Sed, grep, awk. Why. Surely there is a simple replacement for all my file manipulation needs...

Sed, grep, awk. Why. Surely there is a simple replacement for all my file manipulation needs. They don't even have the same regex syntax. This retardation can't even be justified by "muh Unix philosophy" because all these programs functions overlap

Other urls found in this thread:

>having options is bad
Go away, young Pajeet, to your designated shitting street.

If we are seeing the text the right way in the reflection in his glasses then that must mean it is backwards on his screen.

>not using gulp.js for all your sysadmin tasks

its 2019, m8erino

Write your own program.

Write a program that's an interface for the three that standardises the regex input.

Grep and awk overlap, but sed is an inline editor.


>Sed, grep, awk

Try perl.

Or the image itself is mirrored, genius.

Which means that it is backwards on his screen.

Flipping the image doesn't solve the problem.


We have to make a new, sleek, heavily standardized, non-retarded and modern version of GNU.

use one of the 300 file managers if you're too dumb for terminal

BBC News have been using this image for years

awk = turing complete
sed = finite state machine
grep = just search lol

awk '/foo/' = grep foo
awk '/regexp/' = grep -E 'regexp'
awk '{gsub('foo', 'bar')}' = sed 's/foo/bar/g'

awk is all you need

Yeah, because people generally don't notice the incongruity and the BBC are faggots.

Use Perl, it just werks


Is there a good reference for awk outside of the manual?


they do completely different things.
"might overlap" is a bad reason to remove tools.
sed is a stream editor. It uses the same syntax as ed, the standard editor.
It is meant to be used to edit things.
grep is a simpler tool used for getting matches to a string.

Awk is a scripting language on its own, it fills the niche of multiple tools, the overlap is irrelevant.

Anyone resorting to "muh Unix philosophy" is beyond retarded. Torvalds never did and neither did Stallman.

>I'm a retarded brainlet, make things easier for me!

>They don't even have the same regex syntax.
They also don't have regex algorithm quality.

>sed = finite state machine

So what you're saying is the replacement for awk is perl.

This was actually helpful. I'm learning perl now. It seems like exactly what I was looking for.

>Is there a good reference for foo outside the dedicated reference for foo?

Let me know if you find out how to do a multiline regex replace (/s syntax) using the VIM :!perldo command.

'the awk programming language' by Alfred V. Aho, Brian W. Kernighan, Peter J. Weinberger
