35-year-old systems analyst turned project manager here

35-year-old systems analyst turned project manager here.

How do I get along better with your generation, Sup Forums?
It's so fucking hard trying to work on a project with under 25-year old kids especially since I don't have the time to see or touch all the code they create because I'm working on multiple projects.

The only mildly successful projects I've coordinated the past year were projects with at least one 30+ years old senior developer that I could actually comunicate with (but those are starting to fade from the industry).
Sometimes it's like we speak a completely different language. I will assign them tasks

How do I reach these kids?

>your generation
I'm 31 years old, you fuck.

is this appropriated from HN? could anyone link to the orginal discussion?

>How do I get along better with your generation, Sup Forums?
I'm 32, what do you even mean my generation?
>How do I do my job
If you're asking on Sup Forums about this I see a lot of guys will fucking hate you at work.

>I will assign them tasks
Did you forget to finish your post?

34 here. Probably the wrong forum for asking this question.

Try asking reddit.

>If you're asking on Sup Forums about this I see a lot of guys will fucking hate you at work.

If you're asking Sup Forums aka the internet hate machine aka a bunch of cynical and unempathic fuckers bored half to death and trolling everyone for having fun on other people's expense, you're clearly making a huge mistake.

Also, I'm 29 years turning 30 in january. What the hell do you mean "your generation"?

You're the exception to the rule. Sup Forums users are mostly under 25.
If you're over 30 and work with 20-year-olds you should know what my problem with this industry is.

Forget that part, I was going to explain throughly how badly communication is between us but I just decided to scrap it since it's pointless to talk about specifics

Suddenly everyone on Sup Forums is over 30 when most polls show that Sup Forums is actually one of the most underage boards on Sup Forums.

>How do I fix my completely non-specific communication problem
Perhaps by communicating more clearly, like you're totally failing to do right now.

>You're the exception to the rule. Sup Forums users are mostly under 25.
No, they're not. I'm 31 and there are plenty of people on this board like me in their late 20s / early 30s that discovered Sup Forums in the early days and just never left.

>If you're over 30 and work with 20-year-olds you should know what my problem with this industry is.
A master's degree is pretty much required where I work, leaving our youngest hire a 25 year old. He is merely 6 years younger than me, I wouldn't exactly call that a generation cliff.

You see this shit, Sup Forums?

This is what I'm talking about.

I literally want to choke you.

41 y/o elderfag.

I actually prefer working with younger people so you're the problem not the age.

What would you prefer, I give you some comparably non-specific advice? I'll give it a shot: Just be yourself

>not a new IP


>I will assign them tasks

your copypasta got cut off

What "polls" are you referring to? I never took any such poll. If they even exist and aren't something you just made up, maybe they were posted at a time I'm usually not online such as when I'm at work or sleeping.

Or maybe you're simply hanging around in the wrong threads? I usually stay out of things that aren't in my interest, and a bunch of insecure kids posting their age isn't exactly something that would seem to fit my scope.

>If you're over 30 and work with 20-year-olds you should know what my problem with this industry is.

Alright I will try to help you a bit then.
First thing you have to do is understand that the reason your senior project manager was so great, understanding, easy to talk, etc. is because he worked for it.
One of the main strengths of someone in your position is the ability to juggle all sorts of people and make them work in unison. From the biggest pajeet in history to your average gentoomen autistic neckbeard.
So the problem here is that you will have to find a way to talk to every single one of them by yourself, try to read the situation and understand the "kids" instead of using some meme unprofessional mentality of "they are the problem not me".
You're literally paid to learn how to talk and make them work, don't expect them to do your work.

>Suddenly everyone on Sup Forums
>4 guys people is the entirety of Sup Forums.
You also know Sup Forums is old as fuck right? Anime website and sheeit.

It's that condescending attitude that gets on my nerves.

Actually good advice.

i'm 37 fuckstick. i also lead developers, just let those cunts do what they want they have the attention span of a gnat, but they are better at computers than you and are only hanging around until they get their business selling virtual goods in what ever vidya going.

Ok, user.

