Imho if you're learning a language that every english-native language learner in is...

Imho if you're learning a language that every english-native language learner in is, or a language that the only relevant countries are western countries where everyone speaks english, or a language that you'll never hope to be fluent in, you are wasting your time 99% of the time.

The only languages that are generally worth learning are:

Feel free to try to prove me wrong or add to this list

Pic unrelated

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if i were an american i would learn spanish

generally you should learn w/e is useful to you

Everyone learns spanish though


I already know

>Imho if you're learning a language that every english-native language learner in is
I in is very english, Learning must not to try to prove wrong.

all worthless desu

unless you're going to work/live there

I like this gif

wow me too what are the odds

>the only languages worth learning are the ones I'm studying/already proficient in

>>unless you're going to work/live there


i would rather learn ancient greek instead desu

>I'm from Poland, so Czech and Slovak are basically the same.
>Studied Latin all my life because Roman Catholic.
>I know English because I go to uni here.

What's a good language to learn in your opinion? Don't say Spanish, nobody wants to communicate with a bunch of beaners.

I like you.

>if you're learning a language that every english-native language learner in is, or a language that the only relevant countries are western countries where everyone speaks english
what he that is relevant speak in this say meaning?

I was talking about native english speakers, if you already know those languages it's a different story
>nobody wants to communicate with a bunch of beaners.

> What's a good language to learn in your opinion
see OP


Why on earth would you learn portuguese, specially considering your argument about countries where everyone speaks english? Portugal youngs are very fluent in english, specially for western/southern european standards.

And you don't want to talk with brazilian monkeys, do you?

Most people on this board will never step foot on Brazilian or Portuguese soil. Both countries are second world and aren't even economically dominating relevant. What's the point?

Might as well learn Somalian, you'll be communicating with the same type of people.

Brazil/Angola are pretty relevant

It's about business, not about talking to random niggers

The only relevant western countries that speak English well are Germanic. Everyone else sucks at it.

Why would you make business with a literal random nigger that can't speak english?

The only instance I can think of where Portuguese would come in handy is if I were to go to Brazil as a sex tourist. Even then, I could probably get around with English.

This subreddit is dedicated to creating a full language out of the fragments of the Khajiit language, called Ta'agra, that already exist in the games and other bits of lore.