What OS to install?

Hello, I have a partition of some 40GBs。I want to install a new OS。I have Blarch Linux i3 and Slowdows 10 E。What should I install?

IvesOs is pretty good

Try void!

this thread is relevent to my interests too

i want to try a new distro, i' tried K/X/L/Ubuntu, Debian, Manjaro, Mageia, Void, Gentoo and FreeBSD.

want something new, light if possible with a GUI or Ncurse installing interface

i'm bored, what do you suggest Sup Forums?


debian testing

One with filled in full stops.

Try open suse I guess.
Anyway, OP here, I choose gentoo for the heck of it.

oh i already tried opensuse i forgot to mention it. it's the most professional feeling distro i ever tried besides ubuntu. maybe more even.

what does Sup Forums think of antergos? worth the try?

Haiku OS

Love Antergos, never had an issue myself

been using antergos for a few weeks now, would definitely recommend


Pop!_OS is pretty good, though it's still using Gnome. Keep that in mind because no matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd. This specific turd the nicest version of it that I have ever used.

Could someone explain why you consider linux distros different? What changes? Package manager, DE, dome minor custom tools? I see all linux distros like almost the same thing after installed.

>lists distros of one OS

You got it, also release cycle.


Cubes OS with i3

Ching chang chong です。

The one I use