I want top of the line ultraportable laptop with Thunderbolt 3 so I can hook a eGPU on it when I'm at home

I want top of the line ultraportable laptop with Thunderbolt 3 so I can hook a eGPU on it when I'm at home.

Thinkpad X1 Carbon was gonna be my #1 choice but finding out you can't upgrade the RAM is retarded. any other contenders?

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Akitio-Node-Thunderbolt3-Windows-Compatible/dp/B06XKKSNTS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1512931071&sr=8-1&keywords=thunderbolt egpu
amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B073PYMG3G/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1512931284&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=aorus gaming box

Why not just build a mini-itx and vesa mount the case on the back of a monitor?

because a mini itx is not a laptop I can put on my laptop bag

mini itx is good for a home media center, and that's about it

Then put it in your bookbag, slim mini itx desktops can easily fit in those

where would I strap the battery? on my chest?

XPS 15 9560

i have a mini itx desktop and it still weighs the same around the same as a normal computer.

What fucking battery? Or are you legit saying your eGPU runs off a USB port?

And a laptop + eGPU will weight less. Are you fucking brain damaged or something?

Just get a cheap laptop and a form factor desktop for home. Gaming on a laptop is never good.


Quit being a retard, get a netbook and build a desktop for at home.

Gaming on laptop with eGPU is good

It's not portable so at that point you might as well just build a form factor PC, it's more upgradeable and cheaper.

Have fun with the CPU bottlenecking you

Nigga a powerbank won't let you pull 100+ watts AC.

You haven't thought this through, have you?

Ultrabooks are a meme, you're paying ridiculous amounts for
>muh thin
Any 15.6" or under laptop these days is more than portable enough

Yes it actually is, the aorus Gaming box can fit a bag

I can actually travel with a laptop + eGPU

With a desktop + netbook I'm limited to travelling with a netbook

I travel a lot, I know most people here are dead set on their old ways (the fact you still call them netbooks shows it) but the fact is eGPU and laptops are the future


the absolute state of this board

How the fuck are you supposed to power the GPU you dumb nigger, a form factor PC is more than portable enough, all you have to do is get it to where you're staying then you can leave it there like you would an eGPU, as you wouldn't be carrying either around with you constantly anyway

that is a macbook's design.

Just buy the original [macbook] and install windows.

No, it isn't. At all.

1.) CPU will cause massive frame dips and stuttering on top of already terrible performance.

2.) TB3 is only 5GB/s compared to 16GB/s 16 pci-express lanes give you.

3.) There will be significant input lag due to how fucking huge the distance between the GPU and CPU is.

4.) kys

What are you, fucking gay?

I travel a lot

I power it on an outlet you fucking imbecile

>Light usage on an airport/outside
>Heavy usage when I'm at an hotel/ in a room

Travelling with a mini itx is retarded when a laptop and eGPU can do this flawlessly

Yeah I'm sure some aluminium shitbook is gonna have a powerful enough CPU with decent enough cooling to handle the sort of games that need an eGPU to run, you dumb faggot

Holy fuck how many times do we need to have this discussion?
You're never going to get a good gaming experience with a laptop unless
1. You like playing 2-D indie shit
2. You like playing games made before 2006
3. You like carrying around a 5kg gaymen laptop with a 20 minute battery life

You're deluding yourself if you think otherwise

I can literally picture some Sup Forums fag neckbeard holding a 7 inch monitor with one hand and a wired mouse in the other while he has a 1000w Cyberpower pure sine-wave in a baby caddie across his chest with a desktop in his backpack with a wired dvorak keyboard Velcro attached to the outside of the baby caddie UPS while saying
>"ultra portable is a meme for weak soy boys"
>"join le' mustard race!"

Gaming in public is for soyboys

Are you sure you know what a mini-itx pc is boss?


This thing will literally fit 100% in your bookbag along with the ac brick.

Senpai my i3 Dell Chromebook 13 can play HL2 on medium settings running off of Solus budgie.

Half l?Life 2 was released in 2004 you fucking idiot

Dear neckbeard,
Please read Sincerely, a ultra-portable user

No, something like and wireless peri is totally doable.

Fucking stupid but doable and 100X better than the massive frame stuttering and input lag caused by an eGPU and shitty laptop processor.

jesus christ, did you even graduate high school?

how old are you
and where do you travel

>Dear soyboy,
>Please read
>Sincerely, a man without titties

With an egpu though you can leave the GPU at home and use the ultraportable as an ultraportable.

So you're okay with spending over $1000 total to get ?

Because I just have a mini-itx build like and a $200 x220 I take to work.

Go back to your shit hole

If someone can afford it then why not?
An x220 is neither a powerful laptop, nor is it an ultraportable and a mini itx build with a ups isn't a convenient portable solution at all.

LMFAO the grampas in this thread I swear to god

Sure sure, let's look at real performance


Oh hey look, I can play games on a laptop, even Witcher 3, this is the future ladies and gentlemen. And it is beautiful. Again, why are you dinosaurs dead set on your old ways, there are other options now, especially for people who travel a lot

I do, but a laptop and eGPU is still a better option for travelling, I have everything in one machine (laptop)
with a itx if I'm at a hotel I need to take out a itx + mouse + keyboard and hook to a monitor

Because you're paying for shit you retard. If you're so fucking weak that you can't carry around a slightly heavier laptop then you need to just kys. You don't even need to get an x220, literally any laptop from the last 10 years will do as long as it's relatively small.
Bad bait 2/10

Desktop basement dwellers in a nutshell

Ultrabook """""gamers""""" in a nutshell

>Gets BTFO'd
>"It's a bait bro, you can't really game on a laptop and you because I said so"

Are you still gonna ignore youtu.be/ZoPAONqe6vA
I have portability, I can game. You can only game with 4 extra frame, stuck in one place

If you can't even overcome throttling what kind of shitty gamer are you then. Who plays easy mode? You say it pussies and virgins.

