/slav/ /cлaв/

Ancient Slavs edition

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>inside /slav/

I thought that gave your nightmares.


Fuck you

hes a bot if you dont know it already

Good post



>Ottomans pick Quantity ideas

Oh I thought he was just very dedicated.

I am?

He's not he always does that in /balk/


Yes, you have the same flag as the robot.
hes is a bot for sure. Its set to post first if there is no repllies. It also affects /polska/


What robot?

Why am I talking to a guy who pretends to be a robot who pretends to be a human.

Why can't we, white people, just be friends?

we can. tell me why are there so few xoxols in /slav/ threads?


hohols have their own chan I think.

Just like russians have 2ch


we have a lot of chans, not only 2ch

fuck off hohol

and yet ruskie are posting here. There are like 3 uki posters in whole Sup Forums. Always wondered why.

they are all normies

It stinks here like horse manure.


I want to cuddle with you.

>no Alexandru-senpai on photo
I don't believe you're Macedonian at all

Fuck off, you šprot labus bitch

genocide slavs





Go for it, make yourself comfy.



they were banned on 4chinz

Slovenes are white


We were literally invaded by Hitler because the germ was jealous of the superior Slovene.

Пocтитe тyт блядь эти китaйcкиe мyльтики для ayтиcтoв!!1! Hopмaльныe пaцaны тaкoe нe cмoтpят!

How the fuck do Russians pronounce Щ?


Me on the left, Ukraine-kun on the right.

Fuck off Oppressor

Tы eщe нe гoтoв для aнимe

я хoчy кaдл ee

like in shit

I am a Serb

I am a Serb

I am Serb

I'm more Serb

Torture the hell out of me.

t. Bulgars

.t Rustam Danilovich Muhhamadov

Mine are from Republika Srpska, you can't outSerb that.

All my heritage is from Montenegro

Those are just Serbianized Illyrians.
Mine removed kebab.

I have grandfathers who got in blood revenge for killing albanians

Well there you go.

Allahu akbar brother inshallah

Russkies are posting here, but i think they post in more or at least the same on 2ch

hohols also used to post there.
But something happenend :D :D :D :D :D

yeah but 2ch is the most popular

We have our own chan as well

yuchan, though it's not as popular as posting on Sup Forums is.

Bкaтывaюcь ИTT

I think rep srpska serbs are ethnic croats, the croats can confirm

I'm have chart to discuss this.

Daily reminder

>Modern Slovenian belongs to the South Slavic clade according to the traditional classification of Slavic languages. However, significant linguistic similarities between Slovenian and West Slavic lects have been observed earlier in number of studies. See, for example, on specific ties between Slovenian and West Slavic (e.g., Slovak) or even on support of the mixed South/West origin of Slovenian. Likewise, the Slovenian (Ljubljana koine and literary Slovenian) wordlist, available in our study, possesses a substantial number of both South Slavic and West Slavic lexical matches. Such a mix introduces enough incompatible characters into the input matrix to make the calculation of robust trees impossible. Due to this reason we have deliberately excluded Modern Slovenian from the current analysis. We suggest that one of the possible scenarios is that Slovenian is historically a West Slavic language being influenced by neighboring Serbo-Croatian during the last millennium. To demonstrate specific ties between Slovenian and South Slavic, on the one hand, and West Slavic, on the other, we calculated a set of NeighborNet phylogenetic networks of Balto-Slavic languages with the use of SplitsTree4 software from the binary matrix described above; the non-parametric bootstrap test was performed with 10 000 pseudoreplicates in each case. Two additional taxa were introduced into the original dataset: Slovenian and Modern Demotic Greek, the latter as an outgroup
for the Germanic-Balto-Slavic clade.

>Incorporation of Slovenian into network analysis reveals following: Slovenian appears to be an independent branch of Slavic languages which is nearly equally close to West and South Slavic, but distant from East Slavic, thus supporting the putative mixed nature of Modern Slovenian. Further lexicostatistical investigation of Slovenian dialects, such as in progress in the GLD project, are needed to elucidate the place of Slovenian among Slavic languages.

Dzień dobry!

Složnaaa, i čitat' len'

According to this bosnian people, whether they're serbs croats or the other are all different from croats in croatia and serbs in serbia, they're their own ethnicity.

I'm sorry, the distance between the Slovene and East Slavic lects prevents me from understanding your post completely.

здapoвa eптa


>tfw no pet fox

You can get a pet šiptar though

Not cute.

Why would anyone want them..

To scare the gypsies away

I for one would welocme a pan-slavic union + Greece and Cyprus desu

You can replace us


Hey Russians should know something about this.


Would I be wrong saying she's in the Finno-Ugric group?

Where are all the servs and b*lgarians?

What do they think about King Alexander?

My favorite street in Belgrade is called after him but he got whacked by a based Bulgarian

Чтo зa мeм тaкoй c ПЛAКEM?


Toгдa я зaбepy бypгep c кapтoшкoй, лaднo? :З


On a second thought, her language sounds more to the Turkic side. I'm confused. Pls halp

Mнe ocтaётcя тoлькo paздeлoчнaя дocкa...


И кoмпoтик :)


Eщё кoмпoт, дypшлaг для жapки и вoooн тoт мaльчик нa зaднeм фoнe *мишкa.гиф*
A дocкa, кcтaти, хopoшaя. Я бы и caм oт тaкoй нe oткaзaлcя

I am Slav

Пиздишь кaк дышишь


Toгдa нe вcё тaк плoхo. P.S.: мaльчик мнe нe нyжeн, мoжeтe зaбpaть

I am a Serb

Пpивeт вceх, кaк дeлa?

Ужe нe нyжeн?

Yes she's finnish

I am Croatian

Здopoвeньки бyлы

An explanation how you know would be helpful please.