Objectively most useful languages to learn

Imo the best languages are Spanish and German. And Mandarin if you are good at it.

German is objectively better than French that is all I know. French for example is only really spoken in France and economically bad areas.

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t. Friegaplatos

There're no "objectively" useful languages other than English as you may consider it to be the languages of all things international and Internet. If you plan to live/work in a certain country, learning its language is useful, same goes if you like certain literary authors and would like to enjoy their original works. Mandarin is the most spoken language in a world, but its only spoken in China and some not-Chinas nearby. Spanish is more diffused , you can find some of its speakers on every continent

Entirely depends on what you want to do. If you want to do international trading you might wanna learn mandarin, but if you don't it's worth jack shit.

Most European languages are useless for very specific situations.

>French for example is only really spoken in France and economically bad areas.
And the usage oft German is restricted to Germany, its federal states in denial (Austria, Switzerland) and other states bordering in it. Unless you plan coming here, it is all oft little use. As native English speaker, you already got 90% of the communication used in business covered.

Norwegian because its a bad ass language thats why.

Whats wrong with France? Paris is literally an island of wealth surrounded by much poorer places, apart from Provence and the Lyon region.

>German is objectively better than French that is all I know. French for example is only really spoken in France and economically bad areas.
In one or two decade, you will regret to have learned German.
Because of millions refugees, aging population and the catastrophic rate of natural increase, german economy will be stagnant.
In the other side, French will be more useful thank to the spectacular economical growth of niggers countries.

> spectacular economical growth of niggers countries.
top kek

Only English is worth learning, the rest is useless.

In Europe:

1. English
2. French / German
3. Italian
4. Russian
5. Dutch
6. Spanish (no money to be made there)
7. Polish
8. Portuguese

For a European worldwide:

1. English
2. French
3. Chinese
4. German
5. Japanese
6. Arabic (if you want to speak with terrorists lol)
7. Portuguese (Brazil superpower in 2030)
8. Spanish (if you want to speak with poor people who can't buy anything lol)
9. Russian

For Americans:

1. American
2. Ebonics
3. Mexican
4. Canadian (French / Chinese)
5. Japanese (for reading cartoons)
6. English (to be able to communicate with your allies)

good post


whats this anyway? i think theres a more proper word for it like "beneficial"

learning a language isnt for something "useful" to begin with
if you dont have a country or a culture that interests you, you dont have to learn it. unless you will make money by using it

you just confuse a purpose with a motive

If you like African culture you can learn French.

If you like European culture then you can learn German.

Seems like a hard pick?

who richfag here?

swerve peons

>learning language because of economy

I am currently completely and utterly triggered till the dusk of time.

English is a lot more useful than anything else. French and German are both completely useless.

For a regular European, the list goes something like this.
1. English
2. English
3. English
4. Spanish
5. Russian
6. Standard Chinese
7. Arabic
32. German
33. French
196. Norwegian

Learning any language other than English is pointless unless you plan on moving to a country where the language is spoken natively or you plan on doing business with a company in a country where the language is spoken.

>Learning any language other than English is pointless
Good little slave, Uncle Sam must be proud.

Do French people convince themselves that they are refusing to learn English for political reasons instead of facing the fact that they are stupid?

This is pretty objective honestly. I might say in the some western-European like the UK Dutch might actually be worth more than Russian because Benelux is so huge for us.

I disagree with the Europeans Worldwide though I think Spanish is underrated here especially considering its easy.


1. English
2. French
3. Spanish
4. Mandarin
5/6. Japanese / German
7/8. Russian > Port (depending on if you like developed and nice Asian country, developed and nice Europe or somewhere shit in SA or Slavs.
9. Arabic (Terrorists right weird dialects and fucking hard with no resources.)

In this thread: plebeians gauging the value and utility of a language based on the cultural trash they are feeded by media for the idiotic mass they are.

In this post: resentfulness

>French people
>refusing to learn English7
You really believe the propaganda, don't you?
Newsflash: English is shoved down our throats since the day we are born, just like everywhere else in Europe. But at least we're not committing linguistic suicide like you guys.

I am very glad that my native language isn't English, and I am a big fan of the Norwegian language and the nation it helps represent. But I also realise that it is completely useless for foreigners to learn it unless they plan on living here.
The same thing applies to French, but for some reason French people try to cling on to a misguided illusion of global relevance. The French language is useless, France hasn't been a global power for more than a century, and you don't really export anything of value, either.

I'm actually learning Spanish myself, despite that I think it's a pretty useless language. I just like the music and going on vacation there, so why not.

I thought frogs being pretentious cunts was a meme, guess not.

>judging the French by what Anglos say about them
This is why using English as "muh international language" is dangerous. It makes us see the world through an English and American lens.

>France hasn't been a global power for more than a century

And obviously Norway's school system hasn't been an educationnal power since a long time.