That was some soundful advice. I will try, I swear I will fucking try once more

Learn their language (kanban).
Make meetings and ask them for the specific kind of documentation you want so they change habits to make this.

It's hardly undeserved, you've asked a bunch of strangers to solve your problem for you and you can't even do those strangers the courtesy of specifying what your problem actually is. If this were StackExchange your question would have been locked by now.

>Beers in the office on Fridays.
>Make yourself approachable
>Microdose LSD to the water cooler
>Open workspace
>Have a system set up for people to remotely vote on music
>Shoot the shit, a fuckload.
>Smoke with the smokers, that will go a long way
>Microdose the cooler with LSD
>Install gentoo as a team building excercise

>>Microdose LSD to the water cooler

Also, make sure to lock the doors.

Stop asking them to use nigger tier technologies and languages then.

>anything dynamically typed
>proprietary horseshit like adobe coldfusion
>expecting anything good to come of this

You old pieces of fuck need to get with the times. Or just die. Pick one.

>Smoke with the smokers, that will go a long way

Honestly the best advice in this thread.
This helped me get along with coworkers better than anything else.

Fuck smoking do LSD instead.
Better value

>How do I reach these kids?
You don't, you can't.

>24 yo working with some 24-30 yo who literally have ADHD and can't sit still without talking bullshit for 10 minutes.

you are 100% right about speaking different language. You could try to learn about pedagogy and communication, which are big topics. You can communicate, with pictures, verbally, written. (development methods i.e scrum should be used), verbal assignments are the worst kind. Take a mentor role, be a good teacher (also very hard), understand that they know nothing when they come from university. The whole point of hiring these people are the potential they might have in the future.

Also keep in mind that it is you that have the responsibility to figure this out, don't expect them to be able to put themselves in a 10 year older frame of mind. If you cant, you should not be project manager. you are supposed to be good with people and like this stuff.

Ok gramps, since your biggest issue is communication, you need to enforce code reviews for at least some of their code so they can at least talk to you. Maybe also start some rituals like stand ups and actually use them for useful shit so you know what people are doing and if someone's struggling with something and show that you're there to help them out if they don't know what to do.
Stand ups should be a time to see what progress people have made and you should be able to understand if there's a team member having a hard time that you need to look after or push in the right direction, or if there's some piece of shit code that needs fixing because it's fucking with your younger staff.

They'll hate you for taking them away from their computers for a bit, but if you're serious about getting the to communicate, you'll have to sacrifice some of your time and their time to do some code reviews and stand ups.

Also as a PM, you're probably the enemy because all you do is talk to clients and then force work onto your engineers. Try listening to your engineers, they probably know how to make the project good better than your mouth-breathing clients. Push back on the clients if your engineers are unhappy, because if they're unhappy the work will suffer.

Elaborate please.
t. 25 y/o

-Ask everyone what they WANT to work on and assign tasks to people who are actually interested in it.
-Have casual meals/drinks with them (Let them choose the restaurant unless you plan on footing the bill for everyone).
-Have an area that they can relax for 30 minutes here and there. You can't sprint for 8 hours in a day with 1 hour of total breaks, can you? Same shit.
-Ask them what shows/movies/games they're consuming and try watching/playing them yourself. It'll give you something not work-related or extremely depressing (for them) to talk about. Millennials are, by and large, never going to be fiscally able to retire, so cheap escapism is all they have.
-Let them move their desks around to be next to people they are working with on specific projects.

I'm 28. Also, don't ask for advice on a chinese cartoon picture board.

meetings, with shrooms.

>mfw born in '84 and still lurking Sup Forums

Dude, you didn't actually explain the problem. You essentially said "this thing is hard for me" and gave no specifics as to how or what you're having difficulty with. Maybe your problem is that you need to pay attention to details when communicating, because nobody can read your mind

>ITT oldfags
working with experienced people is always better for the inexperienced

-t. hip youth

As a follow-up, stop taking offense when you are seeming sabotaging mutual understanding out of laziness. Express yourself adequately, not like some cynical lazy waffle.

Stop projecting.
The problem is very clear and has already been answered several times ITT.
If you don't get it you are literally a part of the problem.

