How do Mexibros feel about this guy?

How do Mexibros feel about this guy?

I'm sad he never ran Mexico

Other urls found in this thread:ón_Mercader

He had no intentions to become president
He was ok I guess, but as in everyone in the revolution fucked everyone´s shit up

Now his name is made worst by the EZLN in Chiapas

Was an cool guy. Hated politics, but could kick ass. It's a shame he was killed by cowards in a cowardly fashion.

better tell me why mexicans killed leo trotsky with an ice pick, also why do they need ice picks in mexico

That was you m8

because trotsky was a fucking asshole

Who is?

It was Stalin who killed Trotsky, that's well documented. Your KGB used mexico City as it's base in the Western hemisphere (unlike Havana easy access to the US) which meant the CIA also had a strong pressence here, we just tried to play it neutral while you people were chasing each other all over the place.

Based Zapata, he is fighting still.

it is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees guy


Pero que hizo? Guerra civil mexicana?

Se rebelo contra el gobierno de Porfirio Diaz, apoyo al presidente madero, fue un general de división


>this trigger the americans

Hizo mucho mas, y pues lo acabaron matando
La revolución mexicana fue un caos total con todos matándose entre si.

Lo mismo que nuestra guerra civil. Las guerras civiles son las peores, hermanos contra hermanos.

La revolución mexicana fue un error. De sus cenizas nacio el PRI

Haha yeah I love kaiserreich too

Sin la intención de triggear. Hubiesen estado mejor con Franco?ón_Mercader

Trotsky just happened to be exiled in Mexico.The assasin was a catalan communist who served Stalin after the republican side lost in the Spanish Civil War. He probably used a piolet because it's a work/hiking tool instead of a weapon.

>Sin la intención de triggear
jajajajaj todo menso

Ramon Mercador was actually the eternal Catalan

BTW, how is Trotsky taught and perceived in Russia today?

A que te refieres? Tuvimos más de 30 años de franquismo.

jaja siempre me pasa :P

one of the founders of the soviet union who was exiled and assassinated by stalin because stalin wanted to have the absolute power
Not historically accurate at all but captures the spirit.
Zapata was a revolutionary leader, our revolution being prior to the Russian revolution of 1917 was not influenced by the Soviets but based around simple principles. Zapata stood for land reform and social justice which some other revolutionary leaders did not. His motts was La Tierra es de quien la trabaja. Land and Freedom were his two demands. Another phrase commonly atributed to him is I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

Along with Pancho Villa he was one of the popular heroes of the Mexican revolution, as opposed to Madero, Carranza and Obregon who were leaders but not peasants.

All red blooded Mexicans honor Zapata.

>in b4 you're posting a Hollywood movie.
The script was by Steinbeck, google who that is and why he gets it even if he's a gringo.

Buena pelicula, además, que también es importante sea o no fidedigna.

(no soy el otro español al que respondes)

Yo vivo cerca de paeacuellos del jarama y aquí los repúblicanos la armaron, hasta que vinieron las tropas alemanas e italianas.

Mi abuelo recogía los cadáveres de los fusilamientos en el campo que luego los tiraban al río.

Pobre hombre, era pastor

Is Stalin taught as a negative figure in schools?

stalin is not especially liked in russia since his death

fuck off pidorashka

se refiere a que si España habría estado mejor con alguien que siguiera con el franquismo en lugar de lo que actualmente hay: progresismo extremo que ya raya en ser cuck y estar en la Unión Europea (digo esto último porque hay muchos españoles despotricando de estar en una imitación de la unión soviética y hacer mención de nacionalismo, no extremo claro está, lleva a: HUUR DDURRR NAZIS, muh 6 mil cuatrillones de gaseados y la MIERDA REEEEE)

>implying the second reich was bad

>ese momento incómodo cuando te das cuenta que user tiene razón

>tío encargado de desechar cadáveres
carajo, eso si es deprimente

He means the game mod Kaiserreich, which involves Zapata as the leader of a socialist Mexico

Usando la palabra cuck como un intelectual jaja

wtf I want to hug and smell him now

El PRI también nació de muchos errores posteriores, si Calles no hubiese querido hacerse un dictador Cardenas no hubiera tenido que imponer el presidencialismo, si Gomez Morin no se hubiera rasgado las vestiduras por la educación socialista no habría hecho falta el dedazo para mantener el país estable. Hay toda una larga lista de etceteras que van hasta el cobarde Fox fallandole el pulso para desintegrar el aparato Priista en el gobierno y hacer justicia por los crimenes del partido. ¿Y por qué no responsabilizamos a todos los pendejos reaccionarios que regresarón al PRI al poder? ¿O al culto de personalidad que secuestró a la izquierda del país? La revolución Mexicana fue necesaria en su momento, no por sacar a Díaz del poder sino por hacer justicia a causas populares e implantar el principio de no re-elección que puso al menos un limite real al poder en México.

México apoyó a la Republica hasta el 75 que murió Franco, nuestra posición no es controvertible, estamos decididamente en contra del Franquismo.

he is indeed seen as a major historical figure and is not universally hated like, say, hitler, if you mean that. he is not universally praised as well. i dunno what they teach nowadays, personally i was taught pretty negatively about him

Because your school was filled of fags

Nunca lo sabremos si hubiera estado mejor.

No recibimos el plan Marshall de EEUU por el gobierno fascista.

Quiero pensar que Franco fue necesario, pero nose.

Why the fuck are you more Stalinist than a Russian bro?

Russia is filled of stalinists and they oppenly say that trotskyists are dumb

That may be but it doesn't answer my question

Pa k kieres saber eso jajajajajaja salu2

in seriousness the vatican has been nothing but a huge cancer on mexico and if PRI was successful in eradicating them (all clergy killed, surviving indios put into camps ala the boer war and protestant church established) mexico would be first world right now

instead pena is a manlet cuck that would rather suck off a communist argie instead of making mexico great again