How durable is your phone on PhoneBuff drop tests?

How durable is your phone on PhoneBuff drop tests?

A few examples (higher is better):

iPhone X: 39
iPhone 8+: 35
iPhone 8: 32
Samsung S8: 24


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Sage and hide.

>stop discussing technology on a technology board

Just don't drop your phone you fucking ape, look after you shit

With the kind of money you spend on it, you expect it to serve 1-2 years.
Are you telling me that in that period of time you will never drop it once? Seems very unlikely.

>all this projecting
I bet the shit shape your device is in would make a normie blush.

I never drop my phone.

With that said, you can't ignore basic statistics. There's a chance you drop your phone.

When I do, I'd rather have something durable rather than the Samsung S8 which seems to break easily.

I dropped my iPhone 6S+ once in stairs outside. Not a scratch but I did have a case. Not going to spend that much money without a case.

iPhone 7+ for 10 months now, not a single drop. It's not fucking difficult just keep mind of what your doing.

>iPhone X: 39
How exactly does it get this score? Because maybe the iPhoneX can remain working for much longer than the S8, but in a couple of waist high drops you'll be paying the price of the phone in repairs.

Feel free to watch the video and find out.

i scratched the screen from just putting coins in the same pocket that my phone was in,
even in your sources, the iphone x was the first iphone to survive the bonus drops. I could buy an S8 to replace my broken one instead of an iphone x.

Shill harder

>even in your sources, the iphone x was the first iphone to survive the bonus drops.

so that lines up with what I said about the iphone x being the most durable?

Why the fuck is something as revolutionary design of the s8 compared to a shitstick decade old design of an iPhone.
No fucking shit curved edges will crack sooner.

The real disappointment if the s8 is how fucking prone it is to scratches

>iphone x
>old design


I intentionally hurled my phone yesterday cause my dad pissed me off. it still works.

It's a flat screen with an ugly notch, congrats

It has Batman ears and it’s awesome. :-)

>it's a flat screen
>old design
kid, iPhone is trash but the curved screen meme is just for edgy 16-year-old

That's beside the point retard
>16 year old
>affording an s8

Well, coins are metal, which is very hard. What did you expect? This is why I use a screen protector film.

>coins are metal, which is very hard
Metal isn't particularly hard. Maybe you're confusing it with durability?

>strongest glass on a phone
>surgical grade stainless steel

sorry that your soyboy phone is made of inferior materials.

Are you a 12 year old girl?

emotionally yes

>applel cuck
>calling anyone a soyboy
I've seen it all now

>his phone is made of weak glass and plastic
>my phone is made of surgical grade stainless steel and the hardest gorilla glasss
whose phone is the soyboy phone?

>his phone is magnitudes more expensive, whilst only having an appearance of greater quality
soyboy detected

That's cute, my phone is made from titanium. Take a guess and reach for it's name like you reach for the top that magical notch

so you have a poorphone that cant wirelessly charge

>over $1000 for wireless charging
If I wanted wireless charging I'd get a Samsung, not the joke that applel offers

Hard enough to scratch a screen. You can grab a metal knife and try to cut your screen. It will leave a scratch.

Cute how you iToddlers didn't care about wireless charging before

apples wireless charging is better

how, it's slower

Case master race here. A simple tpu cover that provides a raised lip over the screen is god tier. It also helps to thicken out the phone a little, so you can hold it sideways comfortably. Add on a cheap screen protector and your phone will look like new until the day you throw it away.

no, once the airpower mat comes out it will be faster and allows multiple devices

So it's absolute fucking dogshit atm? Got it, buying a Note 8 now.

Who the fuck is phonebuff? Stop shilling dickhead