Sometimes I wish civilization could move beyond the problems we have today so we could live in a high-tech...

Sometimes I wish civilization could move beyond the problems we have today so we could live in a high-tech, futuristic society.

I understand that most people don't want "progress at all costs". I get why people hate that; however, I think it would be great for humanity to abandon our status quo and even a lion's share of our traditions and institutions to become something more.

What do you think, Sup Forums?

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Just nuke the concept of "surveillance on everything" and all will be fucking great

I'm with you on that. There's too much surveillance these days.

the only reason you say that is because you never invested enough into the status quo or traditions to understand why they are there and that you too can benefit from them immensely

But I do live in a high-tech futuristic society.

It's full of sjws though.

>the only reason you say this is because you care about more than personal gain
Is this what you meant to say?

People are too scared of terrorism which gives governments a blank check. And terrorism exists because its largest sponsors just so happen to be so rich that they can do whatever the flying fuck they want and nobody wants to antagonise them. Discounting lone wolf nutjobs of course

> biggest building is the salesforce building
> keeping peoples information in the cloud
> the future

ok there

>you never invested enough

I have user. I have. Maybe I'm just disillusioned. It almost feels like it doesn't matter which "side" wins, that we're always going to be stuck at square one.

>Sometimes I wish civilization could move beyond the problems we have today

You mean the niggers and jews? We tried so hard half a century ago. user, we tried....


how about you make it like an RPG game. at the age of 18 you can decide to have a matrix like livinghood with the normal shit that happens on earth, or you start out as an extraterrestial being and live your life in constant traveling

You are now aware that we are posting in a Soros funded thread.

the only "progress" that i care about is in fundamental science and health science. the rest is just needless crap that leads us to our ruin.

Because people are afraid of change. Every huge cultural shift that happened in the last few years happened because the things that changed the status quo were heavily marketed based on the fear of missing out or because of the snowball effect. The internet and the smartphone are great examples of this. Unless some companies find advancing technology profitable progression will happen later rather than sooner.

I agree with you, but up to a point. Finding a cure for aids/cancer/etc, hell yeah I'm all for it. Dumping millions into studying/implanting chips in our heads, fuck no. We (human race) need to wake up and realize that hey, the population is only growing like 1 million a year (i dunno what actual number is, i made it up), but the earth ain't getting any bigger/fuel source ain't gonna regenerate over night.

I don't think I was being edgy. Which part sounded edgy to you?

Why abandon Tradition?
High-tech, truly scalable and sustainable societies are compatible with most traditional values, despite what leftists claim. I'm all for technological progress as long as it's not an end in itself, but a means to a better quality of life.

i'd suggest you start leading by example by cutting off your own balls, but judging by your post history it seems you are the real deal and already have done so
Careful what you wish for.


Why? You want real life to be Star Wars for no reason other than you grew up watching it and you would prioritize that over helping the poor and homeless.

In the year 2100, the world's demographic breakdown is going to be 50% black/50% everybody else, and the world's religious breakdown is going to be 40% Muslim/35% Christian/10% Atheist/15% everybody else.

Have fun with that planet.

We'd have to wipe out the lesser races, specifically blacks and non-white Hispanics, from western society if we're to make that kind of progress. We're not going to progress as long as lesser people parasitize the whole system.

>Why abandon Tradition?

We-well be-because it's o-old, r-right, and I-we don't l-like it!

Yeah surveillance is the problem, not the demand that every worthless person having a dozen kids in poverty is entitled to all the resources on earth or the demand that lying scammers are above the law due to tribal loyalty.

are we still doing the "3rd world will exponentially breed" meme even though it's been proven multiple times that birth rates plateau as development goes forward? And their development is going forward, if really slowly in places

>over helping the poor and homeless
I'lll help them, by curbing their numbers, like any advanced society would do.

Have fun being a smug leftist in 2018.

>And their development is going forward, if really slowly in places
kk, let's just wait another 10 000 years for them to catch up genetically

No, they account for reductions in birthrates. Assuming that Africa normalizes to ~2.0 fertility rate by 2100, there will be over four billion people there.

