Can we have a serious discussion about Sweden?

Can we have a serious discussion about Sweden?
How did this country become so progressive in the first place?
And why do swedish sjw care so much about black people, when Sweden never had many colonies. Why don't they care about the finnish people who were sterlized by Sweden instead?

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>How? EU

only serious replies, please

>Why don't they care about the finnish people

>Germs hating fun
Nothing new to see here

In the 1960s being leftist was all the rage all over the west but in Sweden the communist mania went further than anywhere else. Practically an entire generation of Swedes were sucked in to Maoist politics and when the 80s came and it was their time to take over the country and raise their children they did it according to principles they learned in the 60s while in other countries people grew out of totalitarian communism.

Yes.. Sweden is a shithole please don't come here

>Free school tuition
>Free higher education (university)
>Free healthcare
>Free dentcare up to the age of 20
>Most schools give free iPads/laptops to students

On top of that, the quality is top notch.

Because they learn their stuff from Tumblr, causing them to focus on American issues. It's the same thing in Norway. People love to look at American problems and make them problems in Norway too even if they weren't, because Tumblr tells them to.

but how comes Sweden is much worse in that aspect than Norway or Denmark, for example.
What makes Swedish progressivness so unique?

Swedish (and German, a bit) trade unions have always been very powerful, with a strong member base, and closely tighted to their socialist party

They were willing to do compromise which ended up in a semi-coherent liberal and social democracy

Meanwhile we French were always defiant of parties and hated liberalism on all its forms, so no liberalism

And why did that happen?
Also, how is maoism connected to social justice?

Paid over taxes isn't free, dumbass.

>iPads to students
I'm sorry to hear that.

OP has never said Sweden is a shithole.

>taxes r theft

But who will unironically build the roads ?

our trade unions are not nearly as powerful as the french ones

Peace makes people forget whats truly at stake

CGT have less than 8% membership and have basically no say whatsover in pre-strike discussions

Which is why they almost always strike preventively and sometimes, block the discussion, sometimes get good arrangements for the workers

It's very hit and miss, plus we French often strike without being in the union

Someone in Norwegian newspapers hypothesized a few years ago that it was because of history. Sweden has a long history of having an elite class that people had to obey, while Norway has been pretty equal. This makes Swedes more likely to listen to experts, while Norwegians expect to be heard and have a say too. They also drew parallels to post-war prime ministers, with the Norwegian ones coming from worker class, while the Swedish ones came from old ruling class.
The idea would be that because of the history, Swedes listen to the experts (in this case, acamemic feminism) without questioning, while Norwegians expect the common people to be heard, causing a greater focus on equality without so much accounting for theoretical models.
This was the theory of one person, with my own viewpoints added in between.

Could also simply be due to chance.

Modern Sweden is essentially a synthesis of Maoism and militant feminism in the context of a faux democratic state. Everything is connected through university professors who molded the minds that control Sweden today.

Infact you are paied for education.

Doesn't really hold, feminism is against institutions of power.

Our education is free, but its still shit!

t. I have never been to Uni

A lot of our first roads were built for free. Norway used to have a tradition of people helping each other for free so they could get done tasks that would be impossible to do alone (called dugnad), so when the government ordered people to build the roads, they did.

The old power institutions would only have to do with people being used to equality/being ruled over.
For example, I think Norway, along with only one other country in the world, has (almost) equal rights for male as for female victims of DV. I wouldn't be surprised if this was caused by people taking the equality message literally, without deeper looking into structural powers. A commoner would be more likely to say "help for everyone" than an academic feminist, who would look at old power structures and theories of masculitiy and patriarchy and come to the conclusion that men deserve DV and are asking for it, and only women should get help.

what is chalmers..

>Also, how is maoism connected to social justice?

M8 all the sjws either are old 60-80s trotskyites/maoists (little red book you find everywhere in second hand shops here), or their children.

Here it is eactly the same. Many lefty journalists and media figure used to be punkers, trotskyites.. back then. We have a politician who used to call the stalinist-maoist party "too right-wing" who is now the mayor of a large city and owner of several companies in the energy sector. There are lots of other eamples like him if you care to do some research.

Swedes like to pretend they are American.

It is as simple as that.

I don't get why people are obsessed with black people and Sweden. They're a small part of immigrants

Proper use of statistics is a foreign concept to the Sup Forumstard

True. I remember in the late 90s/early 00s when I was a young man hacking sattelite TV channels, the only one who had Fox News and a couple of other American channels, was the Swedish sattelite (Sirius I think, encryption was Viaccess)

Every wealthy nation in the World advocates liberal immigration policies, since they provide economic growth at the fastest rates. (WELL, Japan doesn't, and it's stuck in a Keynesian limbo at over 200% government debt.) Sweden had a growth rate of about 3% p. A. in the last decades, which is exceptional for an already wealthy nation.

>tfw economy going great for sweden and germany

>finland, denmark and many other countries who are opposed to immigration economy a shit

>hates us anyway

still voting sd though

Wouldn't say they are shit, they simply had lower growth.

Curiously racial hegemonity allows to think that other races aren't complete assholes. Later they get a lot of different people and start doing their things and then hatred starts anew. We are in a middle of cycle.

Let me guess

The lower class go to public schools, while the higher class go to private schools ?

Like hell it's a tumblr thing. Swedes have cared way too much about USA for decades. The internet has worsened the issue, but it's not new by any means.

You are right. Sweden is on another level entierly, but every year I see more and more complaining about issues taken straight from US sosial media. Even if it dosnt exist in Norway, the media makes it out to be a huge problem that needs discussing.

Americanisation, ill take immigrants over what is happening to our culture right now

Both are really bad. The "islamization" that's going on hasn't gone that far yet, besides removing pork from schools, and more people with toxic attitudes, there's not much of it visible yet.

The Americanization, on the other hand, is poisoning every part of society, ruining social norms that society was built on and is overall awful and everywhere, and has caused far more bad changes than any other -ization. It's influencing everyone with awful American values and is a massive danger to society.

I kinda cringe when I see little girls around 13 - 16 years old do the twerk and Americanization really is bad. But on the other side,a lot of American tv program is pretty good like Cosmos or ideas. I think Americanization is a double edge sword that bring both shit and gold at the same time

Americanisation and islamisation are the two faces of the same coin that's being shoved down our asses.

These are two foreign, imperialist influences that work together to enfeeble and annex our societies.

That's just a superficial Americanization, though. The real bad stuff is the changes in social norms, like runaway prison sentence demand, fear of nudity, fear of socialism, American feminist theory, and probably tons of other deeper value changes that destroy the foundations of society.