study Japanese; the sounds are easy

> study Japanese; the sounds are easy
> the country's name is pronounced [n̠ʲihõ̞ɴ]
> fml

>study Japanese

the sounds are easy

im thinking of it too desu, would help to read porno doujinshi

>implying i can read that

Baka desu! The name "Japan" came from the Portuguese. Do you really think China is called China in Chinese?

Rather than "the sounds are easy" it's more like "there aren't many of the sounds, and it's easy enough to get a passable sound"

If you actually want to sound native it's much harder

do you really think that russia is called russia in russian

My point exactly.

All you need to know is that /ɴ/ is pronounced by stopping airflow through the vocal tract momentarily by touching your uvula (dangly thing at the back of your throat) with the back of your tongue and rerouting the air through your nose while activating your vocal cords.

No, but there's no uvuvular nasal sound at the end of it.

>All you need to know is that /ɴ/ is pronounced by stopping airflow through the vocal tract momentarily by touching your uvula (dangly thing at the back of your throat) with the back of your tongue and rerouting the air through your nose while activating your vocal cords.
tfw you know this without every being taught it just from listening to japanese

see above

Didn't it go through china before the portuguese too?
cuz riben kinda sounds like japan

javs and doujinshi are more than enough reasons

just pronouncce as nihon like in a spanish accent, dumbass fucking weeb

close fucking enough

I also like the sound of japanese
But for practicallity I will study german

>But for practicallity I will study german

y not french

How is either of those practical? There ain't no german anime

Already tried french, failed, can read it can ""understand"" the frogs but cant reply shit

You'll be in for a fun time with German, then.
> Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän

Why do people get scared by compounds? They're perfectly logical and understandable.

Why even have separate words if you're going to mush them all into compounds? Becauseitstotallyeasytoreadshitthiswayimeanwhywouldanyonefindthissortofretardationannoying

Sure, it gets annoying if you exaggerate it. Compounds are mostly used for words that in English consist of common descriptive phrases. If you look at such a common word, you quickly recognize what it means without reading letter by letter.