Is it common to see people under five feet (150cm) in your country?

Is it common to see people under five feet (150cm) in your country?

The typical elderly Asian immigrant lady here is about 4'11"

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Of course it is.
I'm just 160s but I feel I'm still taller in my home town.

What the fuck Japan is cute

Don't think I've ever seen an adult under 1.60 more than twice.

As a native adult that is freakishly small. 1.60 is at the lower end for normal women

Only those eager for asylum. In my social circle I am the smallest with just 1,88m, or about 6.2 or however you write it. My gran gran is the smallest in the family with about 1,75m, my dad is the same, my mother is a tiny 1,65m. All 8 uncles are bigger.

My exes are 2,12m and 1,92m for example. Add in the heels and I am a true manlet.

>My exes are 2,12m

tall people deserve to die

What? Her little sister was over 1,90m at 13 years old, bet she is taller by now.

The real issue is getting jeans and pants that fit. Long shopping days. Shoe size 45

You ever seen them shoot hoops?

Why does every Dutchman deserve death?

>dating a giant

what else can you do if everyone here is a giant

are u gay !!

No it is not.

Last two girls I've dated were both 151 cm.

PS. they were and are over 18

They just dunk. Without much effort.

2,20m and over is a giant. The rest is just tall. 1,80 to 1,90 is average for a girl.

some women are that short
some natives have birth defects and end up that small
some inuit are legitimately that short, but there's very few of them

I am not gay. I date women only.

je kraamt onzin uit, waar kom je vandaan? Boereninteeltdorp in friesland neem ik aan?

2,12 is completely insane for a woman. Probably one of the tallest women in Europe.

Zij en haar zus kwamen uit Brabant, ik gewoon uit Hilversum. Niks inteelt.

2.12cm girl i don't belive you

Okay, I've always complained for my height but no way I would like to be over 180 cm being a woman. If I could choose I would like to be around 165-170.

I'm 158 and I have only seen like 2 or 3 adults my same size... I'm a midget :(

dan heb je gewoon een kankervreemde fetisj. Ik ben nog nooit een meisje dat langer dan mij (1m95) is tegengekomen. Het lijkt me ook onwaarschijnlijk dat ze uit het keltogermaanse Brabant komt (mannetjesprovincie) tenzij ze een hyposfysestoornis heeft.

dergelijke lengten zijn niet normaal

>He doesn't like microgirls
the 10th tallest girl in the world is 196 stop lying user

Girls: the 145-155 range is quite common with old people and (half)immigrants
Men: standard amount of actual midget sighting
I've seen 2m+ girls, though never with their boyfriend.

im 5,57743 feet so yes