Бaтькa тeбe paзpeшил пoльзoвaтьcя интepнeтoм?

5.German (Or Portugese for non English speakers)

>learning French is useful
How? Unless you want to travel to West Africa I really don't see the point.

I'm just saying that France is not relevant in the world anymore. That's just the way the world is, seen from anyone's perspective.

Hey Belarus, what your modesty has brought to you ? A pat on the head ?

A зaчeм y нeгo paзpeшeниe cпpaшивaть?

German is dying

>The Frog buthurt ITT

Didn't it occur to you that you should say nothing instead of saying something incredibly retarded?

English, Spanish, and mandarin are the only useful languages, desu,

Oh, boy. You sure showed me. Hitting me where it hurts... the Norwegian school system. Jesus Christ, man. This is exactly what I'm talking about. France contributes pretty much nothing to today's global society, but you still act like your country is one of the big guys.

Your military is a joke, your industry is a joke, you don't produce any movies or any other art of value, and none of it is shown outside of your own borders.
French people always brag about "muh culture", but the only countries exporting any cultural products or setting any trends these days are the US and the UK.

Who cares ? German language brought Leibniz, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Holderlin, Goethe, Marx, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, Kafka, etc...
It will retain its value forever.

German speakers are dying out, the language is dying. Why learn a dying language?

You show your idiocy by putting other languages.

There is almost no situation in which those languages like Chink/Arab are worth more than French and German. Having a language be exotic and rare doesn't make it worthwhile.

>poisoning your mind with german literature

You're a fucking retard.

You too.

Easy champ, don't be so upset

Are you serious?

China is a massive country with a massive industry. They are a very important trading partner for your country, for my country and for pretty much any country in the developed world.
And they send a massive amount of tourists everywhere. I'm sure you're more likely to walk into a Chink than a Frenchman pretty much wherever you go.

The Arab world is quite large. They are huge oil exporters, and thus important trading partners. And there are more Arabs in Europe than there are Frenchmen. Also, knowing the enemy's language is certainly an advantage if shit hits the fan.

It's not my fault the best thinkers from the last 2 centuries were mostly german.

Lol what a joke France is probably the 4th-6th most relevant country in the world.

The French language is still the most utilised international language after English and the most widely learnt after English

Mandarin is a meme and a waste of time anyone who suggests Mandarin over most major languages should have their opinion on this discarded

Spanish is useful because its spoken in a bunch of LA murderholes? What actually justifies its "use" apart from that

>The French language is still the most utilised international language after English and the most widely learnt after English
How deep into your ass did you have to shove your hand to pull out a statement like that?

>decide to learn a language because you like its culture, its music and you met a qt
>gain fluency

>decide to learn a language because muh relevance, it will look good on my CV and it has the biggest dick
>never go past the basics because you have no motivation

If you accidentally read one wrong book you turn into a communist, a cultural relativist, a fascist, a feminist or you suddenly want to have sex with your mother. It's not worth the risk.

>And there are more Arabs in Europe than there are Frenchmen.


>there are more Arabs in Europe than there are Frenchmen.

It's the other way around, famalam.

I once met a man who read a German book. And he turned out like this.


I have some family in mexico and china has the second biggest economy in the world.

Actually, the more you read them, the more chances you have to not fall into naïve and caricatural positions.

I'm going to learn german for both thb, i just love the culture/language/history/qts and it'll do good to my CV

10 million in France
2 million in Germany
1 million in the UK
700k in the Netherlands
500k in Sweden
100k in Norway
And I'm sure there are more spread around. And that is without mentioning everyone who is not Arab, but speaks Arabic because they are muslims.

And there are maybe 30 million Frenchmen?
They might not be outnumbered yet, but in a decade or two they will be.

Well you could use this


It is well known that French is a classic language to learn I think that is still true.


Either France is one of the most relevant countries in the world and also one of the most self-promoting so its language will stay strong.

You are dumb.

I heard it was more like 15m Arabs and 15m Frenchman actually so its probably already the case.

Spanish is relevant though I admit

Either way anyone who wants to put Mandarin forward as some super useful language have fun learning a piece of shit difficult language that will take you 3-5 years with some immersion in a developing country. Pic related, but I'm sure your "business connections" will be so good as a result due to the 1.4bn Changs and the governments paper GDP which is apparently all that matters.

t. Mustafa Hamidou

Mandarin is not a super useful language. In fact, it is super useless for the vast majority of people. It is more useful than French or German, though. Both for travel, business and for talking to tourists.

>Mandarin is a meme and a waste of time
This. It's an important language but only in a certain corner of the world, the chopstick sphere, where it's likely to stay for the foreseeable future. Its tones and writing system are hugely offputting to westerners and the Chinese are more likely to just learn English.

If it's not Indo-European it's not important and that's a necessary but not sufficient condition.

