God i wish my phone would struggle with the most basic of tasks

>god i wish my phone would struggle with the most basic of tasks

The plus symbol didn't flash so he clearly didn't tap it.

>the state of iToddler delusion

Okay, lets say he did tap it. The math operators have a cooldown.

>The math operators have a cooldown.
The state of lagOS.

Updated months ago.

Works for me. iPhone X w/iOS 11.2

liberals always go the fake video route

I use Calculator HD Pro so that I actually have a scientific calculator, instead of the non-scientific shit they bundle with it. No issues with my decent calculator.

iToddlers have defended this.

Great lack of argument.

werks on my machine iphone 6
btw seemed like everything got faster with ios11

Not an argument.

Anecdotal evidence is still evidence. All that's been presented in this thread is anecdotal evidence.


What evidence has been given in this thread that isn't anecdotal?

>itoddler doesn't even know what a search engine is
Not surprised.

Funny to see this today. My phone just did this to me earlier.

You're using iLel, your arguments are invalid no matter what you say.

Fixed in 12.2.
It literally took them 3-4 updates and a few months to fix it.
This is the largest company in the world.

not 12.2

>It literally took them 3-4 updates and a few months to fix it.



Did you imply I was defending Applel? I'm on your side, faggot.

Just rubbing some extra salt in.

Can't say I was happy with how long it took to fix it. With that being said the iPhone 8+ is my first iPhone and I've enjoyed it for what it is. Excellent app optimization. Planning on buying the next "X" edition iPhone next year because I prefer its size compared to the Plus unless Android wins me back somehow.

That's a huge ass cooldown. We had calculators faster than this for decades.

>It literally took them 3-4 updates and a few months to fix it.
That is sad.

it still doesnt work on mine

That's a problem with his touch screen, mine doesn't have this problet

Itoddler can't accept that it was a ios update that broke it. It got fixed some months later. You can find a bunch of articles if you learn how to use a search engine.

>>god i wish my phone would struggle with the most basic of tasks
My sister has an iPhone and I tried to send her a picture I took, via bluetooth. I have Android. It found her phone but when I tried to send it failed. There was no confirmation to start it from her phone, nothing just happened. I'm guessing it's just not possible because iOS is so crippled. This is a very basic task and we struggled with it.

you could airdrop if you weren't poor

My phone cost 800 euros when it was released. I could go to the store and buy an iPhone without a payment plan whenever I wanted, but I won't waste my money on gimped garbage.

>Itoddler can't accept that it was a ios update that broke it
Nah he probably shoved the phone up his ass and blamed it on apple.

>you need to have a one thousand United States dollar phone with the newest software to use the calculator
My ancient Nokia 5800 didn't have this problem

> Math operators have a cooldown
> People seriously replied to this
7/10; (you) earned it.

>if (input == '1+1') return 2;
>if (input == '1+2') return 3;
>if (input == '1+3') return 4;

That's odd.

>using lagdroid botnet malware infested shit

iphone is premium

I sort of doubt that's how calculators work

>Mental illness man posts again

Didn't defend, I'm just saying it's not an issue anymore.

>what are pajeet memes

A cooldown measured in 10s of a milisecond.

>issue in some shitty afterthought app
>blame the phone

Software shit isn't a valid argument when talking about phones where you can replace the software. Oh, that's right, you're a iFag, you wouldn't know about that :^)

It flashed the first time he pressed it, and the result was 2, is 1+2=2?

>lag botnet malware infested shit

well done. you described every apple product ever

God, please tell me this is fake.

I'm God, it's real.

How will iWorshipers EVER recover?