Keep in mind that there's 600 million more Africans right now than there were in 1995.

Blacks will keep procreating as long as the western nations keep throwing food at them. They're progress is so slow, they need at least another 10,000 years of evolution to catch up to whites and Asians and having no evolutionary pressure anymore thanks to the retarded bleeding heart west means their development is stalled.

Uh you can't say that it's racism and promoting genocide.

No, these are the current projections. Their birthrates WILL slow tremendously, which is why they'll make up 50% of the world's population and not 90%.


The problem with all these utopian visions is that they hinge on technological determinism. We aren't even theoretically sure what kind of technologies we could achieve, let alone in practice. That being said, I think that a future where industrial production could be decentralized to a point where every individual can satisfy most, if not all of their needs, in personal microfactories and farms would solve basically every problem we face today in terms of political disagreements and planetary conflicts. That's just my take on the whole utopia thing. Societies founded on individual high-tech homesteads or something like that.

The actual solution to every single problem is to kill all the subhuman niggers shitskin muslims. Nothing else progresses until the White race are the only ones left.

Ignore conservative blacks, beatify seditious blacks

too late Sowell, we;re bankrupt now

And East Asians. They've proven themselves capable of maintaining a modern, technologically advanced society without having to be babysat by whites.

if we could cure a handful issues, the rest would take care of itself

adequate food for all, sufficient housing, a free market that doesn't prey on everything for a profit, free information, access to tools and processes

the world could be beautiful instead of stupid

>remove religions
Life is a mistake in the univers, we should fight by ourselves FOR ourselves, we don't need some greater being or shit like that.
>stop wars
Wars was driving technology a few decades ago during wars but it's different today.
It's not a race to survive anymore and we have enough technology to easily move and communicate with pretty much anyone, anywhere on the planet and a little bit beyond.
>divide world population by 5
We can live just alright with 3-4 more billions but living on the edge is NEVER a good thing, it's better to anticipate and regulate world population BEFORE it's too late.
We're currently at turning point and sadly, the only way for humanity to prosper is to remove a big part of the population, this won't happen with good will only, wars, virus and lack of food WILL destroy humanity.

These three conditions are more than enough for humanity to live on for millions of years.

They're all savages without white people's blessings. Get fucked, weeaboo

You do realize that by feeding and housing the whole world, you're encouraging it's degradation, right? Why do you think removing the basic challenges of life will lead to progress?

*tips fedora

actually, even with all of the undue burdens of socialism that have been piled onto the working class in America to pay for the non-working class, the economy is still the strongest in the world.

imagine if we untied the boulders from the legs

le le le le le everything is zero sum

there is a way to do all that is needed and ensure access without suffocating motivation

get me some and make sure nobody gets them some is shit motivation

>have lower crime rate than Western nations that import actual savages
>can experience natural disasters without rioting and looting
>They're all savages

Sasuga, Sup Forums

The Japanese are the most western like. They're the only country in asia that hasn't been colonised, for a start. The only non-white country to ever resist white colonisation successfully. Sure they lost WW2 but they weren't colonised because of it.
Anyway the point is that their problems are cultural. With the right motivation they can do a fuckton like a european nation.

>Sometimes I wish civilization could move beyond the problems we have today so we could live in a high-tech, futuristic society.
You will excuse me the Sup Forums, as this is a political problem.
As long as the biggest problems of the western """"""civilisation""""""" are:
-being mad about events 60+ years ago
-referring individuals with wrong gender pronouns
-all kinds of dumbfuck religious shit, ain't gonna even start listing them
we aren't getting forward. And countries who try to get forward should focus on other matters, like 600mil people in their countries having no access to toilets.

this post proves leftists are the most evil racists
>hey look, some group did a good thing

Wouldn't an advanced society just work so don't even manifest?

>there is a way to do all that is needed and ensure access without suffocating motivation
No there isn't. You give UBI, free food and housing and you'll just end up with an ever increasing black or brown population that does nothing but fuck, eat and shit all day.