>t. Mustafa Hamidou
Your irrefutable argument have convinced me of your advanced knowledge of demographics.

Objectively though this list is Okay


Generally anyone who understands how the language learning works i.e resources, difficulty and general standardisation (Arab a bit fucky here). And understands what makes a language useful (things like population don't) but rather the needs of your countries business and trade, connected and educated populations and presence internationally will come to a similar conclusion to me which is. (not inc English and for English speakerS)

1) Spanish/French (global languages, advanced and developing world, international presence, decently standard.
2) Mandarin/Russian/Arabic ( more difficult to learn than others, some standardisation issues and big issues within the spoken countries.
3)German > > Japanese (advanced and nice countries. regionalised but big international presence and relatively standard but slightly less)


Don't worry lads. The Netherlands and Switzerland will learn all languages for you. So you don't have to.

Individually speaking, every language is relevant enough to make a good living out of it, as the less it is spread, the less concurrency you'll have as an interpreter/businessman/historian/translator/cultural specialist/etc...

Luxembourg is also great at languages.


it's the language of the atlantean ancients and the global language of the future

Lets thing about it logically.

Travel: I'm never visiting mainland China desu, I travel through and holidayed in France/German areas most years of my life and so have almost everyone I known.

Business: French and German are the highest rated languages for business in the UK for usefulness so you are objectively wrong. Also they have far higher trade shares than China.

Tourists: There are more French/German speakers in the UK than Chinese. There are more French/German tourists. Where I live especially has french tourists almost every day of the year.

I could also learn French and German in the same time or less than Mandarin, I could also feasibly work in France or Germany while working a normal job in China is not very likely

Any more "arguments" i can read?

>it's the language of the atlantean ancients

But the atlantean ancients speak greek as they were invented by Plato !

all roads lead to murrica except SUOMAA

They probably just don't have enough freedom and democracy.

I personally rate Korean or Japanese above Mandarin because there are far less Westerners learning and far less natives trying it.

Along with Japan and Korea being interesting countries. If someone said they'd learn Mandarin to go chill in Taiwan I'd be more understanding that these morons who are trying to dedicate a big part of their life to learn something for "business reasons". If they had business sense they probably wouldn't spend it on chinese. Same goes for most languages though, just learn ones you enjoy and think are cool. No point learning it if you hate the food/culture/country and people. I'd never learn Chinese just for that even Italian is worth more to me.

Travel: I've been to all three of the countries you've mentioned. China is the only one of them where it's hard to get by with only speaking English.
Business: France is a tiny, tiny, tiny business partner. Germany is number two, China is number three.
Tourists: There are almost twice as many Chinese immigrants as there are French ones here. And there are way more Chinese tourists, most of whom do not speak English, unlike the Germans and French.

You're right about Chinese taking more time to learn, though.

Ukrainian is a top language. Everybody's forced to learn it now. It's supposed to be a new substitute for English. And by the way, Moskals (derogatory for Russians), like always, sucked.

I've actually been to Taiwan and their accents ruined the little Mandarin that I actually know until I figured out what the differences were. They somehow manage to condense the sound system even more and I don't know how that's possible. Chinese is weird.

>he doesn't know about the ancient Finnish Empire
>he doesn't know they colonized the area of modern Greece
Where do you think Plato got the idea for his thought experiments? That fucker actually thought his ideal Athens could take on Atlantis in war, kek.

In 15-20 years the translating software will get so good at recognizing speech patterns that studying the second language will become unnecessary. We're probably among the last generations of people who actually bothered put effort into that shit

I hope Valve will implement them in Counter Strike soon.

ty sosnuv

Oh shit, you are right, we will get even dumber.

I am afraid of technology eliminating so many jobs.

>tfw no more hunter gatherers
>tfw no more farmer
>tfw no more administration monkies pushing numbers

Khokhol die


>French is useless
>but German and Russian are kinda useful!!!

Sure thing.



>tfw want to learn italian for its rich body of literature, but its useless and not spoken anywhere outside the boot
Should I go for it?

What would you else do?

Just do it for fun.

I already know English and Spanish and currently learning Chinese in a year I'd say I will be pretty decent. What language should I learn next ,if any?

Anime or Starcraft.

German, to get into another language family. Or French, which should be easy now you already know English and Spanish.

Most of the country is rural and not very rich. 33% of french people lives in one of the green regions.
Also a lot of orange place are really comfy and nice to live.

t. someone who lives in Burgundy

Isn't English in the same language family as german?

Yeah, but German now belongs to the Turkic languages.

France is not a small trading partner for Norway tho fyi especially if you include the wider Francophone area. This is true for most of continent.

It works the other way round though, for Germanic speakers learning English is easy while for English Speakers learning German is actually slightly harder than Romance languages.

Dutch / Scandi Italian are probably the easiest for English speakers then French/Spanish then German.