What are some good sites to download Youtube videos from?

For both MP3 and MP4
Google search gives alot of them, but I want to know which ones are legit

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If you want to download the best quality you need to use jdownloader. I am not sure if there are sites you can get the same quality. Read here mesh.gentoo.today/wiki/Preservation_of_Internet_content

use vlc

Absolute idiot.

Just film it with your phone camera or record the audio, easy.

I can see you are a newfag. Welcome to Sup Forums! If you know how to read, which i know you do, jewgle youtube-dl.


google "youtube-dl"


JDownloader is better than youtube-dl, it can do dash.

I know is hard to believe but it can do higher quality videos you didn't know it existed.

youtube-dl does dash too

I mean JDownloader can merge audio and video streams with ffmpeg for the highest quality videos. Check it out.

youtube-dl does this too

Ok, give me the exact command for doing it.

youtube-dl -f bestaudio+bestvideo url

Oh sorry that's backwards. It's bestvideo+bestaudio.

Mmmm, have to try this out. Thanks.


you just need to use youtube-dl and it downloads the highest quality available

I honestly have no idea if it doesn't that be default or not. I set it in my mpv config ages ago. And I pipe it to mpv 99% of the time.

does that by*

No it doesn't. The highest quality from youtube is not what youtube-dl takes by default. Just check for a video over 720 on youtube and then check youtube-dl.

You dont even need to do that. Just have ffmpeg as an environment variable.

It does for me

Works for me

Mp3 juices

Is there a hooktube version of this?

Pretty sure it should just work on hooktube as well.

hooktube only has video or audio only for 1920x1080 and doesn't go above that

>he doesn't understand DASH

I miss when the internet was full of people who were willing to at least try to not be retarded.

Well that's the fault of hooktube then. Youtube-dl works just fine with hooktube though.

Youtube is a good place.

By default youtube-dl selects the best quality audio and video streams and muxes them together.

Only if you have ffmpeg

Okay but you should have it anyway.

Any chance of hooktube getting higher quality / options by default?

No idea. I assume youtube does something funky for the 4K uploads which makes it hard for scrapers like hooktube to get them.

get a speaker and a boombox with a tape deck and press record

You mean right clicking on the video and pressing Save As?

That's only 1280x720 in hooktube via right clicking Save As

can confirm, i had to add ffmpeg for something, then turned it off because of autism

>not using youtube-dl
>any year

yeah, hooktube

select the highest quality in Download, and the you can right click>save as

Only goes to 1920x1080 even on a 4K video

really? honestly I use youtube-dl but I've seen all the options are there.

Remember, they're not listed in order, 2160p is not the last option.

ITT: tech illiterates, and people pandering to tech illiterates by recommending anything other than youtube-dl, as well as spoonfeeding instead of telling them to RTFM

jdownloader is one step away from malware

well, have you?

Does that thing work universally or does it only support the major sites?

I used TubeHunter or some such for porn videos as it supported nearly every imaginable site but it shits the bed now that sites no longer use flash.

>telling them to RTFM
This is an ancient way of doing things user.
Better get spoonfed.
t. Sup Forums

I think youtube-dl supports the most sites. Last time I checked it was over 1000 different sites.

I've been using keepvid and that fvd (?) extension. Is youtube-dl a better alternative?

>Supports the most sites and lets you stream with mpv
>Most actively developed so when sites try to prevent people from downloading youtube-dl is updated quickly to make it work
>Shows all available formats unlike most downloaders
There's a ton of other features in youtube-dl as well. Yeah, I would say it is a better alternative.

Neat, thank you for explaining why, I will make the switch.


Use youtube-dl retard.

youtube-dl -F [url]
>lists available numbered video and audio formats
youtube-dl -f [vformat#]+[aformat#] [url]
>downloads specified dash v+a, merges( and deletes dashes unless -k appended).

youtube-dl has python, jdownloader has java, they are both pajeet tier, give it up

There is nothing wrong with python if you don't care about speed.

You can download youtube videos from youtube.com.

youtube centre lets you download stuff directly in mp4

youtube-dl isn't a site but is actually amazingly useful for downloading stuff in quick succession.

If you have a question the best way to get it answered is to shit on open-source software and have angry people tell you how to use it.
t. nu-Sup Forums

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