What went left?

What went left?



1991, it should not exist


Ukrainians don't even know what they want. It's a political clusterfuck, literally. Even the pro-western forces are hostile towards each other now.

They want to live better as probably all people do.
The thing is
You can't go forward if your head look back. So while one guys want to be "le intelligent european" with tolerance, other ones want to make national government without silly things like gay right etc and one more is just commie guys than want something another, not european and not nationalistic - yes, they will drifting in the absolute uncertainty.

They killed children and gutted pregnant women.

The Soviet Union went left, everything since seems to have gone right.

>what went left

Russian troops

Jzz, what the fuck is this shit?

Ukrainians killing Poles and praising Bandera.



Please go fuck yourself. You're probably not even a Polack,but a butthurt Russian Immigrant.

t. Ukrainian immigrant

t. Russian Immigrant
Or maybe you're that Greek Autist?

t. subhuman commie

kys ukrainian nigger

>German reading """comprehension"""
OP here, did I say any of these?

No,but your nice little Friends,and since you opened this Thread,i thought I might as well address you,Gzegorz

Yet the only person you referred to was me, you fucking leafless TWIG
I feel insulted without reason and I am going to gry now

Modern nationalism is still left wing

Isn't "ukrop" an ethnic slur Russians use against Urainians? Why would some Western Ukrainians call their party "UKROP"?

Well, the difference between Russian and Ukrainian cannot be reduced to spelling rules, there are also different endings, different words etc. They are close, but not the same, for example - I speak rather decet Russian, but I cannot speak Ukrainian, even though I understand it very well.

I wonder how many of those proud banderists from your pic will end here as cheap workers, it's even funnier because a lot of them ask for "Karta Polaka"

What? It depends on a movement, but it's true that Ukrainian nationalist ideology has very strong socialist undertones.