you either write good code or are trying to learn to then it doesn't matter really.

That's only because most people don't recognize it like they do Ubuntu. Your still using Ubuntu when using Mint.

Nah, most of teacher at my university used it on their laptops, including a certain guy around 50 who had all possible degrees and was competent as fuck.
Now it's hard to me to think abou Ubuntu users as noobs.

inoremap jk
set tabstop=4
syntax on
set number
set noet

this, pretty much. once you use your real dick, you stop the urge to show your e-dick.

Some fairly generic stuff:

" These enable syntax awareness and basic completion
syntax enable
filetype plugin indent on

set path+=** " You can use :find and a partial file name for "fuzzy" search

set number
set hidden " for switching between unsaved buffers
set backspace=2 " No bs
set ignorecase smartcase incsearch hlsearch
set autoindent
set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 " expandtab if you want spaces

" More comfy split navigation
set splitbelow splitright
nmap h
nmap j
nmap k
nmap l

" Nice interface for filename and buffer searching
set wildmenu wildmode=list:longest,full
" set wildignore= set *.extension or folder/* for file types you don't want to find within vim; comma-separated

I found this for automaticaly running pylint on save
augroup Linting
autocmd FileType python setlocal makeprg=pylint\ --output-format=parseable
autocmd BufWritePost *.py silent make! | silent redraw!
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost [^l]* cwindow
augroup END