How's that depressing?

How's that depressing. user is a virgin gamer. Married man answered him (Me)

Because you sound like a lifeless faggot.

It is indeed fucking depressing


Are you slav?
Because that looks average around here.

I live in Eastern Europe ;)

Well that explains it.
I'd even say Romania; everything in that pic makes me think of it (the things dangling off the wall, table, chair, tablecloth, mugs...)

Fuck, depressing is the norm in this part of the world, we don't even notice it anymore.

I guessed it was eastern europe by the table cloth lol
It really depends what else is in the room
I picture a dining table behind the camera, with the kitchen to the left and living room to the right.
If that's the case, it is depressing.

It's a bedroom. Me and my life live there. Big bed, big window, squirrels, subwoofer. Baby bed, etc. Wooden floor. Pic related, wife painted me

I actually live in Estonia.

Looks comfy. Glad it's not in the dining room.
btw you should really stop taking anything r9k says seriously, they're faggots.

>spergs don't realize that foreign people might be into different aesthetic, the official thread

Ok, figured
Love Sup Forums and technology (as a hobby)


I'm not much of a viddy player but I can't count the number of times I've beaten that game, perfection in every sense of the word.

People don't seem to understand the more rustic life in Estonia.

Estonians enjoy simpler things/aesthetics than their Western counterparts.

Häid jõule, Sõber!

t. Yankee Eestiphile.

Häid jõule Sullegi!

Sa oled väga lahke. Tänan Sind.

Because they are p00r as fuck

I loathe this meme. Estonia has become a tech powerhouse since re-independence (taasiseseisvumispäev) in 1991 and their GDP per capita is quickly catching up to Finland's.

Latvia and Lithuania are much poorer.


Eesti on imeline maa.

Eesti on ihmeellinen maa

where's the squatting table?


Joo, serkku.

They're not Slavs. Estonians are Finns with a funny accent and propensity to break out into spontaneous singing festivals.

You have a containment thread. Calling your computer a "battlestation" sounds retarded. And a lot of these guys that post pictures of their "battleships," well they look more like autistic spaceships than anything.

>Fixed her fridge and washing machine
>her fridge


In a proper house, the fridge and washing machine are the domain of the Woman until they break.

Soome-Viro Khanate soon.

wife hm

Oh, I guess, you have a point user.

face please, I hope you are not a nigger

Fucking burgers, guy probably lives in eastern europe, it's pretty normal.

>in estonia
Sup Forums pls contain yourself

Get some aesthetics in your life. You'll be happier living in a nicer looking home

>plastic stool
I'm triggered.

That is only depressing to people who spend too much time online.

idk man, I hope you dont get invaded also. Im here in romania, and slowly its happening

Fun fact: Finnish and Estonian languages have no future tense or gender pronouns.

Judging by the floor design, I'm guess in your either in Põlva or Tartu maakond.

>I'm guess in your either in Põlva or Tartu maakond.

Okay, I'm having a stroke, it seems.

I'm guessing you're either in Põlva or Tartu maakond.

>not having this comfy-as-fug setup

are jealous?

>Framed Nine Inch Nails "Sin" single.

Lol, they sure are, ;)

There are lots of them in Tallinn nowadays. I see 5-6 of them in my daily commute... and in the the tenths on weekends.

I do love Latvia, though. 3rd best country in the world. They have supermarkets that are designed to kill Russians still occupying the country.

fuck that is depressing, like a plague

Nah, it's fine. Maybe they find every workplace that didn't cost $90000 depressing. Battlestation thread is mostly a bored richfag circlejerk.

why the do you think anyone cares whether you're married and what your shitty setup looks like? if you were really so happy you wouldn't be attention whoring on a mongolian animation forum

I thought this was a Finnish Squeaky Cheese Appreciation Forum.

How autistic are you to be able to tell the location of a house in a tiny third world shithole country by the fucking flooring?

w....wheres the base?

wt cop this cozy slavstation


lucky you, age of consent is 14 in your country, no wonder she painted such a shoddy picture
that chair is bad for your back, long term, why do you even need a calendar? the tablecloth is most likely plastic