Some of you are very obviously under 25.
t. 30+

>The problem is very clear and has already been answered several times ITT.
>If you don't get it you are literally a part of the problem.

Is this a literal demonstration of your communication problems?

The problem is you. The 24-25 yo's in my team have no problem with communicating with the +40's.

t. 24

This thread is really funny in that obvious 25 year old kids couldn't grasp OP's problem whereas 30-year-olds understood it immediately

>young kids and posters that do not disclaim their age don't understand OPs problem and keep asking for him to elaborate further while self-proclaimed 30+ got it instantly


37 here.

If you can't relate to 25 year olds, you probably just have problems relating to people in general

It sounds like either they or you are too redpilled.

You don't have to get along, all you need is for them to obey.

At least gen Z is shaping up to be much better than gen Y faggots.

Spot on

1. 80% of millennials are retards.
2. Don't treat the remainder 20% like the other 80%.

Yeah because op did not explain it. Only people with the same problem knew what he meant. When this was pointed out he got angry. Which is hilarious because he specifically asked for help from people who would not share his expierences.


What's spot on? You're literally not making any sense.

t. 24

How old is Gen Z now? Are they still literal children or are they 18+ now?

I feel this picture is undeserved because I also was different at 24. But here you go.

>asked for help from people who would not share his expierences.
That was my mistake I admit. I approached this from the wrong angle, asking the young people for help when I should've actually asked people my age.

Gen Z is 5 to 19 years old now.

Your mistake was asking Sup Forums for help on how to communicate better with other humans.

Neat posts.
>asked for help from people who would not share his expierences
My interpretation of OP is that they were making the assumption that some

This thread

Gen Y-Z are always wrong though

Look man, go home on your weekend and drop some acid.

That's all you need to do, trust me.

Gen Z is still just tablet toddlers. How sad are you that you're legitimately upset about them?

There's hardly any difference between late 20s and early to mid 30s. Stop acting like you're an old man. Old fags are 40+.

Gen Z is up to 19

Those polls are fucking useless you dumb faggot.

My friend, I'm 25 and work with older people very easily. It's very clear you've got some neurotic chip on your shoulder, and you're lazy with communication. The vague gap you're eluding to can only be solved if you put in the effort. All I'm getting from you is snark and pretentiousness. If that's your normal operating mode I see why you can't get along with people that have more energy than you.

Drugs aren't nice mmhkay.

Your problem really is too vague. There are many aspects to communication; It's a complicated thing, especially with technical subjects. You should probably cite some examples of communication breakdown so we can narrow down which parts are difficult for you. This is merely a suggestion, you can remain closed and defensive if you want.

Maybe the younger people don't have the same memes as you. So when you make a statement packed with relations and nuance, they miss the subtleties and thus your full meaning

>pls do thikning 4 me
>t. under 25

>may may arrows and strawman arguments
t. under 12

You must be 18+ to post here.

See, here is your problem. You're lazy. You literally have a group of people who are ostensibly less experienced than you, with different mental references, and you're unwilling to do the communication for mutual understanding. When I work with experts in different fields I ask them questions about how they understand things so I know where I have to defeat misconceptions. You seem to be completely unwilling to do this, which explains why you're bad at your job. You made me do all this guesswork instead of working with me to understand you. 30 and still a child

>all this guesswork
You know that Sup Forums is more than just you and one other person, right?

I assumed it was the same person because it's the same unproductive posting style

>OP didnt used a tripcode

Even more evidence to suggest that OP sucks rhino dick at his job

i'm 30, and work with a few 20-25 year olds and gotta say they're pretty based. they're studious, motivated and have an excellent work ethic. better than any 30-40 year olds in my project.

maybe you should stop hiring shit people.

>maybe you should stop hiring shit people.
That will never happen. Non-shit people require money, and you know what that means! Cheap ass managers lowballing every applicant, and only getting the bottom of the barrel to accept their offer!

This desu. You didn't even explain where you are having difficulties.

well i dont know where you work, but i work at a blue chip company in europe and even with top tier grades its almost impossible to get in, but the benefits and salary are excellent.