>there is a way to do all that is needed and ensure access without suffocating motivation

>there is a very expensive, and unproven, unlikely way to maybe ensure some access for those who arrive first, but everyone else will just have to get fucked, also i've never had a job

That's not a fair statement at all.

You know they'll be able to work some theft and arson into their busy schedule.

>i've never farmed
>i've never built a house
>i've never traded on the market
but I'm an expert on all of the world's problems with a Solution™ in mind because i'm a philosopher :^)

Liberalism - find a cure

You are retarded, trade policy is not social policy. Moving to the future has costs, and SHIT TON OF PEOPLE HAVE TO DIE,in order to make the capital

Bullshit. The fitch already have m0ney but have no will to invest in anything physical. They only give afuck about numbers.

Islam says no. Have fun.

Humans becoming super intelligent and moving beyond Earth may be sin :/

Is ignorance bliss?

there it is, you're local stormfront shit whos every argument is the dark people bogeyman

grow up, shit stain

>cant afford land to farm
>cant afford materials or tools to build my own house
>have nothing to trade because broke

when all you have is your brain, you tend to utilize it

there it is, you're local suburban liberal dipshit whos every argument is that stats and easily observable trends are racist

grow up(around blacks), shit stain

so does evangelical christianity and conservatives that are stuck in the 50s, faggot. tell your daddy tonight while he's fucking you.

Trump recently started banning words in reports from the CDC, like "evidence based". Now it has to be "Based on evidence and consensus from the (((Christian fundy))) community." Enjoy your fascism

>vehemently attacking Christianity and involving homosexuality when someone takes a jab at Islam

>he doesn't know what psyops are

>"evidence based"
if you have one report (which you paid for yourself) that gives you the answer you want you can call it evidence based. by stating CONSENSUS bribing "scientists" no longer works.

This is pol teritory. We cannot have the society you described because such societies do not just appear out of thin air. They have to be build by capable and intelligent people. The current situation is a majority of worlds population are dumb monkeys, then we have liberals who are spending tons of money and resources to increase that number even more and destroy already declining western countries with unlimited monkey immigration.
We will have a futuristic society one day but it will be a dystopian one, a true NWO.


meant to reply to

Have fun going back to stone age era society.

What if everything was monitored but monitored by an uncorruptable benevolent neutral artificial consciousness that only acted to prevent violent crimes and would otherwise silently observe?
That's about the only way I could see surveillance not being awful.

>ten thousands years of advanced culture
>"savages without white people's blessings"

Sure thing user.

>population inertia doesn't real

still shitting in streets. They were nothing compared to the ancient Maya

This. It's our violent and competitive tendencies that encourage a lot of technological development to begin with anyway.
You're telling us that others should give up things they consider important to their identities or ways of life because you don't care to understand them or consider them important and just see them as an obstacle to your dream to LARP as a spaceman and consume cooler, shinier tech trinkets.
Fuck off with your fake-ass romanticized delusions and petty moralism. Get involved in the fields that are making it happen you really care about it beyond a superficial level.

Are people really that scared of terrorists? I've heard the same thing from a few people, for example that "Generation Z" is defined by children who grew up in the post-9/11 nanny-state. Personally, I don't think about it all except about how it relates to metapolitics but I also live in the upper-middle class west coast isolation bubble.

None of this aligns with the teachings of our fathers and beliefs in order to build the great caliphate.

You need them to develop first. Handing them food will just make them breed in an uncontrollable fashion.

>what do you think
I think it's wildly inappropriate to post an image like that with the stance you take.
I also think you'd probably underestimating what 'all costs' imply.
And I agree with the general idea that we don't focus enough on progress. But it's a high bar to set when we still have the political situation we do.
It's like trying to build a railroad in medieval times. You'll have people ripping them up to sell because they don't appreciate the grander idea and how it'd benefit them.
And the benefit wouldn't even be for them it'd be for their grandchildren at best and not in a direct manner.

>entire thread is just politics
Awesome. Good going Sup Forums.

Also build the wall and stop importing nonwhites into white countries.

>the entire politics thread is just politics
Wow, no shit.