Holy shit is that thing supposed to be portable? It's literally bigger than two mini-itx PCs put together lmao
Also enjoy your input lag and shit lifespan from constant 100% CPU usage

Yeah because windows supports thunderbolt real well despite being made for a Mac because it rapes USB and is the successor of fireworks for people who actually use their pcs as workstations

>implying I have the time or autism to game in public
You ha/v/e to go back
dude ur such an epic gamer!!!


>Sup Forums technology

Yes it is chunky but portable, I can fit it in a luggage and it's light

However wtf is that itx abomination you linked, was I supposed to be impressed?

>implying I need to impress some dumb LinusShillTips-watching Sup Forumsermin
You should make room in that luggage of yours for a rope so you can fucking hang yourself

Two shitty mini itx < one eGPU

If I can hold it in one hand and throw it up and down easily it is portable

One mini itx > a shitty eGPU and a shitbook with a throttled to fuck CPU

Isn't thunderbold dock costs $500? And ultraportable laptop will overheat anyway.

Show me that mini itx gaming powerhouse that's smaller than
Dimensions:212 x 96 x 162 mm

>playing gaymes
grow up

Thunderbolt dock? You just buy a eGPU and hook to it m8

amazon.com/Akitio-Node-Thunderbolt3-Windows-Compatible/dp/B06XKKSNTS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1512931071&sr=8-1&keywords=thunderbolt egpu


>can't upgrade the RAM

You just figured out why you shouldn't buy an ultraportable, congrats.

>show me a full PC that's smaller than a box with just a GPU in it
No, i'll show you this though zaber.com.pl/sentry/

amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B073PYMG3G/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1512931284&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=aorus gaming box

Comes with a 1070 included

You mocked the eGPU because you seemed it "big" yet you can't show a smaller itx?

Get rekt, this conversation is over

>hey guys! I want a laptop specifically designed around portability because I'm going to be porting it.
>are you autistic? just get a really small desktop PC and a monitor!
The absolute STATE of Sup Forums

Big for what it is, a fucking GPU and nothing else, which is gonna give you shit input lag and won't fix the issue of your shitbook CPU being a huge bottleneck.
Why carry around a brick and a shitbook when you can carry around a slightly larger brick with much better performance and value?

Build a desktop and get a separate ultraportable
Most ultraportables won't satisfy you with their dual core ULV cpus
If you really want to go the egpu route get a old thinkpad or elitebook

One word

>cpu is at a constant 100% usage
You sure showed me

Oh so your "portable" itx is now a larger brick?

Let's get one thing clear, I like the itx and it will replace my desktop pc, but for portability a laptop and eGPU is more ideal and convenient

Finally one post with actual merit, I guess a normal laptop is what I should go for if ultrabooks UVL is that much of an issue

pic related + cheap laptop for travel

Have any of you chucklefucks actually USED an eGPU?

They actually work quite well with no stuttering if configured properly.

Posting from my quad core razer blade stealth and razer core v2

>Oh so your "portable" itx is now a larger brick?
Yes, larger does not necessarily mean "not portable". The increase in size is far outweighed by the massive performance boost.

>I like the itx and it will replace my desktop PC
Why the fuck would you do that? The main benefit of mini-ITX is its portability. Having one that you're never going to move around is just retarded.

>but for portability a laptop and eGPU is more ideal and convenient
Sure, if you enjoy sub-par performance and a lifespan of 1 year on your laptop

Zotac Magnus

Any game that already doesn't run on your igpu will probably scale across multiple core and will need more than two
I've tried many 2015 titles and a good chunk of the intensive titles would max out my dual core 3320m which is about a 6300u

You're obviously too narrow minded to even consider this.

Enjoy your stationary ITX computer and shitty x220 though.

Also MSI Trident

I am right now
Unless you've got a quad core machine and said machine can keep said quad core cool
It's a horrible idea
A ultraportable like OP said isn't even built to keep a dual core properly cooled for extensive period

>Enjoy your stationary ITX
Bitch I enjoy my full tower

Thanks, I'll get the razer blade stealth. Looks perfect

All you desktop cucks can leave now. Thread over

Doesn't even have a dgpu so that'll make it easier for you

Not smaller but not much larger, plus it's thinner which helps when fitting into a suitcase
Congratulations you've now proven beyond doubt that you are in fact retarded.

eGPU with quad core, where's my ULV throttling now bitches?

Welcome to Sup Forums, where Sup Forumskiddies successfully bait Sup Forumsaymhating retards.

In every other non gaymen or workstation laptop you huge faggot

Great, now instead of having ULV throttling you'll just have thermal throttling

LMAO stay mad in your basement

I don't like this image. What it should have been is both guys wearing the same clothes, same level of fitness and facial hair/hairstyle, they should be side by side, desktop guy's headphones resting on the back of his neck, his keyboard should be aligned with the tower and he should be holding the monitor by the bottom of the panel not the stand.

But the wouldn't be funny

>I want top of the line ultraportable laptop with Thunderbolt 3 so I can hook a eGPU on it when I'm at home.

Same level of fitness is wrong. A basement dweller is caught in his basement and barely moves. A notebook person, however, is portable and thus fit as fuark.

>being a dumb cuck
I use already use an egpu
That's why I told you not to you delusional cuck

The cpu and memory bandwidth is an issue with laptops. But I guess the external box is a good temporary solution. However it's better just get a desktop if you play.. Eventually you want to do that anyhow.