>blue chip company in europe
>even with top tier grades
AKA somewhere in poland paying poverty wages which is above the average wage in the area for programers.

Nobody will believe you, especially if you dont have a tripcode to keep consisency between posts.
Besides that, your problem here is that you are, as many people have already said, relying in an implied problem that most people here dont know what that is. You need to give examples, be specific, and actually tell what you would want to happen ideally. That might go more towards getting help from Sup Forums than insulting us for not being 30 and a project manager.

>AKA somewhere in poland paying poverty wages which is above the average wage in the area for programers.

Germany, but your point is still correct.

also, i'm not OP you dumb faggot.

OP here, why are underage fags still bumping this thread?


My problem has already been answered by actual 30 year olds.

Underage kids please fuck off.

ah yes, the land of where the government literally works with large corps to keep the status quo and avoid industry disruption. Where engineers are the top dog, and where I cant name a programming firm from that country.

I was talking about OP, who apparently cant hire good employees that he is able to communicate with.

>i'm not OP
>I was talking about OP
>your problem here is that you


30yr+ aren't gay enough to partake in polls. They have less time on their hands. There are far more underage boards like b or v

Stop pouring polluted water down my gullet and flashing a bunch shiny images in my face all day, then perhaps I'd be intellectually capable and lucid enough to understand what you're saying.

If you're not making any moves to deter such related ops in an obviously enlightened position of influence, then you are complicit in aiding this weird ass shit and its viral progression.

If you're one of those that are staying silent out of fear... (afraid of the personal, legal, career reprecussions, etc.) -- YOU as an individual, to a varying extent, are still very very responsible.

Technology has progressed to a point where there is no cover. Everyone from the commofolk to the most powerful people are equally visible and extensively illuminated.

Whether we like it or not, the people around us... maybe even the seemingly harmless and curious BFF coworkers we work along with in certain tech sectors, or those working in privileged areas of science, the high-level politicians... even the untouchable higher ups that appear to have limitless pull... Every single one and all of these people founded and identified as a guilty party will INEVITABLY face extreme criticism and reprimand. This reprimand cannot be halted or prevented by current powers seated on planet Earth.

Societal corrections will be brought on by the "tomorrowland" governments & people that inevitably, and dare I say currently, possess such advanced technology that would easily & adequately address these hushed issues we are facing (and far beyond).

In the future, we're not going to have the hurdles and barriers of such a limited dimensionality. And I have a nagging suspicion we will get around quite better... in an appropriately distant time in the future.

Them feels

This is the first time I've ever posted this:
That may be the most reddit comment I've ever seen on this board.

I thought it was a pasta at the beginning to be honest.
Anyways People need to stop bumping this stupid thread, OP already got told in the first 20 posts both why he's retarded and what he should do to be less retarded.

I am browsing this shithole since early 2007, daily and spread between at least 7-8 boards, and I can guarantee you that Sup Forums is one of the most mature boards if we exclude the dead ones

>muh leddit maymay and dum liburalz lmao
Nice tribalism, newfriend. Do you need to go and cool off?

You sound like you have inherited the position from someone who left for better pastures because no sane manager would have promoted someone with obvious communication issues like this.

>these kids just dont get it man!
>why do they all have these problems?
>why cant they just be [characteristics ive abritrarily ascribed to normal]?
>why are they so condescending!

>this thread is really funny in identifying how in-groups are able to identify and communicate effectively while finding difficulty in understanding or communicating with out-group members
I'm fucking stunned.

ITT: Old people are, once again, angry that the younger people think differently than they do. The young people fail to understand why the old people, for all their claimed superiority, can't figure out why they have a hard time communicating with the younger people.The same news as history repeats itself, again, at 11.

Nice memepost, friend. I didn't make my comment for reasons of spacing or differing opinion but for the amount of buzzwords, hyperbole, and things like
>dare I say

Tribalism is a fair assumption but an incorrect one. I visit reddit as often as I visit Sup Forums and the post I commented on feels like it belongs on /r/iamverysmart.

>You're stuck here forever