According to KnowYourMeme...

According to KnowYourMeme, you guys only exaggerate the benefits of gentoo in order to trick newcomers into installing it over the much more user friendly Widnows.

What's your problem?

Other urls found in this thread:

install crunchbang++

nice bait, install nixos


>Lying on the internet...
You're a badboi op.
Shame on you.

Install Gentoo.

Because declarative package management is much better than gentoo pain and windows mess.

>I read KnowYourMeme
>I trust KnowYourMeme to make generalized statements about Sup Forums
get out

Have you ever installed gentoo?

Debian is the true Sup Forums OS

no, just Arch although in a VM because my PC's BIOS is cucked and won't let me install any non-Windows OS.

OP, knowyourmeme losers may very well think that, but that's because they haven't installed gentoo and are skeptical when they hear such miracles that gentoo is able to provide.

Gentoo is the second best thing that happened in my life, the first being Vim, and the third being my girlfriend.

why do you love gentoo so much?

Portage, the power it gives me is unmatched.

For example, have you ever needed to fix something, search online and found a patch that fixes it? If you're in a non-gentoo distro, you would:
1: uninstall the package so it's not controlled by the package manager
2: download the sources
3: being in the patch
4: compile and install the program
What would you do if an update came up and you still need the patch? You would do it all over again. How do you do it in gentoo?
1: place the package in /etc/portage/patches/(name of package)
2: emerge (name of package)

I will go on in part 2 of my post.

The bad part is when you have dependencies problem on gentoo

Oh boy


In other distros, if you want to downgrade a package, what do you do? If you're in Arch, good luck, you're not supposed to have packages that are not in the latest version. How do you do it in gentoo? Let's say you know something that breaks your config was broken in update 11 of a package named foobar:
1: write ">=foobar-11" into /etc/portage/package.mask.d/foobar
2: emerge foobar

I work on a fixed computer in my lab that has arch installed, just today I had to fix dependency issues with libfreetype2.

Yes, sometimes they happen, and if you know what you're doing, it's fairly easy to fix, because basically, the problem is, those two packages depend on two different versions of another package, you have to decide what you want or not to upgrade, it's easy actually.


What happens if you want to allow certain licenses but not others? In gentoo, any non-free license is masked by default, and you can specifically accept or decline licenses.

What happens when you want to save disk space, and therefor want packages you install not to be smuggling their own versions of common libraries because they don't know if you'll have the right one on your system? In gentoo, it's USE flags, you can just decide for each package, what to use of the program, firefox for example has the following options among many others:

- - eme-free : Disable EME (DRM plugin) cabability at build time
+ - gmp-autoupdate : Allow Gecko Media Plugins (binary blobs) to be automatically downloaded and kept up-to-date in user profiles
- - hardened : Activate default security enhancements for toolchain (gcc, glibc, binutils)
- - nsplugin : Build plugin for browsers supporting the Netscape plugin architecture (that is almost any modern browser)
- - pgo : Add support for profile-guided optimization using gcc-4.5, for faster binaries. This option will double the compile time.
+ + pulseaudio : Add support for PulseAudio sound server
+ - screenshot : Allow to disable screenshot extension in global profile
- - startup-notification : Enable application startup event feedback mechanism
- - system-harfbuzz : Use the system-wide media-libs/harfbuzz and media-gfx/graphite2 instead of bundled.
- - system-jpeg : Use the system-wide media-libs/libjpeg-turbo instead of bundled.
- - system-libevent : Use the system-wide dev-libs/libevent instead of bundled.
- - system-libvpx : Use the system-wide media-libs/libvpx instead of bundled.
- - system-sqlite : Use the system-wide dev-db/sqlite installation with secure-delete enabled

As you can see, many there are to reuse system libs instead of rolling it's own.


I've only scratched the surface, there is a lot more that gentoo does better than anyone else.

Gentoo, for those who want the control in their hands.

It's not for everyone, but if you're in a tech/software business, it's inexcusable that you don't want to spend some time in exchange for power over your machine.

Another thing, what do you do if you want to compile software for other architectures like a 32 bit windows? In other systems you'd just install a compiler. What happens if you need a specific library? You'd have to try to find the specific library for the specific architecture, download it, then adding it to the compiler. In gentoo? You can have an entire subsystem just for that architecture.
If you're developing for your machine, you'd do
emerge sdl2_image
gcc ...
If you're developing for a 32 bit windows machine, you'd do:
cross-i686-w64-mingw32-emerge sdl2_image
cross-i686-w64-mingw32-gcc ...

And gentoo is the one responsible of finding the libraries and setting up the whole system. Pretty cool uh?

Would you recommend a kid friendly pedofil to your child to play with?

Obviously not.

Now that is why Sup Forums does not recommend windows but learning to install a real OS as Gentoo.

This and Sup Forumsentoo

Poor guy. That sucks.

Have you tried overriding your BIOS boot with something like plop?