How does good net neutrality crap affect intent users outside the US?

How does good net neutrality crap affect intent users outside the US?

Is this any cause for concern?

How does "this" autocorrect to "good"?
Fucking Gboard.

I don't think it'll be a problem for everyone else.

If the "horror scenario" happens and isps start demanding extra payment for high bandwiths websites like twitch, youtube and netflix, they will lose a lot of customers and may go out of business.

Unless they're the only ISP in the area.

>phone posting
wew lad

No I mean the services themselves will lose customers.

Not really, unless your country really loves to copy the US.

so.. every country

dunno user, I don't see that many countries using imperial over metric or letting pretty much anyone have a gun

Not at all.

Less Americans on the servers means better speeds for the rest of us.

it won't affect users in any country in any significant way
keep calm and don't fall for this hysteria

>comcast and verizon tried in the past
>will not try again even if it's now legal
The burger voters never learn, the burger corporations never forget.

"even the US are doing it".
They used this to force data caps, "several countries in Europe do it".

>look mammy I posted another negress
Sick of your shit

Will I be able to shitpost faster because burgers are throttled, or will I shitpost slower because Sup Forums is poorfag site that can't afford fastlane?

Shit shit shit... t.user from Russia

>better speeds
No it just means cut costs.

pls no

I'm downloading youtube as we type.

It's about when. It'll happen slowly.

Youtube is probably not a danger though since it is not profitable anyway and just a tool for jews to cultural marxism all over white children to make them transsexual.
Better download twitch and netflix.

>high bandwidth websites like twitch, youtube and netflix

>How does good net neutrality crap affect intent users outside the US?
It may affect the business model of companies such as Netflix. If they experience a severe drop in revenue, that may influence their service.

>Is this any cause for concern?
Not really.

>Youtube is probably not a danger though since it is not profitable anyway
What are ads?

fucking cunts in aus will do this shit

>What are ads?
What are fixed costs?

Russia's going to copy that in seconds, only that the package meme will be for real.

They never made a profit with youtube this is why nobody can compete with them.
The value of youtube is the datamining

Triggered bitch detected.

I don't get it

Probably won't have much if any effect on countries other than the US. It's the last mile dipshits insisting on the repeal, companies like Level3 have no interest in throttling or blocking content.